Просмотр полной версии : Pains in the first day

01.09.2004, 21:14
Good afternoon!

Very much I hope, that somebody will prompt how to get rid of a mad pain during 1-st day of a menses.

Earlier Nospanum helped or assisted. Then Ibufrofenum. Then ketanov. Analginum... In general long enough list of preparations, but ALREADY NOTHING HELPS or ASSISTS!!! A pain such, that is simple hochetsja to die.

At the reference or manipulation to the gynecologist to me simply every time appoint or nominate a new analgetic, but in couple of months he simply ceases to operate or work!

What to do or make? Can eat what or other agents?

For early very much I thank.

01.09.2004, 21:27
Melanija, ostawte swoy e-mail....

01.09.2004, 21:32
E-mail melania-m@mail.ru

01.09.2004, 21:32

Reveal secret - how old are you? You sometime used OK?

01.09.2004, 21:32
Thanks big, that you have responded.

To me 22 years. OK did not accept never.

In general it would be desirable to learn or find out with what such pains can be connected? Gin.osmotr I pass or I take place on a regular basis, like problems any and is not present with health. Except for this. But she became too great...

Very much I hope to receive though what nibud advice or council...

01.09.2004, 21:32

Morbid menses very familiar problem to the majority of young women. The problem as a rule simply - contraceptives is solved. As last generation OK can be used years.

01.09.2004, 21:32
What a pity, that anybody and has not responded.

: (

In general certainly not the problem of times in a month to endure a pain, but there is one more big doubt.

Always when the menses which as always is accompanied by such terrible nagging pains in a bottom of a stomach or belly and in legs or foots begins, I always with horror think - if during monthly SO painfully, as then during sorts or labors?

In the near future I plan pregnancy. But very strongly I am afraid. Because of the above-stated problem.

The truth heard such opinion, what after sorts or labors all can change in the best party or side?

Can then somewhat quicker to give birth?

Somebody can *quot; O???NO?n*quot; also will respond...

: (

01.09.2004, 21:32
Thanks, thanks big Tatyana!

But there are some more questions in connection with reception Ok.

On how much all the same it is harmless?

I was going to to accept OK after a birth of the child. (it is very deep zasela at me an idea on their harm - probably I am not right?)

And more:

After several months of reception OK, in those cycles when to not accept OK all again will start to hurt or be ill;be sick? Or OK in itself already are treatment?

01.09.2004, 21:32
You should get used to an idea, that OK for you it not only contraception, but also treatment t.est a way out. OK at least do not harm and if to speak about a parity or ratio *quot; oONn*quot; the/advantage we do not see harm any (if to read through the instruction and to not use them and when it is not necessary), and here advantage or benefit is obvious. As to stop reception OK it is simple - it is necessary to finish only packing, and to not begin new. After a cancelling of contraceptives the effect from will depend and on duration of their reception.

algodismenoreja after after pregnancy can stop (so differently are called a morbid menses), - you are more likely right. But in fact it does not mean, what pregnancy is necessary only for this purpose?

01.09.2004, 21:32
Thanks big once again for the answer!


Probably you will respond to such question.

With OK I have understood all.

But at present such situatsija-we with the husband want the child. 2 month has already gone as we are not protected. But here till that time while I not zaberemenneju (I so understand one month) - at present can be necessary not - that it is possible to accept that it really has appeared effective? Can eat any homeopathic preparations or still what or agents? (who that advises to take a warm bath who that on the contrary-put that or cold on a stomach or belly, simultaneously approving or confirming, that baths are harmful during monthly - to one another contradicts...)

What are possible or probable other preparations, except for usual analgetics?

At present Ok-not a variant while.

Or it is necessary to postpone pregnancy and still to spend on drink how much months Ok? If yes how long to drink?

For early very much I thank.


Dima (123456)
01.09.2004, 21:32

You solve when to plan pregnancy. If you have an opportunity to not hurry up think about OK on half a year for now as the advanced user of a network, esteem about -effect...

Yes the homeopathy will help or assist you how influence of a moonlight on body height of lampposts.