Просмотр полной версии : TERATOMA

01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon! I Address to you with a question, yes not with one.

To me 34 years. I wish to give birth to the second child. In this connection 7.11.05 has passed or has taken place US. The conclusion: a teratoma of the left ovary.

Dear, explain, plz, accessible tongue, what is it such? Whence IT has undertaken? The information found in an Internet, it is complex or difficult to me to digest somehow. It is very not clear.

On internal consultation the gynecologist has advised to remove a tumour by means of a laparoscopy. Whether it is obligatory? Whether the good-quality tumour in malignant can be transformed? Whether operation is necessary or, basically, if a tumour good-quality, with her it is possible to coexist peacefully? Whether she influences conception, pregnancy and labors?

I shall be grateful to all for answers. In advance thanks. Marina.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon! I Address to you with a question, yes not with one.

To me 34 years. I wish to give birth to the second child. In this connection 7.11.05 has passed or has taken place US. The conclusion: a teratoma of the left ovary.

Dear, explain, plz, accessible tongue, what is it such? Whence IT has undertaken? The information found in an Internet, it is complex or difficult to me to digest somehow. It is very not clear.

On internal consultation the gynecologist has advised to remove a tumour by means of a laparoscopy. Whether it is obligatory? Whether the good-quality tumour in malignant can be transformed? Whether operation is necessary or, basically, if a tumour good-quality, with her it is possible to coexist peacefully? Whether she influences conception, pregnancy and labors?

I shall be grateful to all for answers. In advance thanks. Marina.

Teratomas have germinogennoe (germinal) parentage. *quot; caO?a?U?O*quot; mechanisms can be much, name any concrete reason actually happens it is impossible.

It is the good-quality tumour connected with disturbances of embryonal or fetal;embrionic development. As a rule, consists of many tissues - epithelial, muscular, nervous, etc. with including or incorporation their differentiated derivatives (hair, a teeth and t. Item).

Teratomas are dangerous that owing to accumulation of a secret inside of a cyst, teratomas can increase or be enlarged, there is a danger of a torsion, break of a teratoma that leads to serious complications and demands an immediate surgery. Also (though and it is rare enough) there is a danger ozlokachestvlenija teratomas, but to define or determine it probably only after operation at carrying out of histological research. Certainly, excision of a teratoma is more expedient. The way of an operative intervention-laparoscopy or a laparotomy will define or determine already surgeon-gynecologist to which you address. It depends on many reasons.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Teratomas have germinogennoe (germinal) parentage.

Explain easier, plz.

Whether she influences an ovulation, conception, pregnancy? In turn the ovulation, pregnancy, labors influence development of a tumour?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Explain easier, plz.

Whether she influences an ovulation, conception, pregnancy? In turn the ovulation, pregnancy, labors influence development of a tumour?

In an organism all is always interconnected also all on all influences. Pregnancy usually promotes body height of tumours... And tumours in turn can prevent to correct body height of a uterus.. To cause or call threat, etc. So it is better to remove it or her up to pregnancy and to not risk.. To not wait for any torsions and breaks.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Probability of a torsion about 15-25 percent or interests

Probability of a malignant degeneration of a mature teratoma 1-2 percent or interests

Usually such tumours leave laparoskopicheski