Просмотр полной версии : Laparoscopy-is obligatory?

odinokiy volk
01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! In advance thanks for the answer - hotelost to learn or find out-that more likely to do or make... To Me of 40 years. At me 2-nd brak-in which we have decided to get or start children. On US have found out - an endometriosis of the right ovary (endometriomy in the size 11*19), a focal hyperplasia endometrija, an endometriosis of -uterine area. To me have offered laparoskopiju-but I would not like it or her to do or make - I have no pains and any complaints. Is perfect or is absolute;absolutely-any! Whether tell or say I-can make an attempt EKO with a donor female cell? One ovary - with an endometriosis, another-in a kind gipoerogennogo tela-it or him it is not visible almost... Or operation-laparoscopy-is inevitable? The endometriosis to me does not prevent to live ....-is not present signs pains.....

Calvin Klein
01.09.2004, 19:30
Education in the field of an ovary is the indication to a laparoscopy even at absence of complaints. A question: why EKO? At you sterility or barrenness? Sterility or barrenness can be caused by an endometriosis.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Da-an obstruction of both pipes. But concerning my case of doctors the different points of view: in the center family meditsyny-where do or make EKO-insist on a laparoscopy and a hysteroscopy ... for specification of the diagnosis. To that important know or nobility-what preparations to appoint or nominate at EKO-even with a donor cell... There it would be necessary like to drink any preparations-that to prepare for a uterus to a fertilization... Though-not I know... ?oNOOON-where in a network it is possible to learn or find out more about fertilization EKO with a donor ootid? Where these questions can kvalifitsirovanno to respond-th? The doctor in the center insisted on this method-.. He more sparing in comparison with usual EKO-where is applied stimulation by hormones...

Wash the attending physician considers or counts-that the bases for a laparoscopy it is poorly possible to treat medikamentozno. Is possible-this I shall in details describe the diagnosis on US:

(Different US s of different doctors) have been made some.

1. uteruses 48*43*49 M-echo 11 with sites of a thickening

Contours of a basal membrane-is moderate or membrane-moderately precise.

Myometrium-with single gipoehogennymi sites

The cavity of a uterus-not is deformed

SHejka matki-endogenous or endogenic thickenings 9

Right jaichnik-in the form of education 47*28*40 with gemoroskopicheskimi sites d 11-19

The left ovary in a kind gipoehogennogo bodies

Free liquid in br. polosti-gipertogennye sites kzadi behind a uterus.

The conclusion: a focal hyperplasia endometrija

Endometriosis of the right ovary (endometriomy) .endometrioz -uterine area.

Doctor UZIST skazala-that stirs or prevents an endometriosis of pregnancy... And like it or him it would be necessary to clean or remove on a laparoscopy... Though if to not set as the purpose pregnancy and what for to delete?

I shall result or bring still last conclusion of US:

The body of the womb is defined or determined borders precise, contours-equal,

The form usual, a uterus is rejected kzadi, the sizes are increased

Length of 65 mm



The structure or frame of a myometrium is changed due to plural diffusive or diffuse changes

--13 Borders precise, contours-

Endometry non-uniform ehostruktury

The left ovary is defined or determined is kzadi from a uterus and is close, is fastened to her ligaments or cords (or solderings?)

Length 40

Thickness 22

Width 24

Structure or Frame usual.

The right ovary length 45

Thickness 26

Width 34

It is presented by 3 chamber education 1 chamber 28*16 gipoehogennaja

With krupnodispersnym contents

2 chamber 22*13 same, 3-rd chamber 15*17 with melkodispersnym contents.

The conclusion: an internal and external endometriosis.

And last doctor- skazala-that suspicion only in education of 15*17 other-these or -thus follicles. And with such small education there are no indications to do or make laporaskopiju. That it is possible to treat medikamentozno.

Here I and not znaju-as to me to be? Whether it is possible to do or make operations-those or -that;-subjects more-that at me a-pleuritis, solderings inside-from serious operation (not gynecologic)-spent 20 years ago, a hernia-too from it or her.... It is contraindication to a laparoscopy?

There is nobody I -hope for the answer....