Просмотр полной версии : boli v jivote

01.09.2004, 19:30
Zdravstvuite! V pervyi den cikla u menia chasto nabliudaiutsa boli vnizu jivota. Samoe strannoe, chto oni gorazdo slabee, esli ia nichego ne em i u menia pustoi kishechnik. Neujeli est kakai-to sviaz mejdu pischevaritelnoi i polovoi sistemoi? Otvette, pojaluista, TK eto vajno dlia formulirovki moego sleduiuschego voprosa... Spasibo:)

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. Ruslana!

If you and further are measured or going to ask questions at Russian forums for simplification of a life of advisers use a transliteration: http: // www.translit.ru

Pains in the beginning of a cycle are not bad removed or not bad taken out by nonsteroid antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory preparations: from bezretsepturnyh in France you can get or naproxen 200-400 mg once a day or is less more effective ibuprofen 400 mg 2 times a day a little. At each woman intensity algodismenorrei can depend on different factors and alas is not a rule.

Tatyana To.
01.09.2004, 19:30
Spasibo za otvet, doktor! Ia izviniaius za latinskii shrift, no u menia net vozmojnosti pechatat ' po-russki. Ia postaraius pisat ' poniatno...

Ia xotela by prodoljit ' temu moego pervogo voprosa: Sviaz ' bolei v kishechnike (?) s boliami, imeiuschimi otnoshenie k gynecologii.

4 dnia nazad posle potreblenia jirnoi pischi, u menia bolel jivot, ochen silno. Snachala-v levom boku, bylo vzdutie jivota. Potom bol peremestilas vniz jivota, opiat je so vzdutiem.eto prodlilos 3 dnia. No oschuschenie takoe, chto bol ne imela otnoshenia k pischevareniu. (Obychno jivot v takix sluchaiax bolit inache, kak ni glupo eto zvuchit) Osnovnaia bol proshla, no teper ', najimaia na niz jivota, libo, imeia polovoi kontakt, ia chuvstvuiu bol, ne ostruiu, a kak by myshechnuiu, vnutri. Eto ochen nepriiatno i, ma moi vzgliad, nenormalno. Nado dobavit, chto eto u menia uje ne pervyi raz...

Esli vy mojete skazat ' svoe mnenie naschet moei problemy. Schitaete li vy, chto ia doljna sdat ' kakie-libo analizy? Chto tak je nepriiatno, chto tut, vo Francii, vrachi ochen neser'ezno otnosiatsa k etim vescham i ob'iasniaiut vsio nervnymi potriaseniami. I ne lechat i daje ne schitaiut nujnym sdelat analizy.

Spasibo bolshoe za vashe vnimanie...:)

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks for the answer, the doctor! Ia izviniaius for latinskii the font, but at menia is not present vozmojnosti to print in Russian. Ia postaraius to write poniatno...

Ia would like prodoljit a subject of my first question: Sviaz bolei in an intestine (?) with boliami, imeiuschimi the attitude or relation to gynetsologii.

4 dnia back after potreblenia jirnoi pischi, at menia hurted or was ill;was sick jivot, ochen silno. Snachala-in left to a side, there was an inflation jivota. Then bol peremestilas downwards jivota, an opiate e with vzdutiem.eto prodlilos 3 dnia. But oschuschenie such, that bol had no otnoshenia to pischevareniu. (it is usual jivot in such sluchaiah hurts differently as it is silly eto sounds) Osnovnaia bol has passed or has taken place, but now, najimaia on a bottom jivota, or, imeia polovoi contact, ia chuvstvuiu bol, not ostruiu, and as though myshechnuiu, inside. Eto ochen nepriiatno and, mA mine vzgliad, nenormalno. It is necessary will add, that eto at menia ue not pervyi time...

If you moete to tell or say the opinion about moei problems. Whether you consider or count, what ia doljna to hand over any analyses? That so e nepriiatno, that here, in France, doctors ochen is frivolous otnosiatsa to etim vescham and obiasniaiut vsio nervous potriaseniami. Also do not treat and dae not schitaiut nujnym sdelat analyses.

Thanks bolshoe for your attention...

Dear Ruslana!

Here is how your message looks or appears at use translita on the site specified by me if will be close or attentive to the coding above a window mistakes or errors will be even less. Be not lazy, it or him will master also to advisers it will be easier.

On digestion: at fatty abusings use any that with digestive enzymes (a la Festalum) for prophylaxis such *quot; ?N?oaON??*quot; (reception simultaneously with alimentary excesses), otherwise do not use too fat nutrition. On pains in the first day of a cycle in pred. Posting.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Znaete, ochen ' slozhno menjat ' navyki, kogda GODAMI pishesh odnim sposobom, a tebe vdrug predlagajut drugoj....

V predydushhem pis'me ja sprashivala, mogut li boli, kotorye ja opisala vyshe i kotorye ispytyvaju v dannyj moment, byt ' ginekologicheskogo xaraktera? Tak kak bolit pri nazhatii vnizu zhivota i pri polovom kontakte. Jeto glavnoe, chto ja xotela znat '. (TK zdes' ja ne mogu pojti k vrachu, kogda mne zablagorassuditsja - randjevu berutsja za MESJAC!)


PS: Esli jeto mozhet pomoch ':mne 25. Detej, abortov, boleznej, operacij ne bylo....

01.09.2004, 19:30
All can be, the best answer will be given by the expert at internal contact...