Просмотр полной версии : Consequences of Abortion

01.09.2004, 19:30
In March has made medicamental abortion. Since in current of two weeks went allocation the doctor has insisted on vakumnoj to cleaning. Then in current of 2 months at me was not monthly. In May in the same clinic did or made a bougieurage but also it has not helped or assisted. Other doctor to which I obrotilas has told or said that by results of uzi at me endometry in a uterus only 7 mm. Has spent on drink course Djufastona, regulona and even has pierced Progesteronum, but monthly and have not gone or do not send though a breast nabuhala the stomach or belly hurted or was ill;was sick. And endometry as there were 7 mm so more than anything and not naroslo after all these treatments .vrach has told or said that it is necessary to wait two months and simply to have a drink Remens. Tell or say what to do or make? Whether whether treatment and vostanovjatsja umenja monthly has correctly been spent?

01.09.2004, 19:30
As I have understood you, after abortion \March \so and was not c and by O?? \Y?n?NOO? 7 mm \uteruses or uterus is not ready to a menses, tk it is necessary not less 14-18 that the menses has gone. It speaks that is not present sufficient kolichestka some estrogens and consequently endometry does not grow. On a place of your doctor I to you posovetyvala contraceptives which contain estrogennyj komponet. At least for 3 months, and then to be defined or determined with a method of contraception after restoration of a cycle:) YOU have not specified the age?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear kovil!

Whether and is at your order of the additive of estrogens in the form of contraceptives and to return to the woman a natural background of estrogens (with change on the periods of a cycle), but for this period to not close an opportunity zaberemennet?

01.09.2004, 19:30
To me of 30 years. And then as has told or said doctor Remens contains estrogens. And then cannot be otsutsvie a menses result of cleaning?

01.09.2004, 19:30
remens - a preparation of vegetative substances, some of which possess properties so-called fitoestrogenov, in homeopathic doses.

Jobs in which influence would be studied or investigated, naprm., tsimitsifugi (one of entering in remens plants) on a status endometrija women, even in allopaticheskih doses, me did not meet (I shall specially look in PUBMED) .razumeetsja. It does not mean. That on remense or without this or it thickness endometrija .abort eventually will not change as procedure of delight does not cause or cause, and negative effects possesses.

So-called natural estrogens - 17- Oestradiolum or Oestradiolum valerat, or konjugirovannye estrogens to contain in various dosages in various preparations and basically the basic preparations contain dosages. sootvestvujushchie early follikulinovoj to a phase (in it or this sense ZGT). At desire, naturally, it is possible poucheit full imitation of cyclic fluctuations of a level of estrogens. But so the problem or task is not put.

01.09.2004, 19:30
: here, Tonja, on keywords TSimitsifuga and endometry there are 4 links.

TSimitsifuga, studied or investigated in allopaticheskih doses, for example. As in subsequent clause or article-

Maturitas. 2003 Mar 14; 44 Suppl 1:S67-77. Related Articles, Links

The Cimicifuga preparation BNO 1055 vs. conjugated estrogens in a double-blind placebo-controlled study: effects on menopause symptoms and bone markers.

Wuttke W, Seidlova-Wuttke D, Gorkow C.

Department of Clinical and Experimental Endocrinology, University of Gottingen, Robert-Koch-Strasse 40, 37075 Gottingen, Germany. ufkendo@med.uni-goettingen.de

OBJECTIVES: In the present study, therapeutic effects of the Cimicifuga racemosa preparation CR BNO 1055 (Klimadynon/Menofem) on climacteric complaints, bone metabolism and endometrium will be compared with those of conjugated estrogens (CE) and placebo.--

It was compared with konjugirovannymi estrogens (these are horse estrogens. They differ under the formula from cherovecheskih a little--

The question whether CR BNO 1055 contains substances with selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) activity will be investigated. METHODS: Sixty-two evaluable postmenopausal women were included in the double-blind, randomized, multicentre study, and treated either with CR BNO 1055 (daily dose corresponding to 40 mg herbal drug), 0.6 mg CE, or matching placebo, for 3 months. Menopausal symptoms were assessed by the menopause rating scale (MRS) and a diary. Levels of CrossLaps (marker of bone degradation) were determined by ELECSYS system and bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (marker of bone formation) by an enzymatic assay. Endometrial thickness was measured via transvaginal ultrasound; vaginal cytology was also studied. The primary efficacy criterion was the change from baseline to end point in the MRS. Change from baseline was analyzed for the secondary variables too. RESULTS: CR BNO 1055 proved to be equipotent to CE and superior to placebo in reducing climacteric complaints. Under both verum preparations, beneficial effects on bone metabolism have been observed in the serum. CR BNO 1055 had no effect on endometrial thickness, which was significantly increased by CE. - t.e NOT utrolshchaet tsimitsifuga endometry, but influences also, as well as estrogens markers of a metabolism. And it is better, than platsebo, on postmenopauzallnuju a symptomatology ---

I.e. that turns out - and turns out, that under the chemical formula tsimitsifuga possesses properties to contact such receptors on cells (receptors are something like a keyhole on which operates or works kljuch-a hormone) which concern to opredelnnyi to types estrogenovyh receptors, NOT with all receptors, and only with izbranymi is and there is a group of selective modulators estrogenovyh receptors....

