Просмотр полной версии : Antibodies.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! You could not respond me to such question. In 1999 on term of 6-7 weeks of US has shown anembrioniju then have made cleaning. In a year has passed or has taken place full inspection - it's OK, but have found antibodies to HGCH. In 4 months again peresdala this analysis - any more have not found. 1. What is this antibodies to HGCH and

Whether 2. they to provoke anembrioniju and why in the following analysis them have not found out?

3. Whether it is necessary to be afraid at planning following pregnancy of these antibodies or not?

01.09.2004, 19:30
HGCH it is developed or produced at pregnancy. Cases of difficulty of a fertilization are described at development or manufacture of autoantibodies to HGCH. Absence of antibodies quite normally. To be afraid of pregnancy it is not necessary.