Просмотр полной версии : Problem with a breast

01.09.2004, 19:30
I do not like to go on hospitals, therefore I address for advice or council to you. Explain to me, please, that such occurs or happens...

The breast began to hurt or be ill;be sick me, but only one)) is more exact at all a breast, and papilla. First I have solved, what is it before monthly, but then have casually squeezed it or him and have found out allocation. I do not know, whether it is possible to name it pus, but so all the same it not seems to me.... Now the breast does not hurt, if *quot; ?N??oaOy?n*quot;

It is not lethal??:p

Whether it is possible to cure it by means of tablets and what?

With impatience I look forward to hearing from you or to your reply also thankful in advance.....

01.09.2004, 19:30
I do not like to go on hospitals, therefore I address for advice or council to you. Explain to me, please, that such occurs or happens...

It is necessary for you to seem mammologu and be not engaged please in a selftreatment.

01.09.2004, 19:30
sm.sledujushchee the report

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is necessary for you to seem mammologu and be not engaged please in a selftreatment.

Mammolog it well and correctly, but can be long.

Initially it is quite enough that, well we shall tell or say, the gynecologist has examined a breast, and further under the reference. If it is not so urgent-to mammologu, well and if really pus-is urgent or pus-urgently to the surgeon.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Actually it on pus not similar. I do not know, the pregnant woman was not, with a breast did not feed, and I have all the remote representation about it or this, but I would name it *quot more likely; ???*quot;. Such vozmozho?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Actually it on pus not similar. I do not know, the pregnant woman was not, with a breast did not feed, and I have all the remote representation about it or this, but I would name it *quot more likely; ???*quot;. Such vozmozho?

Yes, probably, pus is called/if really not!, and molokoobraznye vydelenija/galalaktoreja also demands clinical inspection.

Once again I insist on survey, at least the gynecologist/?a???ua.

I think, that to you the analysis of a blood will be appointed or nominated to Prolactinum.