Просмотр полной версии : Adenomyosis and polyps

01.09.2004, 19:30
On US have not diagnosed: a hysteromyoma, an adenomyosis in doubt, polyps endometrija in doubt. On how much, in your opinion, obligatory the diagnostic currettage in this situation is? As it is urgent it or him nizhno to do or make and whether it is possible izbezhat-to drink it or him piljulku and something or something else. Zt

01.09.2004, 19:30
1. And what, actually you disturbs? Why you have addressed on US. 2. US - an indirect method of diagnostics and if at its or his carrying out any endometrial pathology it is naturally necessary to specify it or her is suspected. But simply diagnostic currettage will be a little, optimum to spend a hysteroscopy.

01.09.2004, 19:30
2 years ago at me already nahodli miomu-but she did not disturb me. Have then told or said, that it or her at me netjuza one have checked up on a heap of infections-have found VPCH and ureoplazmoz. Have cured. And disturbed only odno-some raised or increased moisture-not of allocation, namely humidity before monthly. Then I two years had a rest from visiting genikologa. Now has simply gone to the doctor, zaoodno has complained of humidity. An out-patient department decent-paid insurance medicine-therefore of US do or make by all. Have now found VPCH.Opjat it was treated by handfuls, but the analysis has shown that one of subspecies VPCH has remained. And the US was not pleasant to the doctor. Since for me vyskalivanie ?O?-that the guillotine has gone to other doctor-th UZI.Ona me hardly has calmed, though is not strong. A problem that for New year we are going to with family to Austria on mountain skiing. Therefore to be engaged in an intervention before departure I do not want, whether for it is not enough that... And the trip will be broken. I feel normally, botched work, pochih while fie-fie is not present horrors. Can vsezhe bleedings of which frighten at the similar diagnosis in the literature have any primary zvonochki?


01.09.2004, 19:30
It agree, in haste there is no need. Do not spoil to itself rest.

01.09.2004, 19:30
And how occurs or happens giteroskopija? It or Her do or make permanently?

Yes, whether back I did or made two more years utorobrazh-is such analysis replacement ekzikutsii on a currettage?


01.09.2004, 19:30
1. *quot; and how occurs or happens giteroskopija? It or Her do or make permanently? *quot;...

Where as.

2. *quot;... Whether two years ago I did or made utorobrazh-is such analysis replacement ekzikutsii on a currettage? *quot;...


01.09.2004, 19:30
prodlzhaja a subject, instead of a situation described above, it would be desirable to learn or find out about influence of pregnancy on an adenomyosis (the polyp endometrija also is available-which recurred in 3-rd time, nesmrtrja on a hysteroscopy). The age 37, one child is.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The hysteroscopy is a visual estimation of a status of a cavity of the uterus, plus diagnogsticheskoe the CURRETTAGE (curettage) of a cavity of the uterus. From my point of view, a method of a choice is gisterorezektoskopija, operation during which is carried out not only excision of a polyp, but also local prizheganie (ablatsija) it or him *quot; ???*quot;, or its or his cutting together with a small site of a wall of the uterus, being under it or him (resection) if pregnancy is not planned in the further. But there is no guarantee, that the polyp is not formed again on the next site endometrija. It is necessary to eliminate or erase;remove conditions of its or his education, and it with a high probability a chronic inflammation of a mucosa of a uterus.

By way of influence of pregnancy on an adenomyosis of opinion of scientists dispatch or deliver;have missed. Probably it too individually.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The US is not the basic method of diagnostics of an adenomyosis, is more correct - such diagnosis should be put on the basis of set of the complaints, the certain clinical researches. Unfortunately, now, especially in consultations, the shortcut of an adenomyosis or an endometriosis is put everywhere. But in fact it - practically for all life! And if the patient addresses in occasion of any complaints - doctors swing or pump a head and speak: and quot; Oh, yes at you an endometriosis!! Here from it or this and all i?n??*quot;. And good treatment is not too cheap. It seems to me, that the given diagnosis should be exposed only at full inspection, t.e should be proved.

In general the subject of an endometriosis is very interesting. Now it or her decline everywhere. Can, dear doctors, we shall share personal experience in treatment of this sore? And more - repeatedly collided or faced that very widespread endometriosis, greater or big endmetrioidnye cysts, etc. do not give the expressed painful effect, and the fine, subperitoneal centers, especially at young women - pains strong. Whether there were you with such *quot; a?O??*quot;? How act?

Yours faithfully! Happy New Year!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Whether at possible or probable pregnancy is contraindication carrying out gisterorezektoskopii?

01.09.2004, 19:30
That means *quot; at possible or probable pregnancy? *quot; a hysteroscopy during pregnancy? Or pregnancy at present is supposed? Or she is planned in the foreseeable or vast future?


01.09.2004, 19:30
Is available in view of gisterorezektoskopii which possibly means excision of a part of a myometrium in a place of a leg or pinch of a polyp. On the one hand at retsid. Polyps its or her carrying out is shown, with dr. The parties or sides warn the patient that spend this procedure in cases if the woman to give birth or travail any more will not be. Whether so it?

Chistjakova Maria
01.09.2004, 19:30
At polyps endometrija cauterization of a leg or pinch of a polyp or a resection of a part of a myometrium around of it or her is so insignificant, that it does not carry any consequences. I would not name it rezektoskopiej. The given procedure (gisterorezektoskopija) is made at the certain pathological processes and means excision endometrija with sites of a myometrium. It is possible or probable and tka named ablatsija endometrija-it or him vyzhyganie with pomoju an electricity. But at excision of a polyp or polyps the area of an intervention is insignificant and does not carry threat for the further pregnancy and sorts or labors.