Просмотр полной версии : Terms of carrying out of US of a small basin at stimulation of ovulation Klomifenom.

oleg and sveta
01.09.2004, 19:30
If stimulation of ovulation Klomifenom with 5 for 9 day of a cycle, in what terms how the US research of a small basin of the woman often is carried out and what is looked still, except for the fact of presence of an ovulation is spent?


01.09.2004, 19:30
The US start to do or make from 10-th day of a cycle in day. Before an ovulation (a follicle of 18 mm and more) - daily. Except for the size of a follicle and presence of a free liquid thickness of M-it or -this;-thus and it or him ehostruktura is estimated or appreciated.

01.09.2004, 19:30
What dynamics or changes of body height of a follicle on days of a cycle

9 day ---? Mm

10 day-? Mm


I can not find in ??-those.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Has already found.

1-3 day MTS - 5-10 mm. In diameter

4-10 day - 10-22 mm.

10-13 day - 23-32 mm.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I very much apologize, that vlaziju in an another's subject, I not the doctor, but I only wish to tell or say, that above resulted or brought dynamics or changes of follicles on days of a cycle absolutely not correct. Too greater or big sizes of follicles are resulted or brought, though it can for a standard cycle in 28 days is normal, but there is one more *quot; ?*quot;, all that is more 30 any more it is not considered folliculomas, it already a cyst, and in a reality not broken off or become torn follicles it is more 26-27 already pass in a follicular cyst.

Still time I apologize and correct for me if I am not right.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The ovulatory follicle - 22-24 mm, sometimes he ovuliruet earlier (at the smaller size), the greater size happens seldom.... The Cyst - from 35 mm and in case he not ovuliroval, and has remained. SMALLER neovulirovavshy a follicle - a persistent follicle.

Standard dynamics or changes on days of a cycle *quot; for o?NO*quot; no. At someone on 9 put already 18 mm, at someone an ovulation for 40 day. Everyone happens. Therefore is not present in an Internet:)

01.09.2004, 19:30
Excuse, instead of you could explain that means concept, persistentsija a follicle, this involution of a follicle, that is the follicle decreases at a rate of and eventually or it something in general disappears another?

And also please explain, what the luteinization of a follicle means?

01.09.2004, 19:30
persistentsija is a situation when he not ovuliroval, and has remained. Seldom decreases, usually remains the same sizes or increases and turns or is enlarged and turns to a follicular cyst. The cyst from persistirujushchego a follicle differs in the sizes (a cyst from 35 mm).

Luteinization - transformation into the education similar to a yellow body, but without an ovulation.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I thank, all has understood.

I apologize, but at me one more question to you.

Whether there can be a follicle of the oval form or he strictly should be round?

If speak on US, what at you a follicle of the oval form, whether it is possible or probable, what is it already yellow body?

I have described the situation in a separate topic, but there so anybody and has not responded, can you can help or assist me?

Thankful in advance!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Perhaps, but if you wish to correspond and ask again = to me more conveniently it to do or make on a mail.

The yellow body differs from a follicle not so much the form. It should be seen on a picture, I shall not guess. The yellow body the analysis of a blood on Progesteronum also proves to be true

01.09.2004, 19:30
Many thanks.

There is to Tuesday still time on US, shall look or see that to me still will tell or say.