Просмотр полной версии : Pregnancy and umbilical hernia

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello, at me a following situation: somewhere 3-4 years ago I had sharp pains in the field of a belly-button and the suspicion on a umbilical hernia has been put, operatively did not treat. The attack has passed or has taken place in itself and has repeated somewhere in half a year, but with smaller force. Since then somewhere yearly there are small, quickly passing or quickly taking place, pains in the field of a belly-button. Outside of an attack in the field of a belly-button nothing is defined or determined.

I would like to know, whether in that case if there will come or step pregnancy it will be reflected in her and whether it is necessary to something to undertake in this occasion?

In advance thanks!

01.09.2004, 19:30
While pregnancy is not planned also complaints is not present, the diagnosis *quot; suspicion on... *quot; can satisfy, and when you plan pregnancy, it is necessary to be going to with forces, to descend or go to the expert (in this case - to the surgeon) and to understand with a current status. Then the diagnosis then it will be possible for something to prognosticate about pregnancy and its or her complications becomes clear. Up to that is this hydromancy.