Просмотр полной версии : bronhomunal and planning of pregnancy

01.09.2004, 19:30

I plan pregnancy in August. Often I am ill or sick with catarrhal diseases - pharyngitises, the rhinites, sometimes coming to an end genyantrites. 2-3 times a year are ill or sick more often in the autumn and in the spring somewhere. 3 years ago a propyl a semi-annual course ribomunila then year did not hurt or be ill;be sick. In this connection I wish to raise or increase immunity before pregnancy as the probability to be ill with cold in the first trimester is great. How you think, whether it is necessary to me to spend on drink 2 months (3 months are not in time) bronhomunal (analogue ribomunila) - lysates of the bacteria causing infections of the top respiratory ways? Or it is not necessary to raise or increase an allergic background before pregnancy as bronhomunal is as though bacterination of an organism?

Whether it is possible to raise or increase immunity in other ways?