Просмотр полной версии : Erosion shejki uteruses

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! Tell or say, please, what method to choose for cauterization of erosion of ?/m - krio or the apparatus *quot better; ?OOu?OO?*quot;? To Me of 25 years. Erosion within 8 years, there were labors in 1997 the Biopsy has shown presence of a focal dysplasia of an easy or a light;a mild degree. A cytology - inflammatory process. Other analyses in norm or rate. Treatment onkoginekologom (a doxycycline, Trichopolum, Tinidazolum, Nistatinum, Clotrimazolum) has been appointed or nominated. I wait for your advice or council as opinions of doctors in a choice of a method of treatment of erosion dispatch or deliver;have missed. Zarnee thanks.

01.09.2004, 19:30
In current of 2 weeks use suppositories with homeopathic Calendulae (the sexual life during this period is excluded), and then anew visit or attend the gynecologist. Very much can be, that its or his opinion on necessity of cauterization will change.