Просмотр полной версии : Eruption on a stomach or belly!

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Marina (24 years
01.09.2004, 19:30
There was a fine eruption on each side a stomach or belly. Small red points as pryshchiki. It is a little pochesyvaetsja.

The doctor-therapist has told or said to exclude all vitamins and to drink bran with yogurt for clearing an intestine.

I experience: how without vitamins detka? Term of 30 weeks. And a delivery at me not high-grade (especially is I do not want, force myself though fruit to eat, but it is not enough).

Really, it can be an allergy on vitamins? I Drink them from 12 weeks (Elevit + Jodomarin 200).

01.09.2004, 19:30
Has cancelled vitamins, I do not eat citrus, I do not drink mors berry, I do not eat sweet. Voobshchem has excluded everything, that can cause an allergy, but... At me the eruption has increased. Now on all stomach or belly, on a breast, on arms or hand. And it is prompt or impetuous. All cheshetsja.

To what doctor to me to run?

Whether application of antiallergic preparations is possible at pregnancy?

I in rassterjannosti. Never allergies was, and now:confused:.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The food allergy can not? At me was such on medicines (not during pregnancy)

What is has appeared in your life recollect: for example a detergent powder, a conditioner, clothes, a blanket, soap, and among nutrition, probably harmless in your opinion, vobshchem all all that has appeared recollect, on something from this there can be a reaction.. At what she could appear not right after contact to allergen, and in couple of days

What to drink or not drink from medicines - I do not know - not the doctor, and here understanding is precisely working checked up method (at me at most on many that an allergy, by the way! At me for scarlet which by the way is considered protivoallergennym, such reaction and to any creams and gels where it contains)

I would clean or remove at once all new elements but if there are forces - it is possible poeksperementirovat cleaning or removing only most podozritenye

01.09.2004, 19:30
Has cancelled vitamins, I do not eat citrus, I do not drink mors berry, I do not eat sweet. Voobshchem has excluded everything, that can cause an allergy, but... At me the eruption has increased. Now on all stomach or belly, on a breast, on arms or hand. And it is prompt or impetuous. All cheshetsja.

To what doctor to me to run?

Whether application of antiallergic preparations is possible at pregnancy?

I in rassterjannosti. Never allergies was, and now:confused:.

If you already suspicious have cancelled all, and the given phenomena accrue or increase, try to address to the allergist. It is recommended to hand over the biochemical analysis of a blood also.

01.09.2004, 19:30
If you already suspicious have cancelled all, and the given phenomena accrue or increase, try to address to the allergist. It is recommended to hand over the biochemical analysis of a blood also.

The dermatologist (to exclude parasitogenic illnesses or diseases of a skin) too would not need to seem. It is necessary to not forget also, that some infectious diseases also proceed with rashes (a rubella, kor, a scarlatina) - they should be excluded also.

Anabel 18
01.09.2004, 19:30
If you already suspicious have cancelled all, and the given phenomena accrue or increase, try to address to the allergist. It is recommended to hand over the biochemical analysis of a blood also.

Descended or Went once again to the doctor. She to me has cancelled all medicines. In general I drink nothing.

Now a situation such: in the evening before a dream and in the morning before rising at me an itch:confused:. Accordingly, pojavljaetsja an eruption in the form of small krasnenkih pryshchikov chtoli:rolleyes:. Has solved poeksperementirovat: has eaten 2 manadrinki as earlier - in the evening an itch, next day did not eat them is the same result. And has noticed, what exactly before a dream or after a dream at me an itch. In the afternoon no eruption is present, all is quiet. Suspected a cream from extensions - but when it was scratched on zapastjah - at once has understood, what not on a cream. There I do not smear that!.

Biochemistry has handed over, but the analysis I learn or I find out on January, 11th and can and later. As the laboratory works. Under the usual analysis of a blood from a finger which I handed over one month ago - it's OK.

To the allergist or the dermatologist there is no opportunity to descend or go - holidays: (.

From meal new nothing ate, a hell and from that that I eat - would not tell or say that I eat something allergenic. Every day a miscellaneous. But an eruption every day. The only thing that I drink every day - Akvamineral without gas. All! Green tea - and that not every day.

