Просмотр полной версии : Prompt the diagnosis?

Andrey of FRAMES
01.09.2004, 19:30
In June 2005 has spent treatment of erosion shejki uteruses (laser), all analyses (on an infection, onkotsitologija, a biopsy) were good, only a blood on v:igM-, igG--2-4, -small cystic change of the left ovary, all rest in norm or rate. On survey in 3 months the doctor has told or said, that shejka not ideal, but within the limits of norm or rate:confused:, the analysis on flora .2 month botched work in the middle of a cycle and 3-4 days after monthly and a blood after the sexual certificate or act back has begun, nothing hurts, the doctor has appointed or nominated without survey analyses to hormones (5 day :-3,100 -6,532 Prolactinum-221,475 Oestradiolum-59,319 Progesteronum-0,896 Testosteron-Depotum-64,606 degidro- -235,849 4-1,3 3-3,237 -2,028 17--1,4 AT to thyreoglobulin-3,385 AT to thyroid -2,712), US of a small basin (have told or said, that there are small synechias in a uterus, all rest in norm or rate), Uzi mammary glands (in norm or rate), US of a thyroid gland (in norm or rate).

Menses from 13 years, regular 32-34 for 5-6 days, painless, abortions were not, pregnancy one (labors in January 2004, there was a manual inspection of a cavity of the uterus), the sexual partner one, we are protected by condoms.

Prompt, what with me?: (

The daughter - in-law
01.09.2004, 19:30
In June 2005 has spent treatment of erosion shejki uteruses (laser), all analyses (on an infection, onkotsitologija, a biopsy) were good, only a blood on v:igM-, igG--2-4, -small cystic change of the left ovary, all rest in norm or rate. On survey in 3 months the doctor has told or said, that shejka not ideal, but within the limits of norm or rate:confused:, the analysis on flora .2 month botched work in the middle of a cycle and 3-4 days after monthly and a blood after the sexual certificate or act back has begun, nothing hurts, the doctor has appointed or nominated without survey analyses to hormones (5 day :-3,100 -6,532 Prolactinum-221,475 Oestradiolum-59,319 Progesteronum-0,896 Testosteron-Depotum-64,606 degidro- -235,849 4-1,3 3-3,237 -2,028 17--1,4 AT to thyreoglobulin-3,385 AT to thyroid -2,712), US of a small basin (have told or said, that there are small synechias in a uterus, all rest in norm or rate), Uzi mammary glands (in norm or rate), US of a thyroid gland (in norm or rate).

Menses from 13 years, regular 32-34 for 5-6 days, painless, abortions were not, pregnancy one (labors in January 2004, there was a manual inspection of a cavity of the uterus), the sexual partner one, we are protected by condoms.

Prompt, what with me?: (

It is necessary to repeat US immediately right after monthly, and more time on survey to the gynecologist. The reason of such phenomena as you, can have a polyp endometrija or the cervical channel. For the beginning it is necessary to exclude it or him.

Near to digits of your hormones it is necessary to specify norm or rate (in different laboratories-different of norm or rate).