Просмотр полной версии : At me a myopia of a high degree (-8). The Duration of gestation of 5 months. Doctors of the rivers...

26.08.2004, 21:23
At me a myopia of a high degree (-8). The Duration of gestation of 5 months. Doctors recommend to do or make Keseravo. How much or as far as it to be reflected in the child and on its or his further development

29.08.2004, 05:07
How much or As far as I know, cesarean section - operation scheduled. Especially to you in advance advise. If you will agree on it - that mistakes or errors probably any cannot be. There all in advance measure. At my friend 2 cesarean - boys both bogatyrs. In the sense that have already grown and very much and very healthy.

29.08.2004, 20:43
At me too two girlfriends "kesarilis", one of them even two times with a difference in two years, all at them is normal. And at you too very well will be!!!

02.09.2004, 13:36
All depends on a status of a retina of your eyes. Many, having a high degree of a myopia, give birth or travail. Address to the oculist who can look or see your retina on the special laser apparatus.