
Просмотр полной версии : Krovomazanie before monthly

Masha s
01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon, dear doctors!

To me of 35 years. Abortions were not. Labors 9 years ago one, pregnancy-one. Till 34 years of problems with menst.tsiklom it was not absolute (that is called: day-in put) .a now at me simply nervous failure.

Last 3 months I am am excruciated with uncertainty as there is a problem. Exactly on 20 put a cycle begin brown allocation (a cycle of stable 26 29 days) which 3 days last. The last months it was very slightly, almost imperceptibly (as though beige bleach), and last month - much more intensively. Was at 2 gynecologists, see nothing criminal. Has made US for 20 day (in a uterus is inters. 1.9 site mm, nine months ago he was 1.4 mm) and so the doctor of US has told or said, that no trouble, that could cause such phenomenon she does not see. SHejka pure or clean, a cytology normal. The general or common an. Bloods - ideal, the analysis of a blood on hormones a board. Glands (I have handed over, t. To. I accept L-a thyroxine 50 in occasion of hr. A thyroiditis) too absolutely normal - on T4, T3 and TTG - average value or meanings;importance of norm or rate. The only thing that has appeared abnormal - at me and the husband have found gardnerelyoz (at me, the truth, individual quantity or amount and it is a little raised or increased the leukocytosis). All other infections are not found out in both. From the negative moments still: 85 kg weigh at body height 164.

The doctor to me has appointed or nominated movalis on 1 to night (to tell the truth, I have not understood, what for) +10- the scheme or plan of treatment gardnerelyoza.

At me such question: whether it is necessary to pass or take place additional inspections (it would not be desirable to pass or miss something seryoznogo, for example, oncologic).

Whether there is at me a prospect to plan pregnancy at such disturbances?

C for the answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Most likely the failure ljuteinovoj phases, because of it or this and krovomaznie takes place. It is necessary to hand over sexual hormones for 7, 14, 22 day of a cycle (at 28 day time cycle) and depending on it or this to pass or take place treatment. Most likely gestagen with 16 for 25 day of a cycle or the COOK at absence of contraindications.

01.09.2004, 19:30
M it seems, in view of body height of the site, \or different doctors- did or made there is a necessity to make an aspirate from a cavity of the uterus on eve monthly. This manipulation will allow to exclude possible or probable changes in the uterus, namely in endometrii. You can make this manipulation in any female consultation though I, personally, prefer a diagnostic currettage of a cavity matkieta manipulation enables to investigate or research all cavity of the uterus. Only after that I too to you posovetyvala gestageny in the regimen specified by doctor Medvedev. Naturally after your treatment from gardnarelleza.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello, dear doctors!

First of all, many thanks that have paid to my problem attention.

After those two cycles about which I wrote, I have again visited at the doctor, have asked, whether it is necessary to me to make a currettage. The doctor has once again looked or seen all my US and has told or said, that yet it is not necessary to do or make it or this. Has appointed or nominated utrozhestan with 12 for 27 day of a cycle on 1 kap in day vaginalno (I, the truth, yet did not accept it or him) .posle it or this a cycle has passed or has taken place so. Monthly 5 days, the only thing last, that it was not pleasant to me - on 3 put I has noticed, that send or have left 2 or 3 enough greater or big clots and for 20 day before monthly strongly twisted a stomach or belly, appear, that just about again will start to smear. Such sensations were day 3, and again slightly the body temperature up to 37.1 at this time has risen. In July has treated a bacterial vaginosis. I measure BT since July, 20th. A cycle - 26-27 days. Up to 12 days temperature kolebletsja in district 36.5-36.9. For 13 day there is skachek up to 37.3 and in second half temperature kolebletsja in district 37.2-37.0. Before the first day monthly falls up to 36.8. I already wrote, that I am going to to plan pregnancy.

Can, to be doctor in a view of this intention while does not appoint or nominate a currettage? Utrozhestan I yet did not accept, as in July have transferred or carried operation on SHCHZH.Sejchas I feel normally. TTG and over 4 in norm or rate. Has started to drink Acidum folicum on 0.5 once a day

Tell or Say, please, it is possible already to start to try to become pregnant?

I responsibly or crucially approach or suit to this question as I know, how much or as far as this all is important. As also the first child planned.

The endocrinologist resolves. And here on gynecology at all I do not know, as to do or make. Time draws in (me in November will be 36), but also health is to be started no. What will advise? Still or even to walk around doctors?