Просмотр полной версии : To treat or to not treat?

01.09.2004, 19:30
To me recently did or made a laparoscopy and a hysteroscopy, the cyst on one ovary has been removed, the histology has shown, that the cyst was endometroidnaja. The second ovary normal. Other centers at operation it has not been revealed, the diagnosis has been put only on the basis of a histology, nothing was cauterized. The diagnosis - an endometriosis of ovaries in an initial stage. Besides on shejke uteruses the cyst too is found out and on the basis of a colposcopy the doctor has told or said, that she too endometroidnaja, it is necessary to do or make a cryolysis. The doctor advises, that it is necessary to pierce 3 months Zoladeks, to try to conceive independently in current of 2 3 cycles, and if is not present to begin report EKO. And here other doctor doubts, that Zoladeks to me in general is necessary, as a degree of an endometriosis initial, advises to not hurry up, all over again to hand over analyses on hormones, besides advises does not hurry up while to delete a cyst on shejke a uterus, she yet does not stir or prevent a pier. I asked a similar question already in several forums and many answers very different from *quot; to prick in?aON?y?*quot; up to *quot; it is not necessary to a hormonetherapy as all in initial ?Oan??*quot;. Lapara it was spent in occasion of sterility or barrenness, t. e. Now in plans to become pregnant. Pipes are passed or taken place;passable, at operation have removed hydrosalpinxes. Like as by results of a u??ONO/laparoscopy of pregnancy can stir or prevent only an endometriosis of ovaries. I read that at an endometriosis there is a bad answer to stimulation, at me at attempt EKO 13 ootids five months ago have turned out. The doctor what can advise - to begin treatment or to try independently?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Not absolutely on a subject, but it is connected with my question. Doctor Kirsanov on the site has responded me, that *quot; gidrosalpinks-it razdutaja the uterine pipe transformed in *quot; ?N?O?aON*quot; education, zapolennaja a liquid. At such status of uterine pipes it be no point zaimatsja plastic operations, *quot; Oa?OUoaOy*quot; in an ampullar department of a pipe to let out or release a liquid. Pregnancy through such pipe will not come or step. It is checked up and proved by set of researches on the big material. Therefore at revealing such pathology it is necessary to delete pipes, to spend (if necessary) antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory therapy and to be engaged EKO. At presence soputsvujushchej pathologies in the form of endometriosis EKO are desirable for spending on a background 2-3- injections Zoladeksa or uO?NON???a*quot;.

Very much I ask opinion of other doctors, whether really together with gidrosalpinsami it is necessary to delete pipes. I have asked the same question to the surgeon who did or made a laparoscopy, he has told or said, that in my case to delete pipes it is not necessary, it is done or made only when are found out salposalpinksy (excuse, I can incorrectly write). So to that to believe? Can doctors have in view of different forms of hydrosalpinxes?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Doctor Kirsanov is not right in the absolute aversion of plasty of pipes. All depends on set of factors (safety resnichattogo an epithelium, fimbrias, etc.) Can at it or him and there were no positive takes, and here I had to see and participate in laparoscopies which result seem very doubtful, but all terminated in pregnancy. Certainly, it is the most easier than a pipe and EKO - only money for all this it is necessary much and not at all of them is.

Can simply try to become pregnant without Zoladeksa (attempt nothing will change 2-3 months) if there is no effect - or EKO after excision of pipes or treatment of an endometriosis but with the control - GSG or the laparoscopy is better.

But at all not knowing, that on operation it was difficult to give advice or council.