Просмотр полной версии : Pregnancy after hormones

01.09.2004, 19:30

Consult me, please.

I see, there is here a similar subject (*quot; I wish to become ?a?*quot;). But she also has confused me. You asked the author what OK and how long were accepted.

And, time it matters, allow to take an interest also to me:)

I accepted in current of 2,5 years to Diana-35 (under medical indications, instead of for preservation).

Autumn of 2003 has made a break for 3 months (exactly for all autumn).

And now has strongly wanted the second child. Would be not present to me - a silly woman then to want. And I have again started to drink Diana since winter.

Yesterday has drunk up last tablet - and all. Has solved *quot; ?aon?aOy*quot; and to plan conception.

So what to me it is shown *quot; ONai???Oa???U*quot; the period after hormones?

2 months are written to instructions. But it seems to me, it is not enough. As I longly enough drank hormones.... And on the other hand to tighten or delay it would not be desirable. The son asks to give birth to him *quot; small e???N?yO*quot;:)

I shall be very grateful for the answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Under what medical indications to you it was appointed or nominated to Diana-35?

01.09.2004, 19:30
I am pleasantly surprised by your interest:)

Certainly, I shall tell more in detail!

In advance I am sorry, for possible or probable discrepancies - I not honey. The worker, also there was all rather for a long time.

Has begun with that I began to feel myself badly: delicacy, a sleepiness, a breakdown, eternally bad mood, irritability, headaches. And the most opposite - spots (it in 25 years, at a dry skin!).

Has gone to the endocrinologist. Has handed over analyses what they have told or said. Now I shall reproduce:

4 (Thyroxine) - 128; TTG - 0,7; Testosteron-Depotum - 0,5 ???y/with.

Have told or said, what analyses good (Oh-whether?:confused: It seems, Testosteron-Depotum could be and less?).

Have registered to Diana-35. I - categorical protivnitsa hormones, have turned obstinate, a pier at good analyses and because of one spots of I shall not poison or persecute, I shall suffer.

But became even worse. There was subfibrilnaja a temperature. The therapist, except for strongly lowered immunity has found out nothing, but on US at me have found the cystically-changed ovaries:

Right - 59*40, the left 55*36 mm., is chaotic or chaotically-located by the follicular apparatus, maks. The size folikula 5-6 mm. By the way, and a uterus at me *quot; noOOuan*quot;.

More shortly, washing the gynecologist has told or said, that either I drink to Diana or she puts me in a hospital. She has come out with the assumption, that at me the second phase of a cycle (?) is broken or disturbed

I began to drink registered - directly as anew was born! At me the state of health has so improved! And spots have passed or have taken place, and in general - has got prettier. In a year of US has shown, that all in norm or rate.

And now, I want the child

And so it is terrible to throw hormones... (generally it is possible to tell or say, has already thrown) it would not be desirable to be again sick and ugly: (But, probably, will have to suffer. Speak, that any zamenitelnoj therapies do not exist. It so?

By the way, I shall specify. Has counted more precisely. I drank to Diana 1,5 years, then, a break on 3 months, and again a saw of 5 months. Here one of these days has drunk last tablet. During a break felt worse than ever. To it or this also has started to drink anew.

And just in case: to me of 28 years. Komplektsija - *quot; oN?a??*quot;. Body height 176, weight of 50 kg.

Excuse, if that superfluous has written. To me the first child was gave very hardly. And now I am strongly anxious by correct planning of the second.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I think to you it is necessary to plan right now after a following menses conception and, in case of success, is constant c at the doctor;)

01.09.2004, 19:30

Really it is possible here then?

Thanks that have paid attention:)

And that here something the Water-melon has shown to me fleeting interest, I have undersigned for pleasure... And he also has disappeared: (

01.09.2004, 19:30
Basically, the colleague of the rights. Drink vitamins C Acidum folicum, do or make a break 2-3 cycles after tablets and can easy become pregnant. I think, that in your situation of it or this will be enough. And further operate or work on a situation.

