Просмотр полной версии : Comment on purpose or appointment, pliz!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
The fourth month we try to become pregnant. To me to 29 husband 32, analyses on all to an infection negative, has inoculated against a rubella in the summer. On hormones analyses did not hand over and uzi did not do or make for a long time. In the past vospoalitelnye the processes, two abortions (10 years ago), for the present or true moment all in norm or rate - according to the gynecologist, is small o-to a mastopathy (r-O uzi). Two times before reception pomerjala BT (14,15 d.ts. - 36,7) And the last month on reception my gynecologist has appointed or nominated to me to accept every day in current 3 : on 30 kap 2 times a day and Djufaston with 16 for 25 day of a cycle. A cycle of usually 25-28 days, regular.

I accept preparations a month (one cycle Djufastona and month Mastodinona). However, has just now found opinion of doctors in the Internet that such preparations are not appointed or nominated simply so, without -in analyses to hormones. In this connection the question - whether follows me and further to accept preparations or to cancel them? Confuses such purpose or appointment of the doctor without sootvetsujushchego inspections though till now there was no occasion to doubt of its or her competence.: (

01.09.2004, 19:30
Probably, before to ask this question at a forum, it would be more correct to set to its or his doctor. Therefore in occasion of treatment I while shall refrain from comments.

About sterility or barrenness to speak while early - should pass or take place year from the beginning of attempts to become pregnant.

From hormonal researches for the women planning pregnancy, research TTG and 4 free is actual.

01.09.2004, 19:30
4 months yet do not speak about presence of sterility or barrenness by definition

Except for that considering your history will inflame process it is recommended to check up permeability of pipes-for example to make GSG with purpose or appointment of antibiotics before procedure