Просмотр полной версии : Duration of gestation

Shiryaev Tamara
01.09.2004, 19:30
Julia (gonjubas@mail.ru) - - ---Me excites a following question, with what accuracy it is possible to define or determine a duration of gestation? Doctors put term on October, 10th - 9 weeks, on November, 29th - 15 weeks. Last menses was on August, 10th, 2000. But a problem that previous monthly went very longly on June, 27th July. When there has presumably come or stepped conception. Also the analysis of a blood on AFP 56 ed.ml and HGCH 18. on December, 21st, whether normal he has been spent? Help or Assist please. In advance thanks.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Anna - - ---Julia! Independently that is standard a duration of gestation of other factors to count on last menses. Most precisely it or him allows to define or determine US on an early duration of gestation. If you did or made the first US 10.10 it is necessary to consider or count term, being guided on these data, and he corresponds or meets to term on a menses. In later terms of US is less informative, t. To. Term is calculated on the sizes of a fetus, and children, as is known, can be both fine, and large. Norms or rates AFP and HGCH in different laboratories different also should be specified on the form.