Any diseases (a rubella and t.p) I exclude - a daughter nothing brought from school. Yes at them nobody is ill or sick now. I do not go in places of a clump of people.

I can not understand.:confused: In fact if as the doctor speaks, that on vitamins - but I a week do not drink them. Really it can so longly to be deduced or removed from an organism allergens?

I experience, on the kid what at me now occurs or happens operates or works?

01.09.2004, 19:30
The dermatologist (to exclude parasitogenic illnesses or diseases of a skin) too would not need to seem. It is necessary to not forget also, that some infectious diseases also proceed with rashes (a rubella, kor, a scarlatina) - they should be excluded also.

About parasitic illnesses or diseases - but if they were the husband or the child could catch, or not?

To the dermatologist to go strashnovato is it is necessary in KVD. And there I am afraid to pick up any muck.:rolleyes:.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The situation has changed in the extremely negative party or side. Today there was an awful itch at night. And when you scratch, all body pokryvaetsja murashikami.

The eruption already after pochesa does not pass or take place. At me all stomach or belly is sprinkled, arms or hand and on a breast has appeared. cheshetsja it is almost constant, especially after a dream. I have run in KVD. From doctors on duty there was unfortunately only a venereologist. The doctor has assumed, what is it allergic deramtit. But the laboratory does not work and consequently all opredeljaetsja approximately.

Treatment is appointed or nominated: 6-7 tablets of the activated coal since morning

Diazolinum - 1 * 2 times a day

Zaditenum - 1 for the night

Unguentum Zinci a day to smear 2-3 times

All treatment for 7 days.

Unguentum Zinci does not remove or take out an itch: (. What to do or make, how to be? To me has not carried, has got for holidays - doctors do not work. And till January, 10th to live it is necessary!

Whether Zaditenum it is possible for pregnant women? The instruction confuses.

Whether to be reflected my status in the kid? Very much I am afraid, that because of it or this he can become allergikom: (.

(But on what the allergy is ostaetsja the big question????) with what I can not connect. To the allergist too not earlier on January, 10th: (

01.09.2004, 19:30
The situation has changed in the extremely negative party or side. Today there was an awful itch at night. And when you scratch, all body pokryvaetsja murashikami.

The eruption already after pochesa does not pass or take place. At me all stomach or belly is sprinkled, arms or hand and on a breast has appeared. cheshetsja it is almost constant, especially after a dream. I have run in KVD. From doctors on duty there was unfortunately only a venereologist. The doctor has assumed, what is it allergic deramtit. But the laboratory does not work and consequently all opredeljaetsja approximately.

Treatment is appointed or nominated: 6-7 tablets of the activated coal since morning

Diazolinum - 1 * 2 times a day

Zaditenum - 1 for the night

Unguentum Zinci a day to smear 2-3 times

All treatment for 7 days.

Unguentum Zinci does not remove or take out an itch: (. What to do or make, how to be? To me has not carried, has got for holidays - doctors do not work. And till January, 10th to live it is necessary!

Whether Zaditenum it is possible for pregnant women? The instruction confuses.

Whether to be reflected my status in the kid? Very much I am afraid, that because of it or this he can become allergikom: (.

(But on what the allergy is ostaetsja the big question????) with what I can not connect. To the allergist too not earlier on January, 10th: (

The reasons there can be a set and all to bring down on an allergy does not follow.

If in current of 14 days of a rash are saved and even progress - you should have a constant contact to allergen. For statement of the diagnosis it is necessary though to look at character of rashes and on localization of process. At night the itch amplifies? Whether look or see there is an eruption on the internal party or side of a wrist, ulnar folds, an internal surface beder.

I think, that in Moscow and in holidays to find the dermatologist it is possible. Zaditenum I do not recommend.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Such itch at pregnancy can be a parameter of that the liver does not cope with a load. It is necessary to hand over biohimich. an. Bloods-bilirubins. mochevinu.alt.ast.kreatinin.

Already, when has passed or has taken place a lot of time from 1 post, I am not assured that at you an allergy.... Especially all allergens are excluded, I so understand...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Not denying necessity of inspection, should notice, as in norm or rate the itch of a skin of a stomach or belly is possible or probable at pregnancy. This frequent enough phenomenon. Of it or this accuse both extension of a skin by a growing stomach or belly, and hormonal influence. At nearby 1 % of pregnant women in second half of pregnancy there can be on a stomach or belly a pinkish eruption. It is called pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP). Usually disappears in some days after sorts or labors. But the doctor, the given or allowed advice or council to make the analysis of a blood, is certainly right.

