Просмотр полной версии : Purpose or Appointment Kardiomagnila

01.09.2004, 19:30

You what consequences from application Kardiomagnila on the earliest durations of gestation can be could not prompt? Any concrete term at present to me yet do not put: a delay of 13 days, house tests for pregnancy positive, the analysis of a blood on VHCH has shown any 1056 units. The doctor speaks, that most likely pregnancy is, has sent on US by which I shall do or make only tomorrow. The matter is that at me essential trombotsitemija, average quantity or amount of thrombocytes 700-800 thousand, plus function, in 1,5 times above norm or rate is strongly enough raised or increased them agregatsionnaja, therefore the doctor has appointed or nominated 75 mg of Curantylum of +75 mg Kardiomagnila day. To instructions to last preparation it is written as contraindications 1-st and 3-rd trimesters of pregnancy. I understand, what with my disease by a unique opportunity to save pregnancy is application antiagregantov, simply it would be desirable to know how they can affect or have an effect the child, whether there is any alternative? And more a question in occasion of Polyvitaminums. I now trample down 400 mg. Folic in day and 200 mg. Jodomarin (a nodal struma with nomalnoj fukntsiej SHCHZH), the doctor recommended as to accept Polyvitaminums for pregnant women. On all Polyvitaminums it is written, that in one tablet a daily dose of necessary vitamins and minerals, including and that I now accept. If I shall accept Polyvitaminums how me to correct application jodomarina and Acidum folicum?

In advance many thanks for the help.

Yours faithfully, Tatyana.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Tatyana!

Kardiomagnil is Aspirinum of 75 mg from a magnesium oksidom for its or his prevention razdr. Actions on a stomach.

In your situation he more, than is shown, as will protect you from a thrombosing of a placenta and loss of a fetus. The most dangerous period - the first trimester. The role of Curantylum thus is less clear, as 75 mg - the dose is a little bit small (usually 225 mg or above).

Except for, folic 400 mg, it is recommended from second half of pregnancy reception pr- a gland for prophylaxis zhelezodefitsita (usually 30-60 mg day), in your situation it is especially shown, tk at zhelezodefitsite quite often meets a reactive thrombocytosis which is completely not necessary to you, tk observations have shown, that the above number of thrombocytes, the it is more than complications during pregnancy.

Other Polyvitaminums are not obligatory, but if will find or consider necessary them to accept, the dose folic is minimally necessary, its or her reception even up to 2-5 mg day (excess will be deduced or removed from an organism) is safe.

Out of curiosity: on the basis of what analyses and when to you have exposed the diagnosis?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks, Dr. Vad, for a prompt reply.

There can be you remember me, in section *quot; aN?aO?u?n*quot; one year ago I addressed to you for consultation in occasion of high quantity or amount of thrombocytes. Something from history of my illness or disease you can nati in that our correspondence. The diagnosis to me have put on the basis of OAK in dynamics or changes, some times did or made gemostaziogrammu, measured alkaline fosfotazu neutrophils, did or made and trepanobiopsiju an osteal brain with the cytogenetic analysis. At present a hematologist from Gem.tsentra (on the Dynamo) has allowed to get or start the child, in the conclusion it is written *quot; the diagnosis between essential trombotsitemiej and subleukemic ??N???*quot;, the conclusion is given out in the extremity or end of May of this year. On the last Saturday has handed over the general or common analysis of a blood, took from a vein, thrombocytes - 217 thousand, but considering data gemostaziogrammy and that *quot; ?O?a?y?N*quot; my quantity or amount of thrombocytes nearby 800 thousand, me have told or said peresdat the analysis of a blood, to make it or him of a finger.

Many thanks for your attention to my problem.
