Просмотр полной версии : Pregnancy on early terms and pains

01.09.2004, 19:30
Alain - - ---Hello! At me such question. Pregnancy three and a half of a week, uterine. In the past to year was extrauterine on the right, a pipe have left did or made a laparoscopy, but on GSG she is impassable. And so. I am am disturbed by that she hurts. Periodically noet. Whether it is normal? All analyses good. Thanks.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Anna - - ---Alain! If on US that's all right pulling or nojushchie pains can be connected with adherent or adhesive process which for certain is available for you. As during pregnancy the uterus gradually grows, solderings are stretched or dragged out also it is accompanied by morbid sensations.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Vlasenko Tanja (vlasenko@aaahavk.com) - - ---Hello! To Me of 28 years and I on 16 to week of pregnancy. Four years ago I had a hematencephalon. Experts have not found the reason, anamaly at me too it has not appeared. But here now strong headaches began to excruciate me. It has begun somewhere with 2 month of pregnancy. A blood pressure in norm or rate, pulse is increased. I understand, that it is necessary to address to the expert, but to what neznaju. I genikolog speaks, that headaches not often appear at pregnant women. Advise please as to me to be? Sbasibo.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Prugalov A. (prugalov@mail.wplus.net) - - ---Has written to you, Tanja, on Emelju, but the letter has come back:.

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vd@gfk.infopac.ru) - - ---Tanja, Headaches can be observed at so-called late toxicoses of pregnant women. It is an occasion for more careful inspection. Mr. Prugalov Though to pregnant women be not put with the bredjatinoj - it or him in fact, as is known, is impossible pogodit.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Vadim (- - - ---For Mr. Prugalova the main thing of money, instead of children.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Prugalov A. (prugalov@mail.wplus.net) - - ---Again slander:-. Now, probably, six children we shall treat for a HIV free of charge, by the way.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Anna (Anna) (a-smirnova@mtu-net.r) - - ---Tanja! Consultation of the neuropathologist is urgently necessary to you!