Просмотр полной версии : Tonus of a uterus + smearing allocation

01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon!

I am or be interested in your opinion and I ask advice or council.

16/07/04 private or individual doctor has put me 3 weeks of a uterine pregnancy, on the basis of US (abdomialnogo) and has appointed or nominated Nospanum at pains and UTROZHESTAN on 2 capsules vaginalno to night. 22/07/04 smearing pinkish allocation. Has made US in private or individual clinic. Result: the Deformed fetal egg, the Embryos of 2,5 mm, palpitation 114 in mines, is not present amotio or detachment of an annular chorion. Under the reference of the doctor dose UTROZHESTANA has been increased. Now 2 capsules in the morning and two evening (intake). Today 06/08/2004 (term of 6 weeks) was at the doctor in female consultation. She looked me on an armchair, has found allocation of color *quot; On?N??*quot; (I did not notice such), US did not do or make. Has scarified mine UTROZHESTAN, ordered to replace it or him on DJUFASTON (1 pieces 3 times a day) and to hand over a blood on hormones nYa-ZINCI SULFAS and 17- to appoint or nominate still any terrible preparation.





Question such: what preparation to accept more preferably UTROZHESTAN or DJUFASTON? Whether it is necessary medikamentozno to reduce a level of man's hormones (suddenly at me the boy)? And what consequences can be, if this level to not reduce? Thanks huge