Просмотр полной версии : Planning of pregnancy

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01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! At me a diabetes mellitis of 1 type (polinejropatija, etsefalopatija, a ketosis). To me 24 years. Prompt how to plan please pregnancy in my case, what most frequent complications both at mother and at the child can be. What should be preparation and where it or she can be passed or taken place in St.-Petersburg?

01.09.2004, 19:30
On idea pregnancy is counter-indicative to you: (

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dron, we shall not respond so categorically.

Beremennst it is absolutely counter-indicative at a diabetes mellitis after transplantation of a kidney as responded diabetologi to this question already 15 years ago.

Another matter that is absolutely not clear as the girl with SD 1 with presently can speak in general about planning pregnancy at DEKOMPENSIROVANNOM 1

It is possible to plan pregnancy ONLY at achievement normoglikemiii, it or her (normoglikemiju) it is necessary to support or maintain ALL pregnancy, it is necessary to be trained at special school - Diabetum and pregnancy.

Let's begin with the beginning - and you in general at school of Diabetum were trained, how you solve a problem of a ketosis, what at YOU with an eyeground, how much years to Diabetum, whether are a nephropathy, and .samoe the main thing - where yours diabetolog?

01.09.2004, 19:30
It agree completely, yes I and did not speak is counter-indicative, is simple under the description Diabetum the extremely serious, time already is an encephalopathy and polinejropatija. Simply, most likely, after pregnancy (at all the fact that will be possible to inform up to term) the patient will turn to the serious invalid. (in due time in 1 which maternity home specializes on pregnancy at Diabetum, has seen enough enough).

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dron, polinejropatija - not a parameter of gravity of Diabetum even on our domestic classification Kljachko (I shall remind .chto degrees of gravity of Diabetum - ours otechestvenaja idea, but the key dividing moment in them - an expression mikroangiopaty.

As to an encephalopathy..... Who it or her put and why, it still a question... But if she is-it consequence or investigation, most likely .gipoglikemy .i she meshat in that degree. In what the bases to assume are broken or disturbed kognitivnye functions .est all, that the little girl badly compensates Diabetum.

Now about vynashivanii children. As it is easy to guess, your obedient servant too has an operational experience with sick of Diabetum.

To bear or take out the healthy child-uneasy job even for the healthy pregnant woman, it is the hardest work for the woman with Diabetum - normal glikogemoglobin before the conception, five times a day kontrool glycemias within 9 months .spetsializirovannyj rodrom... Moreover the raised or increased probability of presence of an accompanying pathology - well .hot autoimunnogo a hypothyrosis...

But all should be conducted these conversations, having examined the girl and motivirovav it or her first of all on indemnification of Diabetum - it or her otvetstvenost both before itself and before the possible or probable future child - here the most important, instead of an interdiction - never and for what...

Though a real encephalopathy and nekomplaetntnost can really prevent...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. Galina Afanasievna! And as the real encephalopathy can prevent pregnancy!?;)

Really such diagnosis is? Well there is a hypoglycemia, then a coma. There is a hyperglycemia, then giperosmoljarnaja a coma. Is Ketoatsidoz and... But here something did not hear a diabetic encephalopathy???

01.09.2004, 19:30
Diabetic entsefalopatija-a lesion of cells of a brain as a result of frequent, repeating hypoglycemias, and also as a result of the certain metabolic disturbances at a diabetes mellitis.

http: // www.encephalopathy.ru/onpublic.jsp? action = " and amp; pub_id=2104

http: // medgazeta. //2001/41/nau.htm

http: // www.umj.kiev.ua/arhiv/13/s_13_5_99_504.asp

And more tens jobs where it is possible "to hear" the diagnosis a diabetic encephalopathy.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The real encephalopathy prevents pregnancy cannot (I shall attach all the same smilies to my reports, without them my jokes, apparently, are not clear).

The real encephalopathy .-for depressions kognitivnyh functions will prevent to cooperation of the patient and the doctor (do not forget, that we talk in the open space) and, accordingly, to training bolnomgo and to performance of demands by it or him under indemnification of Diabetum.

.vmeste with that for me in many respects a riddle (unlike mister Zajtseva) are actually diagnostic criteria which ENDOCRINOLOGISTS or NEUROPATHOLOGISTS use, establishing or installing this diagnosis at SD..

Here again I share YOUR position.

