Просмотр полной версии : Metabolic therapy

01.09.2004, 19:30
Sasha (sanehka_l@mtu-net.ru) - - ---Mine the doctor plans to follow in the long term to me a policy of metabolic therapy, but has not explained to me, what is it such. There can be someone to me will tell? And more, the analysis of a blood on V.A. And on antibodies to HGCH - too I do not know, what is it, and it would be desirable to learn or find out.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Anna (- - - ---Dear Sasha! You it is casual not in the Center of mother and the child consulted? Metabolic therapy are vitamins and substances similar to them which improve a metabolism. VA - lupoid anticoagulant, can cause threat of an abortion. Antibodies to chorionic Gonadotropinum of the person to the basic hormone beremennostibyvajut at povtornoberemennyh women and, probably, promote nebljugoprijatnomu to current of pregnancy.

Jury Garin
01.09.2004, 19:30
Sasha (- - - ---Anna! I can not pass, as I am glad, that you have responded to my report! Big srasibo for an explanation. I consulted at the private or individual gynecologist if so it is possible to tell or say. Has found it or her through familiar. The good doctor but since now at us under the program of treatment another she also did not begin to explain in detail, that all this means. Has told or said: time will come - I shall tell or say. And I would like to learn or find out now.