Просмотр полной версии : lechenie errozii, est li novie metodi

01.09.2004, 19:30
pomogite sovetom, est li alternativa elektrokoaguljazii, a imenno lazernoe lechenie errozii, vozmozno est drugie metodi? a elektro ja uze delala, hvataet effekta nenadolgo, (u menja na shejke zelezi Nabouti, po moemu tak nazval vrach eti borodavochki)

zaranee spasibo

01.09.2004, 19:30

Before to do or make laser coagulation, you should be convinced, that there is no inflammation. Otherwise - the result will be zero.

01.09.2004, 19:30
spasibo za otvet, vospalenija to net, no lejkoziti 20 v p/z i flora-kokki

javljaetsja li eto protivopokazaniem dlja lazern vmeshatelstva, infekziju poka obnaruzit ne udalos....

plz otvette ja sejchas v Piterburge, a skoro ehat domoj v Avstriju, poetomu i toroplujs:confused:

01.09.2004, 19:30
Result not ideal, probably, it is necessary to discuss it on reception at the doctor.

The sun
01.09.2004, 19:30
obnaruzena uroplazma i kandida, predlagajut antibiotiki, ishu sposob obojtis bez nih ved eto ze v prinzipe normalnaja flora tolko lish vo mnogo raz umnozennaja...

chto skazite?

zavtra idu k homeopatam na kompleksnoe obsledovanie organizma, interesno chto posovetujut

01.09.2004, 19:30

If you have a problem measures for its or her decision should be chosen effective. Personally your actions remind me the character of known history.

01.09.2004, 19:30
po vashemu *quot; meri*quot; - eto antibiotiki, net uz Imeja kandida dumaju .eto ne vihod, hvatit disbakterioza i tak .Vozmozno on i v pishevom trakte uze... u menja immunitet ochen nizkij esli verit vega testu 20 % nu i chto budet posle priema antibiotikov?

ne znaju ja rasschitivala na bolee interesnij otvet ....:mad:

budu iskat vihod dalshe, vot homeopati sovetujut nozod Kandida...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Treatment of a colpitis can be local, that is by means of antiseptic/antibacterial preparations, + mikostatiki so the similar choice will not cause or call a dysbacteriosis.

And your emotions and desire to try or taste something of type of a homeopathy... Speak about misunderstanding a problem more likely. You can be engaged in everything, everything and including pozagorat under the moon with the same success.

01.09.2004, 19:30
lagalishchnye dysbacterioses it not an infection. After treatment by local agents it is possible to spend treatment by the surgical laser. So, passing through Minsk, write in .:p