Просмотр полной версии : Sterility or Barrenness

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! At me sterility or barrenness. GSG has shown the extremely complicated permeability of the left uterine pipe, peritubarnye solderings, right-is passed or right-is taken place;right-is passable. Results of US for 16 day of a cycle: the left ovary 3,6*0,3*22 in str- mnozh. Follicles, the right ovary 4,6.64,5*2,6. In str- mnozh. Follicles, approximately 15-20 pieces the Conclusion: Echo-attributes SPKJA? Results of research of hormones for 4 day of a cycle:








Provided that the husband that's all right, whether has a chance zaberemennet natural by? If something is necessary for making in addition, prompt, please.

Besides it or this at me a problem with a thyroid gland (a nodal struma), I accept the Thyroxine 50 and Jodomarin 50


01.09.2004, 19:30
Natasha, a problem of a nodal struma - separate. Laying in the party or side, but it would be desirable to know diameter of the site, was or the puncture besides the scheme or plan of its or his (site) of treatment used by you is a little bit unusual has not been spent.

Well to not load during pregnancy (or its or her induction) gynecologists additional problems so here it is necessary to put points above yo.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks huge, that have not disregarded my question. The ultrasound in July 20005 has shown: volume-9,3 sm a cube, the rights. A share diam.-12,3*7,2 mm, a puncture in March 2003.: the expressed proliferation of an epithelium, a colloid struma. In advance I apologize, if mistakes or errors in medical terminology are admitted or allowed

01.09.2004, 19:30
Level TTG before treatment and on a background? Dates of analyses? How for a long time accept a L-thyroxine and Jodomarin? Who has appointed or nominated this treatment?

01.09.2004, 19:30
You need to do or make laparaskopiju. Results GSG do not allow to judge authentically adherent or adhesive process, and GSG does not allow to reveal such pathology, as an endometriosis which too can be the reason of sterility or barrenness.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Level TTG before treatment in the middle 2003.-0,46, FT4-12,51, -2,46. After the beginning of treatment -0,67 in the extremity or end 2003., further the tendency is those (exact dates I can not name yet) TTG in 2004.-0; 0,02; 1,01; in 2005.-1,62 Today was on the next reception at the doctor (I am observed in paid clinic under the insurance) have appointed or nominated US and a puncture, have told or said, that most likely, at me a follicular adenoma

Planer Vitaly
01.09.2004, 19:30
You need to do or make laparaskopiju. Results GSG do not allow to judge authentically adherent or adhesive process, and GSG does not allow to reveal such pathology, as an endometriosis which too can be the reason of sterility or barrenness.

Thanks for advice or council

01.09.2004, 19:30
Treatment of a nodal colloid struma (not adenomas) tiroksinom-treatment with not proved efficiency, and at TTG is less 1 honey \l not undertaken absolutely not, treatment of an adenoma - operative.