01.09.2004, 19:30
There is such remarkable book for pregnant women:

What to Expect When You're Expecting, Third Edition by Heidi Murkoff

http: // www.amazon.com/gp/reader/0761121323/ref=sib_dp_pt/002--2468747-9203255*reader-link

I do not know, whether there is its or her translation or transfer in Russia. Here there it is very in detail told about all stages of pregnancy, unusual signs, in particular, about an itch and rashes. And as it is spoken as to facilitate the status in each situation, and under what circumstances to address to the doctor.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The reasons there can be a set and all to bring down on an allergy does not follow.

If in current of 14 days of a rash are saved and even progress - you should have a constant contact to allergen. For statement of the diagnosis it is necessary though to look at character of rashes and on localization of process. At night the itch amplifies? Whether look or see there is an eruption on the internal party or side of a wrist, ulnar folds, an internal surface beder.

I think, that in Moscow and in holidays to find the dermatologist it is possible. Zaditenum I do not recommend.

The eruption is on vnutrenneej storonevsego forearms, i.e. from zapastja and up to an elbow. But on folds is not present.

That night, that in the afternoon cheshetsja, only at night casually in a dream you will scratch and nachinaetsja horror, in the afternoon that I supervise process.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Such itch at pregnancy can be a parameter of that the liver does not cope with a load. It is necessary to hand over biohimich. an. Bloods-bilirubins. mochevinu.alt.ast.kreatinin.

Already, when has passed or has taken place a lot of time from 1 post, I am not assured that at you an allergy.... Especially all allergens are excluded, I so understand...

Reeezultat I wait: (. And if now to help or assist liver Hofitolom. I it or him already spent on drink a course. Can and spend on drink now?. Its or his saw on 2 3 times a day. Appointed or nominated, when in the mornings at me have started fingers of arms or hand to swell.

01.09.2004, 19:30
After the appointed or nominated treatment in day the itch has decreased. Already it is possible to suffer or bear. Though in general it is terrible to look at a stomach or belly - all pink (somewhere more brightly, somewhere is more acyanotically). And, if earlier the eruption was in the form of small pryshchikov, now all pink. And to touch a skin it is impossible - at once cheshetsja. Effect from Unguentum Zinci I shall not understand. Like an eruption does not pass or take place, the itch does not remove or take out. But I smear, time the doctor has told or said.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Not denying necessity of inspection, should notice, as in norm or rate the itch of a skin of a stomach or belly is possible or probable at pregnancy. This frequent enough phenomenon. Of it or this accuse both extension of a skin by a growing stomach or belly, and hormonal influence. At nearby 1 % of pregnant women in second half of pregnancy there can be on a stomach or belly a pinkish eruption. It is called pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP). Usually disappears in some days after sorts or labors. But the doctor, the given or allowed advice or council to make the analysis of a blood, is certainly right.

It can be carried to a stomach or belly, to a breast - where a skin really rastjagivaetsja, but to arms or hand where too there is an eruption.... I think it I case.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Just in case: the eruption of pregnant women (PUPPP) is not treated by Unguentum Zinci. She only will worsen a situation. Warm baths, uvlazhnajushchie creams in lots or plenties, necessarily cotton clothes are used. In more serious cases - the hormonal ointments appointed or nominated by the doctor.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Just in case: the eruption of pregnant women is not treated by Unguentum Zinci. She only will worsen a situation. Warm baths, uvlazhnajushchie creams in lots or plenties, necessarily cotton clothes are used. In serious cases - the hormonal ointments appointed or nominated by the doctor.

Here and I today have thought to refuse Unguentum Zinci. Very much she dries a skin.

It is possible to use usual humidifying or wetting a cream, and for the night from extensions?

On the bill h clothes too has understood, that if something another to dress, nachinaetsja all to be pricked and scratched. So only h.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Usual, it is better without strong smells. Though is also special. I know the American names. Can, dermatologists will prompt Russian analogues.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hofitol and other muck at pregnancy to accept it is not necessary. If like artichokes - eat them in a natural kind. That have made with artichokes at preparation hofitola and what for even the manufacturer precisely does not know. And why the doctor, appointed or nominated to you artichokes, has solved, what at you is artishokovaja a failure?

