Просмотр полной версии : I in polnnoj bewilderments! Help or assist!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! I shall tell all under the order. To me of 26 years. Children and beremennostej never was. The menses has begun in 12 years and with time not regular. First there were delays of days on five, ten, to years to 23-rd steel to reach up to 2-3 h months. Anything me was not disturbed also by me on the ignorance did not pay to this attention. The only thing, from teenage age I began to recover slightly and the vegetation on a body was much. 3 years ago I have started to add in weight (For 3 years has typed or collected 15 kg), hair began to grow more strongly and more duration of a cycle has more strongly increased.

In 25 years (September, 2003) I for the first time have addressed to the gynecologist. After survey the doctor has told or said, that ovaries are increased and has sent on US. A uterus on US normal. US has shown a cyst about 5-7 centimeters on the left ovary. The doctor has registered a course of antibiotics and a homeopathy (Biowinters, Indol 3 korbanol). In a month I have made repeated US - cysts have not found out, but have put suspicion on a polycystosis and have told or said to hand over on hormones for 5-7 day of a cycle (it was in October). Monthly have come or stepped only on January, 23rd, 2004 and after I have gone to the doctor. Have checked up a thyroid gland (US) - in norm or rate but on hormones to hand over have told or said. For 9 day of a cycle I have handed over on hormones, here result:

LG - 12,3 (norm or rate 2,57-26,53)

FSG - 6,2 (norm or rate 3,35-21,63)

Oestradiolum - 277 (norm or rate 128-1570)

Prolactinum - 291 (norm or rate 25,2-628)

Testosteron-Depotum - 2,8 (norm or rate - 0,38-2,71)

Hydrocortisone - 325 (norm or rate 160-1060)

auYa-ZINCI SULFAS - 11 (norm or rate 2,17-10,57)

3 Free - 5,3 (norm or rate 2,63-5,70)

4 Free - 13,9 (norm or rate 9-19,1)

Thyritropic hormone - 1,4 (norm or rate 0,35-4,9)

Antibodies to a thyreoglobulin - are not found out (norm or rate up to 34)

13.02.2004 descended or went to the gynecologist. Have told or said, that especially terrible disturbances of hormones at me are not present, but it will be necessary to hand over still after a while. Have given a direction on a picture of a head, but till now I yet have not made it or him. In occasion of hair (and at me this or thus hereditary), have told or said, that only an epilation and if to drink hormones it is constant, and I shall even more recover, more shortly, it is necessary to reconcile to hair. Have registered following preparations (homeopathy):

-3-, super E, Female comfort - 1, Butter or Oil of a black currant. Have told or said, that from them effect as from hormonal preparations, but there are no collateral influences.

For today (on August, 03rd, 2004) monthly and did not come. (a delay more than 4 months). Monthly felt predmentsrualnoe a status - a small dyscomfort from a touch to a breast, well and internal sensations, but as a result happened menstrualopodobnye allocation (svetlo brown color) absolutely a small amount of 4-5 days. The child I want, but the nearest 2-3 years I do not plan pregnancy, but (the amenorrhea, excess weight and hair on man's type) me very much disturb problems.

Last week (28.07.2004) I was at the doctor. Has made US: have told or said, that at me a cyst and polyposes endometrija. On US 2-nd period of a cycle. Endometry 14 mm. The doctor that has made US has told or said, that it is necessary to do or make cleaning. Looked me seconds 15 no more. Has mixed the right and left ovaries. Therefore I hope, that in occasion of polyps she was mistaken! Very much I wish to hope! I with results of US have gone to the gynecologist. She to me has told or said, that as I did not give birth or travail at once to cleaning to do or make it is not necessary also polyps, happens, exfoliate. (I wish to note, that earlier on US the uterus at me was equal, pure or clean).

Now at me sensations, that monthly just about will begin (strongly dummies or papillas hurt, sometimes takes a loin, etc. habitual for me signs.) the doctor has told or said, that I drank to Diana-35 (most likely from my submission as I began to ask it or her about this preparation). And if monthly by August, 5-6th will not begin to accept Norcolutum on 10 mlg. No more than 8 days to cause or call a menses, and then to start to drink to Diana-35 and to spend on drink not less than 2 packings, and in the beginning of September to make repeated US.

I at once have started to consult on the Internet on doctors and their answers have resulted or brought me in full confusion. I do not know whom to listen. Doctors on the Internet have told or said, that hormones at polyps are counter-indicative. It is necessary after monthly to make US and if polyps have not disappeared - to do or make cleaning.

If I shall listen to the doctor and I shall start to drink to Diana-35 and if to be necessary Norcolutum, than it can threaten me? Because of what usually there are polyps endometrija and whether it is possible to confuse them with something? Unfortunately exact day of a cycle when to me did or made US I can not tell or say. After US prosha week, but monthly while is not present.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Under the information resulted or brought by you it is possible to think of presence of a polycystosis of ovaries.

At the given stage it is necessary for you:

1. To stop reception of homeopathic medicines if you still accept them and more them never to accept. Never to not use any more charlatans.

2. To address to the gynecologist-endocrinologist for doobsledovanija, specifications of the form of disease and purpose or appointment of adequate treatment.

3. Before to not accept hormonal preparations since at superfluous mass of a body other treatment can be necessary, instead of reception to Diana-35.

