Просмотр полной версии : Steroids and pregnancy

01.09.2004, 19:30
My husband professionally went in for sports and accepted stimulating body height of muscles preparations (Retabolilum, a methandrostenolone) within 7 years. For today has passed or has taken place approximately 3 years after last reception, and we plan the child. Disturbs a question: whether will arise at the child of any deviations or rejections?

01.09.2004, 19:30
No, for the child of problems will not be - and here the husband follows from similar actions otgovarivat-even that there was a normal quantity or amount of spermatozoons.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Many thanks, you have calmed me. We shall be surveyed.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Many thanks, you have calmed me. We shall be surveyed.

Look or See on Arnolda - beautiful the man, three children, and he accepted not a little:)

Jokes jokes, and problems can be much:

1. Unlike women steroid hormones cause longer interlocking development or manufacture of Gonadotropinums in men, and at long reception (years) can is simply irreversible to decrease a level of Testosteron-Depotum that will lead:

And. To depression of a potency, libido, etc.

. To undesirable changes in spermogramme

Century *quot; cao?????O?*quot; from reception of steroids (if the husband continues playing sports)

2. It is proved immunosupressivnyj effect of anabolic steroids (especially in a combination to anaerobic loads)

3. Negative influence on a liver and zhelchevyvodjashchie ways

4. Negative influence on heart and vessels

5. Not specified status of a question concerning possible or probable cancerogenic effect

For the child of negative consequences should not be. A preparation (even depot as Retabolilum is deduced or removed on 100 % within a year). The husband unequivocally persuade more never to accept this muck, especially a methandrostenolone.

01.09.2004, 19:30

Prompt please if conception has occured or happened during reception by the man of steroids (the truth reception not long, the order of 2 months), than it threatens the child?

In advance I thank for consultation.

01.09.2004, 19:30
For the child no trouble should not occur or happen. The main thing that you did not accept steroids.

01.09.2004, 19:30
For the child no trouble should not occur or happen. The main thing that you did not accept steroids.

Thanks, I do not accept. And the husband I try to overpersuade, but alas...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Galina Afanasevna

And Michael Vladimirovich!

Thanks for your answers, not often you will meet such competent experts.

Has convinced the husband to make spermogrammu. Now from its or her results it is stayed in a shock. 2,5 ml, viscosity raised or increased, individual spermatozoons in sight. The truth continence less than day (in honey. The center at all have not warned!) .predlagajut to do or make EKO. Certainly, we shall retake spermogrammu all over again, but all: can be will advise to hand over analyses and on hormones? And whether probably a hormonal background to modify in case of deviations or rejections?

01.09.2004, 19:30
SG - 2,5 ml, viscosity raised or increased, individual spermatozoons in sight. The truth continence less than day (in honey. The center at all have not warned!) .predlagajut to do or make EKO. Certainly, we shall retake spermogrammu all over again, but all: can be will advise to hand over analyses and on hormones? And whether probably a hormonal background to modify in case of deviations or rejections?

Up to EKO it is still far... Indications for hormonal inspection are. I would recommend: Testosteron-Depotum, FSG, LG, Prolactinum. To hand over on an empty stomach in the morning.

Also reception of the urologist- and carrying out TRUZI is necessary for search of possible or probable anomalies of development semjavynosjashchih ways.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Small dopolnenie-basically, suppression LG and FSG, and, sootvestvenno, disturbance spermogeneza-is usual the phenomenon on steroids anabolic.

In the theory it obratimo, on praktike-not always.

Whether it is necessary to investigate or research testostron on a background anabolikov-more than I do not know (two-dimensional reactions and so forth). Prolactinum - unequivocally is useful, is peer as, time have got into a vein, it is meaningful to look or see TTG.Voobshche a fence of a blood on testostron and LG at men rekolmendujut to spend is triple, with an interval in 20 minutes, with research of these parameters in alikvote from three assays. It is desirable to investigate or research also seks-a hormone - connecting or binding globulin.

I would return to a question about spermogramme and hormones (except for Prolactinum and TTG) month through three. On these or it three months I would ask you to pay attention to clothes of the husband - effect *quot; a thermostat *quot; frame close, fitting clothes, and at a certain not superbrilliant initial level it is a fuzz in harm.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Time there have already passed or there have already taken place 3 years after last reception of steroids (well let it was Nandrolonum dekanoat - then it is possible to consider or count 2 years) business or affairs at it or him go not so. Certainly it is necessary to repeat all over again spermogrammu, to hand over hormones about which spoke colleagues. But (presumably) it seems to me, that problems not a hormonal genesis (is more correct not absolutely hormonal). At such spermogramme necessarily were and other attributes of a disadvantage of androgens.

About EKO, certainly, to speak early but if after all inspections there will be a question about EKO - ICSI to you will help or assist, for this purpose it is necessary to take only a couple alive spermiev. So not gorjujte, the output or exit in any case will be.