Просмотр полной версии : Steroids or immunoglobulin?

01.09.2004, 19:30
At the wife antifosfolipidnyj a syndrome.

In different places offer different treatment - steroids or a globulin.

Help or Assist to understand with a choice.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear DICK!

Leaning or Basing on that information (to be exact, its or her practically full absence) which you have resulted or brought, hardly someone at a forum can give adequate advice or council.

antifosfolipidnyj the syndrome accompanies with many diseases, variously thus being shown. As to glucocorticoids or an intravenous immunoglobulin very doubtfully, that they would be basic, especially unique preparations which treated your wife. Their purpose or appointment can be svjazanno with other accompanying reasons, for example, with a low level of thrombocytes in a blood, quite often meeting at AFS.

The woman
01.09.2004, 19:30
Business not in treatment, and in a choice most optimalnoo a way of conducting planned pregnancy. (two previous have stood, then corresponding or meeting inspection) has been spent

In the center of an immunology and a reproduction (is in institute of rheumatology http: // cir.msk.ru/indexru.shtml) recommend an immunoglobulin.

In *quot; -?n???N*quot; on the basis of bassejnovoj hospitals of the Ministry of a marine sea fleet - steroids.

Here also there is a problem of a choice.

Analyses is available on decent volume and to copy them here entirely senselessly. If it is necessary, I shall inform any parameter.

The problem in understanding efficiency and safety of those and other methods.

Are ready to descend or go on reception to the third, but the independent party or side. Here only to that?

01.09.2004, 19:30

The method of wearing out of pregnancy most comprehensible now at antifosfolipidnom a syndrome it NMG + Aspirinum (from 20 % up to 75 % raises or increases vynashivaemost pregnancy). If still actually write on a mail or here.
