Просмотр полной версии : Conservative treatment of syndrome rokitanskogo-??O?NOa

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello dear doctors!

Excuse for impudence, I not the doctor, but would like to offer you podiskutirovat on a subject of conservative treatment of syndrome rokitanskogo-?O?NOa (i.e. *quot; ?nN?aOy*quot; a vagina for maintenance of a normal sexual life, without operation): whether probably such basically?

The matter is that common opinion in this occasion, how much or as far as I understand, was not present: one your colleagues speak, that is possible or probable, but do not know, how, and others are assured, that is not possible or probable. And many simply give the unequivocal answer, nothing explaining, and it is not known, who is right.

Here, so we shall tell or say, mine *quot; OOao?UN*quot; data:

23 years, external sexual attributes (a pilosis on the female type, well developed breast) in norm or rate, external genitals also are developed well (on appearance of a perineum ??a?O*quot; nNoNOo*quot; it is not visible). On a place of a vagina an excavation 2-3 see Data on researches of US are ambiguous: one do not find a uterus, on others - a uterus in the form of tjazha; the vagina is not defined or determined; the right ovary in norm or rate, left on one pictures is not visualized, on drugih-small with a possible or probable cyst. In the field of the left ovary at a strain of a stomach or belly the hernia (since the childhood) is probed or palpated. Cyclically (once a month) hurts a bottom of a stomach or belly (acute pricking pains as though something bursts inside), appears gravity, feeling raspiranija, a stomach or belly increases or is enlarged in sizes, by pressing hurts, in lying position the pain decreases. A karyotype 46 XX.

I result or bring also citations of some doctors on this question:

Hello! Our opinion on the given question is absolutely unequivocal: the colpoplasty is necessary only, no hormonal therapy will be effective. And, it is necessary to do or make plastic operation only in conditions of very qualified Center, at the skilled or experienced expert, since this operation complex or difficult enough.

Hello! Certainly, it is good to spend conservative lechenieju Operative treatment//gives unstable rezultatju In 80-s' years in a Ekaterinburg prof. Sherstnev B. spent a conservative colpopoiesis/??na??N vlagalishcha/at this syndrome. Now it or him is not present in alive. To it or him;them there came from all then still the USSR. And the majority is done or made with operations because conservative treatment always at a level of the invention and invent the majority cannot.

And here one more reference where the example on neogenesis of a vagina is described:

http: // www.frb.spb.ru/rus/examples.htm.

Sincerely I hope, that I shall not remain without your attention!

01.09.2004, 19:30

How personally you imagine process of conservative treatment at syndrome rokitanskogo-??O?NOa?

National creativity on gynecologic subjects - read with humour (under the link to you has made impression skaz 25?). Healers or now, we shall tell or say so, - by means of certain exclusive methods accessible to elite or favourites now it is enough reducers or restorers. Whether reminds it *quot; the Fairy tale about lost oON?N??*quot;?

01.09.2004, 19:30

How personally you imagine process of conservative treatment at syndrome rokitanskogo-??O?NOa?

National creativity on gynecologic subjects - read with humour (under the link to you has made impression skaz 25?). Healers or now, we shall tell or say so, - by means of certain exclusive methods accessible to elite or favourites now it is enough reducers or restorers. Whether reminds it *quot; the Fairy tale about lost oON?N??*quot;?

Personally I also do not represent

Therefore also I ask

I in general have been assured, that only operation can help or assist, but some your colleagues gave other versions, therefore I and have begun to doubt

It is easy or light to you to speak - read with humour and what when you know, that at you something not so, and is no place to address. And even healers, or as you speak, reducers or restorers, no. Then and *quot; skaz ?25*quot; as balm on the soul, new hope. I in fact even from the Internet have learned or have found out the name of the illness or disease. And that our doctors at gynecologic survey during 10 years probed or palpated at me both a vagina, and a uterus - more likely, whether it reminds *quot; the Fairy tale about lost oON?N??*quot;?

Not ridiculously at all this all.

It would be desirable to hear detailed objasnenie, instead of it is simple: it is possible - it is impossible. I, certainly, have no right so to demand, but in fact it is DEBATABLE club?

Olga Danilov
01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear pchelka! During YOUR inspection, alas, problems - differential diagnostics of a primary amenorrhea (namely it also caused the reference or manipulation to the doctor has demanded exception of some diseases, and, at last stage, has been excluded with-thit Morrisa-with-thit testitkuljarnoj feminizations (a karyotype 46 XX). An aplasia of a vagina - with-thit Rokitanskogo - Mayer- and testitkuljarnaja a feminization - not too well-known to usual gynecologists of disease, and a problem with statement of the diagnosis can be. For that also think out additional researches (the same US) to solve the questions, remaining obscure it is simple at bimanual ginekologichesokm survey.

Let's think structurally - 1\ how to provide a normal sexual life - whether i.e. formation of a vagina 2\ there are no other developmental anomalies (a kidney, vessels - alas. Combinations are possible or probable).

It is meaningful to address in the large centers - it is assured, that the institute of gynecology in Minsk is, and to Moscow to arrive it is possible. By the way, Dr. Chebotnikova which letter seemed to you unsuccessful, works in ENTS in Moskve-and there similar patients always concentrated..

01.09.2004, 19:30

In an Internet can write any, on any subject and everything, that the imagination will wish. Therefore it is not necessary to perceive all read through with enthusiasm, there should be a share of criticism. As the problem (a sexual life) - is solved and there is no occasion to lower or omit arms or hand: there are ways of operative formation of a vagina.