And skill to increase or enlarge endometry does not concern to number tsimitsifuginyh virtues...

Vaginal superficial cells were increased under CE and CR BNO 1055 treatment. CONCLUSION: The results concerning climacteric complaints and on bone metabolism indicate an equipotent effect of CR BNO 1055 in comparison to 0.6 mg CE per day. It is proposed that CR BNO 1055 contains substances with SERM activity, i.e. with desired effects in the brain/hypothalamus, in the bone and in the vagina, but without exerting uterotrophic effects.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Galina Afanasevna!

Excuse for dullness, but...

Problem or Task OK - to prevent an ovulation (behind these agents as you understand, women go not to me). To me go at an amenorrhea, for example, owing to sharp loss of weight (after numerous and, to put it mildly, not always clever programs pohudanija - disappearances or eradications of a fatty tissue - ischeznovanija shares of estrogens, vyrabatavyemyh a fatty tissue - the terminations or discontinuances of a menses). These or it, as a rule, want zaberemennet and OK (as well as other agents of contraception), do not apply. It would Seem logical to return it (is artificial) a disadvantage of estrogens - to give indemnification of loss of a fatty tissue in sense of its or her share of estrogens. Why is not present?

01.09.2004, 19:30
OK - not naturalye, natural estrogeny-it is synthetic etinilestradiol, whose linkage with receptors on some orders (well, on how much I-shall tell lies to look laziness, but many times over above, than at natural estrogens) + those or others gestageny (a special problem or special indications)

Problem or Task OK - not replaceable effect (it is impossible to get drunk in the sea of salty water) problem or task OK - to not admit or allow an ovulation.

OK should not be applied at an amenorrhea owing to depression of mass of a body AT ALL is it is counter-indicative.

And here ZGT (these are natural estrogens, in a dose framing kontsentartsiju a la 5-7 day, with a scratch, but can be sometimes appointed or nominated - that bones have not collapsed at all (a question disputable, but even at vozvrashcheni IMT to norm or rate, Tviggi - fanatki it is far not always ovulirujut....).

The fatty tissue well in any way chemical factory, and not etinilestradiol produces, and 2 and 1...

In what still insidiousness anorektichek-OK can not act in an organism at vomitive behaviour, there can come or step pregnancy (and OK will be accepted, and a delivery insufficient).. Oh we also saw..

01.09.2004, 19:30
I have offered ok for 3 months with the purpose of restoration of a normal cycle \so me learned or taught-after artificial-desired abortion, t.e, the thought over and gained decision to lose to pregnancy \?a??a?aOy contraceptive preparations. Excuse, on mine in occasion of weight Tonja that did not write. And certainly, if the report did not begin ??oa??*quot; after artificial abortion " I would recommend replaceable therapy. And in the given Situation-.

Olga K
01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Kovil - I completely support or maintain YOUR references, you are absolutely right. Appointing or nominating OK, instead of ZGT, and my greater or big letters concern to words of Mr. Israelja.

Certainly. A part OK synthetic estrogney possess perfect uterotropnym action. I shall be very afflicted, if the impression be made, that I though a word tried to disavow YOURS rekomendatsii-this false impression.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear meddiki! I am grateful to you for for that that you have paid attention to my problem. But I cannot understand one in fact I drank OK (regulon), but the effect was not. Also that only tablets it is possible to get or start a menstrual cycle. And what about a physiotherapy or a fangotherapy?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Excuse, Tanja, I have not absolutely closely read through your report.

In that case there is a probability to suspect presence of syndrome \ be afraid in advance simply sounds ustrashajushche, and in practice not very or very much-@ \?O?? to exclude pozmozhnye endometrial synechias \on simple strangulations, \. is better to make, having resorted to gisteroskopie during which your doctor will receive exhaustive answer.

Quite often posleabortnaja the amenorrhea forces doctors to search for a problem in endocrine disturbances, in actual fact leaves, what is it not always obosnovanno.

In the given situation if the above-named syndrome after a hysteroscopy it is pertinent just ZGT as OK proliferations endometrija interfere will prove to be true.