Vyacheslav To
01.09.2004, 19:30
Hofitol and other muck at pregnancy to accept it is not necessary. If like artichokes - eat them in a natural kind. That have made with artichokes at preparation hofitola and what for even the manufacturer precisely does not know. And why the doctor, appointed or nominated to you artichokes, has solved, what at you is artishokovaja a failure?

To me all naznachaetsja with a view of prophylaxis, just in case. The list is very huge. But I do not drink only. About Hofitol has told or said, that edemas were not, when fingers of arms or hand swelled.

What is the artichoke and what he on taste - concept I have no;)

01.09.2004, 19:30
To me all naznachaetsja with a view of prophylaxis, just in case. The list is very huge. But I do not drink all.

Will announce, please, the list.

Also note, that you drink.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Puffiness of arms or hand and legs or foots - too the phenomenon at pregnancy frequent enough. If pressure and analyses of urine in norm or rate to treat it it is not necessary. Artichokes here it is exact there is nothing. Hofitol - the alimentary additive. At pregnancy is better to refuse similar preparations. Their safety is unknown. Uselessness - is obvious.

Any medicinal substances are accepted at pregnancy only in the event that they are really necessary, and refusal of their reception threatens health of mother or the kid. All the others - in pomojku.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Will announce, please, the list.

Also note, that you drink.

In the beginning of pregnancy there was a threat of an abortion, therefore medicines drank much. I shall not list or transfer, since after 12 weeks all have cancelled.

Purposes or Appointments of doctors:

- mikrogidrin and Omega 6 - BADy (did not drink in general). Has been appointed or nominated in connection with AFS, which by the way, then oprevergli.

- Dexamethazonum on poltabletki (I do not drink from 12 weeks) (17- was a little above norm or rate, besides I have then learned or have then found out how correctly it or he should be collected, moreover and the diet should be).

- Curantylum up to the extremity or end of pregnancy on 1 * 3 times a day (if I am not mistaken, simply it or him has spent on drink 2 weeks and has stopped, therefore not so I remember a dosage). It is appointed or nominated for prophylaxis of a fetoplacental failure.

- Trombo ASS 50 mg ch/? day. Up to the extremity or end of pregnancy. The saw, but has stopped to drink in connection with occurrence of an eruption. (it is appointed or nominated in connection with the raised or increased function of thrombocytes - last analysis one month ago has shown that it's OK, but it was necessary to drink all the same to continue)

- Elevit - too the saw from 12 weeks, has thrown svsjazi with an eruption

- Jodomarin 200 - it is similar, as Elevit

- Hofitol on 2 t * 3 times a day for 14 days courses. One has spent on drink. (because of edemas of fingers of arms or hand, and analyses of urine and pressure in norm or rate)

- Riboxinum (did not drink) (for what I do not remember)

- Rekitsen RD 2 weeks with yogurt because of occurrence of an eruption

- An immunoglobulin 3 courses, 2 has pierced, 3-rd should be in 36 weeks (because of herpes)

- Diuretic renal collectings (edemas are not present, but weight I type or collect now 900 g in 2 weeks stably. The general or common pribakva by 30 weeks of 6 kg.:rolleyes:)

- And restriction in meal, in fruit - to be afraid that I shall strongly recover (a pier we shall not drive, even more weight will type or collect)

Probably, something or something else, any more I do not remember:rolleyes:.

Now I drink only that have registered in KVD: coal in the morning 6, Diazolinum 2 times day, Zaditenum for the night.

01.09.2004, 19:30
At pregnancy do not limit in meal. Simply recommend to not overeat and there are no empty calories. Advise is less sweets and flour products. At pregnancy do not give diuretic collectings. Not clearly, why your increase so disturbs the doctor. The increase in weight is individual for everyone zhenshiny and each pregnancy. On the average at normal weight up to pregnancy (BMI 19.8 - 26) is 11-16 to the extremity or end of pregnancy.

http: // www.babycentre.co.uk/refcap/554810.html*0

Iodomarin - a thing necessary.