01.09.2004, 19:30

=== Diabetic entsefalopatija-a lesion of cells of a brain as a result of frequent, repeating hypoglycemias, and also as a result of the certain metabolic disturbances at a diabetes mellitis. ===

With your permission I shall finish your post (*quot; zgadochnyh *quot; the certain metabolic disturbances;) ==== g and p e r g l and to e m and and.

proff. Cats (link)

The diabetic encephalopathy (DE) - disturbance of functions of a brain of metabolic character, usually develops gradually, often flows subklinicheski, its or her displays mask: at young - consequences transferred or carried acute ketoatsidoticheskih episodes, at elderly - disturbances of a cerebral circulation.

Uh you!!! Well try or taste here mind... You will not sap (joke)

DE - disturbance kognitivnyh functions (depression of memory and attention, retardation of thinking, apathy, the depression specifying a primary lesion of median structures or frames of a brain).

The answer, in nekorektnosti this definition - the diagnosis that similar changes occur or happen at gipo - and hyperglycemias which are characteristic not only for Diabetum, but also for other diseases. And in general it is the Syndrome, e p and z about d Vladimir Jakovlevich.. An episode, as well as with t at p about r or to about m and. Represent if the patient will write out with diagnosis Insulinzavisimyj Diabetum. A diabetic Sopor. Which was at DKA.

Uv. Galina Afanasievna! I have noticed you know the Ukrainian tongue

To me has reminded it one tragicomic episode when in one of the Ukrainian hospitals the resuscitator explained to the drunk relative, (kumu, together with the victim have turned over on a tractor), the forecast of the patient with CHMT.

Whether a pier poimaete.. CHMT.. Well and vobshchem the Sopor.. The Stupor.. The Coma... Also looks in a pause of hope of comprehension in the face Kuma.

- Kum: - *quot; So likujte (that is treat)!!

- VA (with a boring): - *quot; I speak you that the COMA!! *quot;

- Kum: - *quot; So tse shchezh not KRAPKA!! *quot;

On ukrainski *quot; e?a*quot; - a comma. *quot; eOaa*quot; - a point!!

Since then expression, on a question:-and quot also began to occur; Well as there? *quot; As, as.. The Sopor, the Stupor, the Coma........ krapka!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear doctor Libman a-saxophone!

The letter of our girl and YOUR comment to it or him;them has reminded me, that on my memory at one forum of endocrinologists we did not speak seriously in general about competency of statement of the diagnosis a diabetic encephalopathy, about criteria of this status (or that there at us instead of it or him...) .ni about ethics of its or his statement.

It is necessary to tell or say, as our interns not time asked me both about competency of the similar diagnosis, and about the ethical party or side of its or his statement.

I think, that at the nearest sessions of the Moscow Society (and on others) we shall try to look for the answer...

I shall be grateful for offers.

From my point of view, it would be possible to manage the syndromal description but where to put Hypoglicemic unawareness?

Certainly, it krapka in a motley palette of problems .svjazannyh with Diabetum, but you are right, with this krapkoj well to understand (though .konechno, the core-it comas - by the way, the quantity or amount of morses from diabetic comas in Moscow continues steadily and to decrease authentically- from the Moscow congress of endocrinologists). HAVE won to that, we shall win and krapku!!!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. Galina Afanasievna! Now various terms to describe these frustration (an organic syndrome of a brain, acute serebralnaja a failure, a -metabolic encephalopathy or there an exogenous psychosis, etc.) are used many Vobshchem all it speaks about the valid difficulty somehow kontseptualizirovat this category and to give precise about p r e d e l e n and e. In my opinion most precisely would sound, what is it Group psiho - neurologic with and n d r about m about in caused by a failure / disease / a lesion of various organs except for a brain . That is an important point should be what is it with and n d r about m. With podrazumevaniem an episode - time or temporary disturbance of functions of consciousness. At a deep hypoglycemia, (it already To about m), with the residual psychoneurological phenomena I already would speak about the Organic Lesion of the Brain. As postresuscitatic- or gipoksicheskaja the encephalopathy at the residual phenomena already speaks about organic, irreversible damages of structures or frames. That is, the organic chemistry is the chronicle - the diagnosis means. An incidence - convertibility, a syndrome. In other words. In clinic we can diagnose the Encephalopathy, but thus concretizing Gipo/giperglikemicheskaja. That we would have ostatochnye/the chronic phenomena, the patient should visit in To about m e. As the level of a glucose causing does not conduct an encephalopathy to irreversible disturbances. And then if to put the discharge diagnosis, to concretize. Diabetum. giperglikemicheskaja the Coma. Postcomatose illness or disease or the Organic Lesion of the Brain. But not a diabetic encephalopathy.

