Просмотр полной версии : Mayer- syndrome (an aplasia of a uterus and a vagina)

01.09.2004, 19:30

To me 24 years.

The diagnosis - Mayer--- syndrome (aplazijamatki and vaginas) .jaichniki are well developed, the uterus is not found out. The diagnostic laparoscopy is recommended.

Operation on a colpoplasty did not do or make and I consider or count, what is it it is not obligatory for normal home life (also considers or counts also mine the beloved with which we 3 years together). At me the lowered pressure and in general a weak organism, therefore we have solved, that such complex or difficult operation can undermine health only.

However my doctor considers or counts, that such operation in some cases can be necessary (at presence of the phenomenon of a hematocolpos and t.d).

Dear doctors and patients with a similar problem!

Very much it would be desirable to learn or find out opinions in occasion of expediency of a colpoplasty? Whether it is valid this operation it can be necessary?

At me in this occasion each doctor practising in own way the way schitae the best is so much doubts because there are many ways of plasty, and and criticizes the others. Here also it turns out. That at all ways of a consequence depress. Somehow it would not be desirable to participate in the next experiment.

It would be desirable to communicate also to patients with the similar diagnosis.

In advance all many thanks!

It would be desirable to communicate

01.09.2004, 19:30
Whence there can be a hematocolpos if is not present most kolposa (vagina) and uteruses, whence there is a blood.

If to you for home life of plastic it is not necessary, she means is not necessary at all.

Also what to search on a diagnostic laparoscopy??

01.09.2004, 19:30
Whence there can be a hematocolpos if is not present most kolposa (vagina) and uteruses, whence there is a blood.

If to you for home life of plastic it is not necessary, she means is not necessary at all.

Also what to search on a diagnostic laparoscopy??

Thanks for the answer!

Uteruses and are not present a vagina, but can be tjazh in which the blood accumulates. US did not find such education, but on US 4 years ago was visible tjazh. Also it is not excluded, that he is present, as periodically I have pains in a bottom of a stomach or belly with feeling raspiranijai sensations. As though something bursts. I, certainly, not the doctor, but in clause or article *quot; CLINICO EHOGRAFICHESKIE FEATURES of ANOMALIES of DEVELOPMENT of the UTERUS And the VAGINA


Centre of science of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatologii Russian Academy of Medical Science,

Moscow, E???n*quot; such cases are described. In fact US inspection not such and exact. For this purpose the laparoscopy also is recommended.

01.09.2004, 19:30
In this case sensations raspiranija should be regular - i.e. every month, according to monthly. With each following razom sensations should be stronger. And during the moment of an exacerbation of sensations - the cavity with a blood should be visible on uzi. Certainly without vaginalnogo the gauge tjazh to find difficultly, but a cavity with a blood it is possible.

Your sensations - as often they happen? It in fact can be an ovulatory syndrome - sensation of an ovulation!

But time is such algorithm and you agree a laparoscopy - kindly. Then only by its or her results it will be possible to judge necessity of plasty. If there is a rudiment of a uterus with working endometriem (it not tjazh then, it is a uterus with working endometriem), not visible on uzi... Miracles however:)

01.09.2004, 19:30
Sensations raspiranija at me just once a month, in the beginning of month, but usually the stomach or belly starts to hurt or be ill;be sick suddenly and also suddenly ceases. Sometimes there are sensations as though something bursts - and at once all sharply stops. Sometimes such sensations are not present, simply sharp pains. Usually such flashes happen only once a month 1 day. I.e. such week pains as at many, does not happen.

01.09.2004, 19:30
For week pains the greater or big uterus with sufficient endometriem is necessary.

Clearly. Indications to a laparoscopy at you are. If it is a rudiment of a uterus, he is emptied in an abdominal cavity most likely and pains pass or take place, the blood there resolves. Probably in this case there will be a question on excision of this rudiment if you refuse a colpoplasty, and chances to grow up a rudiment up to a normal uterus are not present.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello the dear doctor!

Thanks for your answers!

Would like to consult with you about one question.

The matter is that today in the morning at me the stomach or belly, and all bottom of a stomach or belly sharply was ill, and gave to the right. The pain was very strong and constant, me podtashnivalo and there was a cold fit. These days I usually also am am hurted with a stomach or belly, but such was never. I have wanted in a toilet, have sharply risen from a bed, have passed or have taken place pair meters and have lost consciousness. At me zakatilis eyes, but when me have put on a bed and have raised a head, I have come to the senses. I of it or this remember nothing. Have caused or called *quot; ?OO?*quot;, and with suspicion on an appendicitis me have brought in hospital. Already on road to hospital and during stay there at me gradually the pain passed or took place and at last has ceased (approximately in 3 hours) .no there I again nearly have not lost consciousness when rose from a couch. Doctors so precisely have not defined or determined, from what the stomach or belly was ill, have told or said, that the appendicitis is not present also it, most likely, from monthly.

Whether tell or say, please, probably such status from menstrual pains, I know, that women during such periods can badly feel themselves.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Generally it also was the indication to a laparoscopy, it is strange that have not made it or her.

Emission of a blood in an abdominal cavity, a boring of a peritoneum - yes, all is correct. The laparoscopy is necessary

01.09.2004, 19:30
Reaction is similar to an orthostatic collapse.

Blood in an abdominal cavity - pressure low - in vertical position the woman loses consciousness.

01.09.2004, 19:30
At me one more question.

Business in that. That up to this case I was going to on the sea for a week and have already bought or purchased tickets.

I certainly, understand, what it is better to make at once a laparoscopy and all to solve, whether but tell or say, please, harmfully after happened to go?

Whether can such repeat within the next few days?

Now my status in norm or rate