Просмотр полной версии : Pregnancy and Yoga

01.09.2004, 19:30
Term - 12 weeks. Up to pregnancy was engaged in yoga, the whole year. Now began to go on yoga for pregnant women. One of often practising exercises for pregnant women is *quot; ?oN?a*quot;, i.e. a trunk beginning or starting from brachiums and up to legs or foots - to top. The instructor speaks that is very useful for pregnant women. Up to pregnancy I did or made these or it *quot; ?oN??*quot; also hung headfirst with the great pleasure. But now here prochla in one book that before did not meet that never: what is the poses (*quot; ?oN??*quot; and any poses head over heels) can promote penetration of air into a vagina that very dangerously for a fetus and mother at pregnancy. How much or As far as this statement corresponds or meets to the validity?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Penetration of air in itself is not dangerous. But after 12 weeks I would advise to limit such exercises even because of reasons of safety of a fetus. In fact if you unintentionally will fall and will hit a stomach or belly about 2 trimesters it is possible to harm to a fetus.

01.09.2004, 19:30