01.09.2004, 19:30
1. More severe changes of this sort has given rise to the term diabetic encephalopathy , a concept which has later been supported by magentic-resonance findings of abnormal plaques in long-term diabetic patients with peripheral neuropathy and microangiopathy.

http: // www.diabetolognytt.nu/skyddat/neuropsychological.html

And also

2. Deigaard A, Gade A, Larsson V, Balle A, Parving H - Evidence for diabetic encephalopathy. Diabetic Med 1991; 8 : 162-7.

3. http: // www.diabetolognytt.nu/nummer3_97/recension2.html

4.http: // www.3iwc.riken.go.jp/CONGRESS/SYMPO/SAN0114/AC0103/TIT.HTM

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear sir Libman a-saxophone!

You, probably, know, that question, that we discuss, was already discussed in the European literature about 10 years ago. We shall necessarily return to it or him;them on one of the nearest diabetic forums.

Dear sir Zajtsev! I am grateful to you for links which, alongside with other available sources, will undoubtedly benefit lecturers.

The PROBLEM not in that, is or not changes kognitivnyh functions, behaviour, data MRT and so forth at badly treated Diabetum.

All fine understand, that we mean under diabetic nejropatiej, there are consensuses and there are criteria of the diagnosis.

A little bit worse (as we were convinced from our discussions, the comprehension of is that such diabetic stop and why in clauses or articles which on her are written, it it it is necessary to specify type of disturbance .i to result or bring classification on Wagner or a stage of an ischemia on Fontejn).

BUT all problem that the consensuses developed to the SAME measure on the ENCEPHALOPATHY (criteria of an establishment of the diagnosis, the expert, its or his establishing or installing, whether we have is right to specify this diagnosis in an extract to acquaint with it or him the patient and t.d) - here questions not solved in our country.

I assure YOU, that TOOL method MRT does not give the doctor of the basis to put this diagnosis though allows to reveal those or other deviations or rejections from norm or rate.

Understand, the mentality of the person - and thinking is a function of a brain, well though in it or this YOU with me agree? - it is extreme variabelna, and .naprimer, absence of sense of humour, a rigidity, viscosity, nekomplaentnost, disturbances of the bill or storing of words in in tests are widespread enough in a population, no less than a headache.

And time not t arrangements by criteria how I can be assured, what the doctor who has put to the girl this diagnosis, understands as it or him the same, as I or another diabetolog?

Here it also is a problem of the clinician - to provide preemstvenost diagnoses and treatment by creation of consensuses, references.... All this should work for the blessing of the patient. Probably, that the little girl has carelessly complained of a headache, or has insulted a nurse in hospital....

01.09.2004, 19:30
Galina Afanasevna!

My links only in communication or connection: Really such diagnosis is? Well there is a hypoglycemia, then a coma. There is a hyperglycemia, then giperosmoljarnaja a coma. Is Ketoatsidoz and... But here something did not hear a diabetic encephalopathy???


Yours faithfully.

01.09.2004, 19:30
And I am good... Olga asks - and where to be prepared .projti inspection - and I be silent. Olja .raz you from Pitera-know. You have a city dispensary., there is a faculty of Petersburg Academy. The address of faculty I remember by heart L.Tolstogo,-8. Alsu Gufurovna Zalevskaja. Institute Otta - Potin V.V.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. In Hares! Thanks for links. By the way with Bulgarian porosjat-sosunov, I have not failed nearly from a chair with laughter. The word of honour... Laughed at tears.

In occasion of the last.. We Read closely or attentively!

The diagnosis!


Once again D And And G N About Z!

And eshyo time for Valentine Jakovlevich of mansion!

D both and and and and and and and and g g g g g n n n n n about about about z z z z z z z z!!!!!

The link ++++ term diabetic encephalopathy +++

TERM (English) the Term, Expression. Can upotrebljatsja in speech both in a straight line, and in not to a straight line and even to be written on a fence.

So Valentine Jakovlevich... I of it or this did not hear the Diagnosis and did not see and I do not put.

PS Read Valentine Jakovlevich links closely or attentively, the author has knowingly taken this in inverted commas, that the editor would not kill from rogatki for d and ag n about z DE.


