Просмотр полной версии : Erosion

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear doctors, prompt, please, for what reasons erosion shejki uteruses is formed. The sister of my husband the lonely woman who does not transfer or carry men as a kind (I understand, that it it was necessary to write to psychiatrists), has addressed to the gynecologist with complaints to an itch and a burning sensation. IT or her have frightened, have told or said to hand over the analysis on an oncology, tk at people doing not lead a sex life, erosion is formed just owing to occurrence of oncologic diseases. To me not so in it it is believed...

Comment, please. Thanks

01.09.2004, 19:30
The itch and burning sensation have no attitude or relation to erosion, these are attributes of inflammatory process which should be treated in itself. If at survey the pathology shejki uteruses AFTER TREATMENT of the INFLAMMATION and normalization of a smear appoint or nominate a colposcopy and the cytologic research (which probably is found out and have named *quot; the analysis on ??u??*quot;) - it is obligatory everything, irrespective of a sexual life:) the Rest - imaginations

01.09.2004, 19:30
The rest - imaginations

Thanks I and thought