Просмотр полной версии : Treatment of an endometriosis

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear doctors! Advise me something. To me 22 years, children and beremennostej were not, in me have found out an endometriosis in an initial stage. The gynecologist has appointed or nominated the microdosed out contraceptives. Whether It would be desirable to learn or find out exists other methods of treatment of an endometriosis? Hormones to accept desires is not present, frightens basically a syndrome of refractory or resistant ovaries after a cancelling of a preparation. What opinion in occasion of treatment now, can eat any new approaches?

01.09.2004, 19:30
1. The diagnosis *quot; Y?n?NOO??*quot; it is put gistologicheski, i.e. after operation. Without the histological conclusion the endometriosis can be assumed only.

2. After microdosed out OK there comes -effect with rising a fecundity, instead of *quot; a syndrome refractory or resistant n????o*quot;.

In what you is shown *quot; Y?n?NOO??*quot;?

01.09.2004, 19:30
To me put a clinical endometriosis (pains before and in first two days of a menses, allocation of chocolate color in the first dvja day, plus recently there was a pain in a rectum directly ahead of a menses). According to US endometriosis I item is put And how long it is possible to apply microdosed out OK? Whether their purpose or appointment if there is a problem in the hormonal status (hypothyrosis) is possible or probable?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Result or Bring results of hormones shchitovivdnoj glands, write, that accept

01.09.2004, 19:30
And here with results of hormones it is already more complex or difficult. All hormones of a thyroid gland in norm or rate (though I basically doubt, that at us authentic analyses do or make - to have to wait almost month it will not be typed or collected yet necessary kollichestvo test tubes, hormones by this time collapse already or are already blasted). The hypothyrosis too has been put clinically. According to US - a hypoplasia of the left share (and, that is characteristic a share *quot; ???N??a*quot; for 4 years, control US were done or made every year). According to last US on a place gipoplazirovannoj shares have found out cystic education - on a puncture a colloid. Earlier, in current of 2 years, accepted a thyroxine of 25 mkg (a trial dose under the control of clinic), like signs would be stoped. Plus to all at me fibro a-cystic mastopathy. That is, as I understand estrogens are raised or increased. Doctors advise to give birth or travail, and if there is no that to accept those ill-starred OK. Immemorial Russian question: what to do or make?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Certainly, a situation with a thyroid gland not absolutely clear. And what there is no other laboratory where it is possible to make quickly TTG?

I think, in your case there are no contraindications for application OK. It is better to use them in trimensual a cycle (3 months of continuous reception).

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks big for the answer. And about hormones - speak, that somewhere in Kharkov there is a laboratory where very well and quickly do or make analyses. And still as about other methods of treatment? Speak, that competent acupuncture not bad helps or assists. How about fizio?

01.09.2004, 19:30
The endometriosis is not treated neither acupuncture, nor a physiotherapy.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Shortly and clearly. Thanks for consultation