01.09.2004, 19:30

Other sources have not reached? There inverted commas are not present, it should you urgently rogatki to make.

And you put what diagnoses, it already from other discussions is visible (the Local pathology of a liver? Help or assist to diagnose):


From the point of view of patanatomii it can be an early stage of the Lymphogranulomatosis, and so early that not only on US, but also on the Computer. Tomographies (!) lifouzlov do not find augmentation (!!!)

On a question: that it for such early stage of the Lymphogranulomatosis, and so early, that not only on US, but also on the Computer. Tomographies do not find augmentation of lymphonoduses (!!!), but thus ALREADY and pains in right hypochondrium and a malaise, a nausea, a nasal bleeding and t. The item, you have majesticly kept silent. I understand, to respond there to everyone "bomzhatniku" to the Great ??i?a?-saxophone not predstalo, but can also another it would be instructive.

By the way, that you were not confused and did not trouble yourself with storing of my name, write simply-.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Valentine Jakovlevich! To tell the truth I do not understand your question in occasion of LGM. Sometimes at similar sorts laparatomijah, *quot; when it is impossible ??????Oy*quot;, initial stages of various diseases which else come to light or are taped do not prove clinically. It LGM, a cirrhosis, a tuberculosis and so forth Also they are not the reasons *quot; otrogo ??oOa*quot;.

To mine to a pain it is logical.

And I do not understand.. You did not study in medicine! As to you in a head on special honey in general comes to argue. To questions. It that a hobby such!? For *quot; pigs-??O?o*quot; thanks, for a long time so did not laugh. I have simply presented, that open JAMA or BMJ, and there *quot; 20 porosjat-sosunov were randominizirovany on pjatochkovosti....., etc. And in extremity or end Conclusions, that loss in weight not because of deformation pjatachka, (as the insufficient quantity or amount of papillas was supposed earlier), and at the sow and the reason for it or this it is probable ejnyj svino-, the champion in weight, on last year's selhoz to an exhibition passed or taken place under a nickname *quot; C?O?i?O?*quot; *quot;


01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes, I did not finish medical institute. But already more than twelve years closely communicate and I work with doctors and even I read to them lectures (on those things, where I the expert). Participated in a number of microbiological, biochemical researches, clinical morphology, etc.

And so, unfortunately, among "ended" enough such with which really to argue there is nothing. (from present I do not mean Anybody).

Certainly, it is possible to be covered all time with irony, to withdraw conversation on pigs, but on a question, whence the diagnosis a-lymphogranulomatosis, at absence even the slightest attributes of augmentation of lymphonoduses, to respond: so same to a pain it is logical and to be covered with the diploma.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Kind Lieberkuhn-Sakmann!

Well, what you so on pigs sink down? Would explain better about lifogranulematoza. People, in fact, worries!;)

01.09.2004, 19:30
And here limfogranulemotaz and my questions??????? Discussion was tightened or delayed, yes not on that subject (I can that that and not doponimaju), it is necessary to be *quot; seven spans in ?iO*quot; to define or determine, who about what speaks. Misters, you have not forgotten that all your retorts is read by me - the simple inhabitant, at all or completely not the physician on a speciality, and absolutely naooborot, but distinguish a lymphogranulomatosis from a diabetes mellitis I can.

Yours faithfully to you and your trade.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes, Olga, you are right. Conversation has left aside, but unless prof. G.A.Melnichenko any more has not advised you where also to that to address in With-NONOiOOuN?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes you are right, to me have advised, but time dialogue has begun on the certain subject connected with Diabetum as each your answer is published in the given discussion on mine e-mail, let's respect with interests each other as the subject of discussion is called *quot; obstetrics and u??N?u?n*quot; and and here pigs to me it is not clear.

I at all do not wish you to offend, but time discussion was tightened or delayed, so let she sticks to one subject. And that turns out, that on discussion on a subject *quot; planning iNON?N???O?*quot; it is possible to learn or find out about all problems of mankind.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The girl, it is not necessary to build us! By mail such illnesses or diseases are not treated. If you are exasperated with reports on e-mail, you can unsubscribe. And discussion develops on the logic, and the decision on inexpediency of its or her continuation accepts a moderator.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The girl has a name, and I at all do not build you.

And to you as to the person with higher education (?) only I recommend to learn elementary politeness!