Просмотр полной версии : Communication or Connection *quot; a tonus ?aO?*quot; and exercise stresses.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Tell or Say please how the general or common physical activity influences on *quot; O?O?*quot;?

At me periodically on a course of pregnancy arises such sotojanie (tonus). The doctor forbids exercise stresses. Moreover - speaks, that excessive physical activity provokes this most *quot; O?O?*quot;.

And how provokes - does not speak;)

And it is very interesting to me.

I understand, when muscles press, for example (a raising of gravities or digging of tranches or trenches) are involved. They hotjaby are close located to a dangerous zone.

And other kinds of a load?

, for example, it is possible to work as arms or hand? They like are removed enough from an abdominal cavity. Or all the same it is impossible?

To me nejstvitelno, very interestingly.

It is job of any muscles somehow influences structure of a blood or why so prishodit?

Tell, if it is possible or probable.

It is possible the link:)