Julia Alimovna
01.09.2004, 19:30
Water-melon, thanks!

I am glad, that is possible so quickly, probably it speaks that you with kovil have found or considered me enough bezproblemnoj (to a word, kovil - lady;)). Just for couple of months I shall have time to pump up or make a mess press, obbezhat all doctors and to define or determine day of an ovulation a method *quot; temperature uOao?a*quot; (very much it would be desirable the girl;))

01.09.2004, 19:30
Only consider, that at a cancelling of hormones temporarily left signs can return again. Can return and during pregnancy. If there will be difficulties, ask a question - we shall advise a way.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I am sorry about Olga (kovil) that has not looked or seen in a structure. By the way, I am very glad, that we at a forum had one more -gynecologist. I invite Olga to make an application on the introduction into group of doctors.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Israel Thanks. I in it or this, unfortunately do not doubt: (

Even recently consulted virtually (at other forum) concerning: there is any zamenitelnaja a therapy. Well even that spots was not.

The gynecologist has responded, that no replacement exists, and as it seemed to me, has disapprovingly noticed, that she would advise me to not give birth or not travail, and nerves in the order to result or bring (probably I all it has very emotionally stated).

While I am insolent or am on call Bifidumbakterin, Aevitum and medical cosmetics:)

But if itself I shall not consult I shall necessarily come to consult.

It is very pleasant, that here at you such benevolent attitude or relation even to such talkers, as I;)

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Lenochka!

If you are going to beremennet, it is better to throw out that you hold on call: Bifidumbakterin, Aevitum and medical cosmetics. The advantage or benefit will not be, and to do much harm to a fetus in the first weeks probably. Homeopathists conduct pregnant women, knowing about safety (in skilled or experienced arms or hand!) and efficiency of the agents. By the way, the patients who have got to competent doctors know about efficiency not only homeopathists, but also.

In occasion of vitamins C Acidum folicum. Recently I had a patient, kooraja before pregnancy according to the gynecologist *quot; i?Oa?a?y*quot; Acidum folicum and the analysis of a blood has shown double excess of norm or rate. At a normal delivery with enough of vegetables of 400 microgram day hardly will damage or injure;hurt, and here great or big (recommended now) 5 milligram are better for drinking doses, watching or keeping up a blood and necessarily.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Israel, thanks. I shall think.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I wish to support or maintain homeopathist, he is right in everything, and in occasion of appearance, I am assured, during pregnancy without any hormones will feel well and spots will not be, all organism will be reconstructed. I wish good luck!

Natalia Brodko
01.09.2004, 19:30
It seems to me really, eating of vegetables and fruit will give more advantage or benefit, than pichkanie the ogranizma himproduktami to modern pharmacology. But in the beginning of the report I posovetyvala constantly to be observed at the doctor, tk you, Lenochka, concern to group of risk on ?NoU?a??oa??? \judging on the given information on ovaries and indications for application \:p

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear, kovil!

And tell or say please, I casually do not concern to group of risk on.... mmmm.... Complexities of conception?

I lay up legs or pinches already 4-th cycle and all in any way: (

By the way, in the beginning of summer I the gynecologist has groped at me a cyst. It turns out, that she has grown literally in a month after I have stopped to drink to Diana-35.

By the way, if to that it is interesting, spots at me have not appeared yet, but also it any more does not please. I agree both with spots and the second boy if only to fly....

01.09.2004, 19:30
Usually if spontaneous pregnancy does not come in the first 3-6 months after a cancelling of contraceptives it is necessary to think of sterility or barrenness.

In your case not resorting while to visitings the doctor, I think it will be pertinent to check basal I ON?NOaOOOO \hope, know as? \, whether to be defined or determined there is an ovulation and for what day.

That is why I to you posovetyvala to not postpone with a birth of the second child because assumed, that probably there will be problems with zachaniem... I Shall wait from you for news.;)