4. To repeat US after monthly the transvaginal gauge at the qualified doctor.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Jacob! Thanks for advice or council. A homeopathy I for a long time have ceased prinimimat. Business all that I go to the doctor to female consultation. I am am treated by the doctor with wide experience, to it or this at me doubts - to trust its or her treatment or not. If it simply was the left office I certainly would go to other place, and here, is simple in a full bewilderment, the doctor of consultation cannot (and Moscow) which is engaged in gynecology of years 30 to be completely not competent???? The some people consider or count, that in usual consultations doctors are so borrowed or occupied, are not engaged in self-education, that till now treat the out-of-date preparations. But I the doctor has not seemed to me those. For example, she spoke, that such preparation, as *quot; A?O??O*quot; wish to remove or take off from manufacture as he in some cases causes the strongest bleedings... And with another with tororny, she nazanachala all those lecheija, that I have described above. At present I while in general do not accept any preparations. I wait when it will be possible to go on US.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Under the information resulted or brought by you it is possible to think of presence of a polycystosis of ovaries.

At the given stage it is necessary for you:

1. To stop reception of homeopathic medicines if you still accept them and more them never to accept. Never to not use any more charlatans.

2. To address to the gynecologist-endocrinologist for doobsledovanija, specifications of the form of disease and purpose or appointment of adequate treatment.

3. Before to not accept hormonal preparations since at superfluous mass of a body other treatment can be necessary, instead of reception to Diana-35.

4. To repeat US after monthly the transvaginal gauge at the qualified doctor.

And what from itself represents doobsledovanie for podtverzhednija a polycystosis?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Unfortunately, the experience of the doctor is not the basic criterion of its or his qualification. As you have correctly noticed, many doctors of female consultations are not engaged in self-education, especially, doctors of advanced age. I consider or count, that on any disease it is necessary to address to the doctor who specializes on treatment of such diseases, in your case - to the gynecologist-endocrinologist. Local doctor ZHK is a primary part, like the divisional terapavta. He should spend primary inspection, and then direct to the expert, there is he is on the given structure.

Under doobsledovaniem I mean diagnostics insulinorezistentnosti (look on the Internet what is it such) since you have an excess of mass of a body. At its or her revealing other preparations, for example, Siofor, instead of Diana-35 are appointed or nominated.

Certainly, if you trust the attending physician follow its or her advice or councils.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Tell or Say polzhalujsta and why at a polypose endometrija is counter-indicative to accept hormonal perparaty (before carrying out of cleaning)? In what it can result or bring? And whether happens polyposes how soputstvie at SPKJA or it arises for other reasons?

01.09.2004, 19:30
To accept it is not counter-indicative, but the exact diagnosis all over again should be put. On background SPKJA there can be various changes in endometrii because of disturbance of an ovulation, function of a yellow body and defective or incomplete secretory transformation endometrija. In your case the diagnosis is not put and to speak about the reasons, forecasts is, etc. useless.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I absoljuto am solidary with Jacob as regards hormonal therapy and as soon as possible is simply necessary, and after a regulation of a cycle I advise to think of the child. In occasion of a polypose... First, it is necessary to know what type of polyps, certainly, if fibrous what hormonetherapy is not shown. And the answer can correct be received only after a currettage of a cavity of the uterus. But in your situation the most correct decision it to pass or take place uzi transvaginal at the expert,:p

As you have not absolutely believed to the doctor, endometry 14 mm it basically norm or rate before monthly.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Help or Assist me to be defined or determined please with definition of the first day of a cycle.

At me monthly have begun on August, 17th in 23-where that hour. I already to sleep have laid down (but have not fallen asleep yet and have learned or have found out about it or this):). The first day at me will reckon 17 or next day - 18?

01.09.2004, 19:30
1) Help or Assist me to be defined or determined please with definition of the first day of a cycle.

At me monthly have begun on August, 17th in 23-where that hour. I already to sleep have laid down (but have not fallen asleep yet and have learned or have found out about it or this). The first day at me will reckon 17 or next day - 18?

2) Me such question still or even interests. At me monthly with large enough clots (they nitevidnye, are similar on mucous). I heard 2 opinions - one consider or count, what is it badly, and others, that is on the contrary good - I am am left with all muck. Whence these clots in general undertake?

01.09.2004, 19:30
I think, what is it not so essentially. But, time 17-th consider or count 17-th have begun.

When will do or make US pay attention of the doctor to a possible or probable pathology endometrija.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I think, what is it not so essentially. But, time 17-th consider or count 17-th have begun.

When will do or make US pay attention of the doctor to a possible or probable pathology endometrija.

Thanks for the answer. And the report in occasion of uzi concerns to my question in occasion of clots?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes, you have correctly understood me.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes, you have correctly understood me.

Good afternoon!

Descended or Went today on US. Has shown pictures where to me put polyposes endometrija. The doctor at once has told or said, that any it not polyps, and there was a hyperplasia before monthly.

Now endometry completely pure or clean and to clean, as she said, it nothing me. But she all the same to me puts a polycystosis. Follicles of 6-8 mm.

I taki have started to drink all to Diana 35. Since 5-th day of a cycle.

When have confirmed, what the polypose endometrija at me is not present, I can continue to drink to Diana?