Просмотр полной версии : Whether an endometriosis it?

01.09.2004, 19:30
As a result of the spent US (the intravulval or intravaginal gauge) the doctor has revealed the following: a uterus in retroflexio, rotirovana, the sizes 423246, konntury precise, equal. Endometry 9 mm, with rough festonchatymi contours. JAmchnik on the right 3020 mm. At the left - 2625 mm. Attributes of an internal adenomyosis. Adherent or adhesive process of organs of a small basin.

At repeated US (on 8-th put a cycle): the sizes of a uterus 383044, structure or frame non-uniform due to alternating gipoehogennyh sites. Endometry 4 mm of rough indistinct contours. The diagnosis: an internal adenomyosis.

The doctor wrote the diagnosis with words: *quot; Well good we shall write to you endometrioz-all the same some attributes is? *quot;

In this connection there were some questions:

1. What else it is necessary to hand over analyses to confirm/deny the diagnosis?

2. Whether at such diagnosis I can give birth to the child?

To me 22 years, did not give birth or travail, abortions were not.

01.09.2004, 19:30
US - a method auxiliary. All the conclusions at the given research are done or made on the basis of ultrasonic attributes of this or that pathology. The final diagnosis is put by the doctor who has directed you on US. The adenomyosis at UZ research enough often meets at women of genesial age and less often demands any intervention from the doctor. If you do not have any real problems (as which you feel) that most likely problems with pregnancy will not be.

01.09.2004, 19:30
If you do not have any real problems (as which you feel) that most likely problems with pregnancy will not be.

Actually real problems are and already dovlno for a long time. And because of them the doctor me has directed on US. There are complaints on smearing brown allocation before and after monthly, a pain in a vault of the vagina during sexual contacts. Besides the chronic thrush (time in 3 months repeats) has already simply tortured. Smears as doctors speak, pure or clean. Though... On own experience it was convinced, that the analysis of smears by which the hospital does or makes free of charge, actually - flrmalnost, and sensation such, that anybody there and does not investigate or research them, write result from baldy.