Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I am going to in marriage and to me have diagnosed: Sklerokistoz jaichni...

30.08.2004, 14:21
Hello! I am going to in marriage and to me have diagnosed: Sklerokistoz ovaries and a hypoplasia of a uterus of 1 degree. Whether I can become pregnant and bear or become pregnant and take out the child. Thanks

Shapovalova L.M., .lms@fromru.com
31.08.2004, 22:11
Hello Elena. Your diagnosis - not a verdict. Imatka can develop still up to normal and the ovulation to pass or take place normally. Only it is necessary to adjust a hormonal background.

02.09.2004, 10:37
Decay on you is available. Professional. I can remove or take off, to me show. It also is the REASON of your problems.

02.09.2004, 13:14
Elena, I advise to wait the answer of the competent highly skilled doctor - doctor Kamenetsky leading this section, soon should return from holiday.