Просмотр полной версии : Pains

01.09.2004, 19:30
At me SPKJA, 29 years, 6 months ago a laparoscopy. The first pregnancy has ended with a spontaneous abortion on 9 week. The reason is not clear, analyses on an infection negative, credits Ig and Im on toksoplazmu only have been raised or increased.

After operation already 2 pregnancy (without stimulation). From conception of 16 days. Disturbing or alarming signs - pains pulling in the bottom of a stomach or belly which do not stop repeat all.

Last time it has ended with a bleeding, has not helped or assisted both Utrozhestan and Djufaston.

Questions such:

1. What it is possible to undertake?

Considering, that at me SPKJA (pregnancy has attacked a background of reception Siofora - whether it is necessary to cancel it or him, Diabetum at me is not present, most likely insulinorezistentnost)

2. What analyses will help or assist to clear a situation?

3. Itself SPKJA assumes a failure ljuteinovoj phases and shortage of Progesteronum in case of pregnancy?

(Whether there is a necessity of reception of Progesteronum)

Thanks all for answers...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Siofor (Metforminum) is counter-indicative at pregnancy.

For the sake of justice it is necessary to tell or say, that cases of happy end of the pregnancy proceeded at reception siofora, but if you are not included or not switched on in certain special groups on studying safety of a preparation are already described, hardly it is necessary to continue treatment sioforom at the arisen pregnancy. Show my letter to your doctor.

The control of Saccharum of a blood over pregnancy, on 24-28 week - inspection on gestatsionnyj Diabetum.

01.09.2004, 19:30

Time so has left, buy or purchase in homeopathic drugstore Cannabis indica 6 (or, for the lack of, even Cannabis sativa 6; it is possible and with other digit after the name). poprinimajte a preparation 2 times a day on 5 dragees, are better up to meal till 20 weeks (at pains it is possible and more often). It should lower a tonus of a uterus and increase your chances.

nataliy 1956
01.09.2004, 19:30
I I do not consider or I count possible or probable to give correspondence advice or councils on treatment of threat of an abortion, but for reception of ANY homeopathic agents would refrain. Their mechanism of action and possible or probable extraneous effects to anybody authentically are not known.

Doctor Nazimova E.M.
01.09.2004, 19:30
But me it is authentic and from own observations it is known, what is it the agent in most cases rescues or saves;salvages from an abortion.

01.09.2004, 19:30

SPKJA practically it is always accompanied giperandrogeniej. The raised or increased level of androgens can cause nevynashivanija pregnancy. To you hormonal researches (a level of androgens) were carried out?

And in occasion of homeopathic preparations is such joke of humour of Century Dvorjanchikova. So I can not disagree with Jacob - reception of these preparations here not a way out.

01.09.2004, 19:30

Nobody interferes with the girl in delivery of analyses and acceptance of any comprehensible measures from the point of view of its or her attending physician to conservation of pregnancy. And the homeopathy at all does not interfere with it or this. But you never applied homeopathies and, moreover, have no about her nimalejshego representation. And if the girl will believe to your caategorical applications or statements and as a result inefficiencies allopaticheskoj therapies will throw out, it entirely will be on your conscience.

S Tatiana
01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks big all for the response! Siofor has cancelled. Today was at the endocrinologist. Earlier (in 97 year) it was surveyed at it or her in clinic. She has told or said under hormonal analyses at me *quot; nNY?Noa?y?an*quot; the form sklerokistoza (I so understand - gipofizarnaja). Prolactinum, a hydrocortisone always were in norm or rate (as understand analyses for these years was much), and here with Testosteron-Depotum a problem - before treatment on a background of an amenorrhea 5,1 at norm or rate *lt; 4,3 mkg/ml. But it was one year ago, now after a laparoscopy position should pomenjatsja - today has handed over again Testosteron-Depotum, an immunology, beta-Ou?.

But a problem now in other! The doctor considers or counts my last pregnancy and present IMPROBABLE!!! Really, me did not do or make histological research abortirovannogo contents of a uterus, but in fact the abortion has occured or happened at home. The endocrinologist considers or counts, that the US (2-3 weeks) and beta-Ou? cannot diagnose pregnancy - but I saw *quot; fetal n*quot; 76 mm vaginalnym the gauge. By the way, in the last pregnancy saw an egg 31 h 16 mm (6 weeks). The doctor considers or counts, can be what is it connected with *quot; OOa??oO?a?N*quot; (I can not competently explain - I do not understand) a yellow body and educations in the uterus, similar to a square an egg. I somewhere at a forum read similar opinion, but I can not najte its or his search!

More shortly, at me dilema - opinion of experts opposite. Though time will show...

But for what do or make beta-Ou?? Also there is all of pregnancy (if it they) waits identical uchast?

I beg, would like explain in occasion of *quot; ONiOa?oa??n*quot; a yellow body...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Too fantastically. And from what to not assume, what is it simply pregnancy? And whether it is necessary to hammer it or this in a head? Hormonal diagnostics is a turbidity blue. Wear to itself and wear - there it will be visible.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Jeanne, the word *quot is not necessary; neY?Noa?y?U*quot; to understand as *quot; gipofizarnyj *quot;.

Moreover, to you it or he in general can be not understood in any way-as you have acquainted with the theory which has for a long time left in the past and klassifikatsej. And at you practical problems or tasks. Talk with k.m.n. To A.A.Pishchulinym in ENTS Russian Academy of Medical Science - I give the address of a site .http: // www.endocrincentr.ru

01.09.2004, 19:30
If in a blood it is defined or determined beta- HG in concentration more than 20 ?N/L pregnancy is. In a uterus it is better to search for a fetal egg not earlier than 5-7 days of a delay. And already now it is necessary to begin reception of preparations of Progesteronum (utrozhestan or djufaston) and to hand over the analysis on the maintenance or contents 17- in urine.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks, Galina Afanasievna, for the information!

Anna, I has handed over beta-Ou?, but I am am excited with a low parameter:

The analysis surrendered for 17 day from conception - 250 (at norm or rate 2 ned. - 20-500, 3 ned. - 500-5,000)! My doctor has told or said, that a little and has increased a dose utrozhestana up to 4 kaps.

Hydrocortisone and Testosteron-Depotum in norm or rate. An immunology: low supressornaja activity of lymphocytes and rising D19 of cells (36 % at N 10-25). Immunoreguljatornyj an index = 3,0 (N=1,5-3,5). The parameter limfotsitotoksicheskogo the test or dough is increased. kon- N- (D16) to limits N.

Autoimmune antibodies = 18 % (N 0-15 %). Isoimmune antibodies = 35 %.

Prednisolonum on 2 tab is appointed or nominated. In day.

I (and my doctor the gynecologist) am absolutely assured, what is it pregnancy, but in that that I can bear or take out it or her hopes few.

01.09.2004, 19:30

It is not necessary to give too bolshoge value or meanings;importance to that HGCH hardly below expected. Level HGCH increases in the beginning of pregnancy in geometrical progresii and if to assume, that conception has occured or happened not for 14 day MTS, and for example on 21 (and it happens very much often) your result absolutely corresponds or meets to norm or rate. Diagnostic value or meaning;importance has depression of level HGCH in some times in comparison with expected. Besides you can look or see HGCH in dynamics or changes - if pregnancy develops normally also level HGCH will increase.