Просмотр полной версии : How all to define or determine pregnancy?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Prompt, what all the most exact method of definition of pregnancy?

Have tried practically everything, and the unequivocal answer is not present...

Delay - 15 days.

Tests from a drugstore show hardly a discernible second stria (for the third and eighth day of a delay). We shall do or make still...

(pjaty day of a delay) nothing has shown US, except for insignificant augmentation of a uterus and absence vjakogo sorts of pathologies...

The basal temperature keeps 37.1 - 37.2 If to measure since morning and not rising with beds - once was 36,8...

Blood on HGCH - is or are going to to hand over, the result will be only on medium... On responses it is the test it is desirable to do or make in dynamics or changes since indications are especially individual...

From secondary attributes: sudden splashes in appetite, uchashchenoe an emiction, a pricking in a side, according to spouses - *quot; something somehow not so in o?aua??UN*quot;... But this all is subjective. Can from that that very much we want, what pregnancy would be???

The most important, pregnancy if she is, has come or stepped during reception *quot; aa???*quot;. The doctor us has frightened done or made US that as he said *quot; to leave the child all peerly it is impossible, continue to drink *quot; aa???*quot;, in a month ??OO??*quot;. That wished to tell or say it or this, not clearly... Whether Is though a drop of common sense in its or his words??? Than it can do much harm?

*quot; aa???*quot; certainly we do not drink...

Help or Assist to understand, in advance we thank...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Optimum - to wait results of the quantitative analysis, probably to repeat the house test bought or purchased in other drugstore (a condition of storage).

01.09.2004, 19:30
And as on the bill transvaginal -from personal experience-even at a delay in 10 days visualization of a fetal egg \if it in a cavity of a uterus \and is possible or probable, certainly, HGCH.Po to an occasion of advice or council of your doctor-not has understood


01.09.2004, 19:30
About the quantitative analysis - when have handed over the analysis, to us have told or said that it or him *quot; O???Oy*quot; about 70 % of everything as nobody knows with what was a parameter UP TO pregnancy. That is he is even less reliable, than *quot; n?a???*quot; the test from a drugstore.

House have tried pieces ten. All unanimously show the same - hardly a visible second stria. Here is direct to make out hardly is possible. And eventually (term of a delay) in any way this parameter does not vary for some reason...

About US - thought above it or this. Confuses two US (one already did or made for 5-th day of a delay) on such small term is not harmfully??? Really so harmless procedure? All taki ultrasound...

Let's wait for the analysis...

Thanks everyone who has responded...

01.09.2004, 19:30
In occasion of the doctor - unfortunately it not humour... Here such *quot; ?oNO??a*quot; work, and to them people go...

01.09.2004, 19:30
People!!! The analysis has shown 108!!!

It already something means??? I have understood so, what is it *quot; aC*quot;!!!:rolleyes:

Prompt, and by the plane to fly it is possible for pregnant women? And up to what term???

01.09.2004, 19:30
I congratulate!!!!

In occasion of planes-th the international flights till 28 weeks of pregnancy, but the some people manage to make flights through \12-15 hours \and later terms. The interesting information from my experience-friend or -familiar irakijka now, at the height of war has departed HOME to give birth or travail in term of 34 weeks. ---2 hour, then on desert to Bagdad on the car of 12 hours. Has safely arrived to mum--gynecologist and has given birth in time.

I wish you the healthy baby!!!!:):):)

01.09.2004, 19:30

01.09.2004, 19:30
The most important, pregnancy if she is, has come or stepped during reception *quot; aa???*quot;.

Good afternoon! I wish to ask a question. How long your wife accepted ZHanin and whether correctly it or him applied? (whether was the miss or passing of tablets?)

I to that that, manufacturers of these tablets on a site give almost 100 % a guarantee, that pregnancy at correct reception cannot come or step, as protection 3 factorial. I drink other tablets, but the same manufacturer. Also I hope, that contraception reliable, and at your wife there has come or stepped pregnancy...