Просмотр полной версии : Irregular menses

01.09.2004, 19:30
Rusalka - - ---Me of 26 years, the first menses have appeared years 12 nazd and since then NEVER were regular. Usual term - 32-39 days, happens 23, happens and up to 65. Now here 44-th day but while even attributes of approach or approximation I do not feel. Went once to the doctor, but to me have told or said do not worry, all is normalized. Only be accurate, you cannot do or make abortions Why it is impossible, I do not know, probably, because a negative rhesus. To become pregnant did not try, so I do not know, whether there will be with it or this problems. Tell or say, whether it is necessary to me to worry, or no trouble in it or this is not present?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Rusalka - - ---To the aforesaid: has just read through clause or article about morbid monthly. I practically each time test pains in the field of a stomach or belly, loins, there are problems with a chair. This all lasts day, then gradually calms down. I thought, it is normal. It appears, pains should not be? Well, the beginnings I shall tell or say still, that sometimes allocation at a menses brownish color and a strange smell as though acidic have time. Nevertheless, probably, it is necessary to descend or go once again to the doctor. However, very much I hope, you can clear a little a situation for me. Thanks.

*quot; can*quot;
01.09.2004, 19:30
Olja (olya_nc@newmail.ru) - - ---Me of 20 years. Monthly have begun in 13,5 and till now are irregular. Constantly there are pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly in 1-st day, and recently a stomach or belly began to hurt or be ill;be sick and one week prior to a menses, and in its or her days. At reception Mersilona during session there was an intermediate bleeding in the form of a menses. Whether means it, what he does not approach or suit me? Now I accept Femidon. There was such phenomenon as a frequent emiction this summer. Whether all is connected it?

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vvd@infopac.ru) - - ---Olja, you, apparently, since the childhood are infected by something. Before to swallow of any muck, you should be surveyed carefully.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Rusalka - - ---it is very a pity... I for some reason thought, here a place not to complain and be cried, but to receive advice or council of the expert... I was mistaken.

01.09.2004, 19:30
(Water-melon) - - ---Is not present, you were not mistaken. Simply on those data, that you find or consider necessary to result or bring, anything plainly to tell or say it is impossible.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Rusalka - - ---to you, Jacob, more visibly. Means, probably, at me that's all right, and to experience an occasion is not present. How is even more explanatory or sensible to state? A cycle long, irregular, morbid. Smells unpleasant from time to time. It is normal? If yes, and tell or say. If is not present, means it is necessary to go obsedovatsja. Whether there can be it an attribute of disease or not? Venereal diseases did not suffer, abortions, abortions were not. protivozatchatochnymi tablets I do not use. Medicines any I do not eat. What to me to tell or say? This everything, that I know.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Marina - - ---Dear Rusalka I Can tell or say to you the following. I from the beginning monthly till 23 years had precisely same picture, as well as at you, down to details. In 24 years we have decided to get or start the child. Now to me 26, two years I am flied or treated, while beremennostej was not. If at you was not inflammatory or infectious diseases you at least should check up the hormonal background at me there were its or his disturbances. By my sad experience the earlier it to make, the better. 26 years are any more 18, time is much lost, and if you plan in the further the child borrow or occupy in itself immediately, it is better at the good doctor who to you at once will register necessary analyses. And Jacob is absolutely right - any reality to tell or say under your letter it is impossible, and that it would be possible to open the Internet-gynecologic hospitals. So do not take offence. If you consider or count, that at you by something not by way of - be surveyed. Has read through the message - very severely. But the nobility is better in advance, on what it is possible to count. Yours faithfully, Marina.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Rusalka - - ---Thanks, Marina. We just began to think of the child. Here I also have begun to worry.

Alex Vinogradov
01.09.2004, 19:30
Mirada (mirada@chat.ru) - - ---Hello! To Me of 27 years. Monthly always were regular. But, already hardly bylshe month back I have left the liked person and since then monthly was not. The doctor considers or counts, that at me disturbance garmonalnogo a background because of stress. Any deviations or rejections of US has not revealed. C analyses on the latent infections, I look forward to hearing. Whether it is possible or probable, what all is normalized? Such failures in job of ovaries are how much dangerous?

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vd@gfk.infopac.ru) - - ---you should wait all over again analyses, and then to ask in essence.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Rita (- - - ---Me of 18 years. A sexual life did not live. Mensjachnye never were regular, but about a floor of year till September came as on hours. But since October nachjalis delays. In have begun December do not send or have come and till now is not present. What to me to do or make? To doctors to go I do not want, all the same to examine is impossible - the virgin. On the average the cycle was 30 days, 6 days, moderately morbid last. I ask you, help or assist.

01.09.2004, 19:30
V.Dvorjanchikov (vd@gfk.infopac.ru) - - ---To doctors to go it is necessary, at that, necessarily. First, to examine it is possible; secondly, most likely, it is not necessary; thirdly and this main thing is necessary to make US tazovyh organs and analyses hotjaby on a clamidiosis.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Misters Dvorjanchikov and Jacob. It is sick you are rasping in the answers. Is better you at all would not respond. The mermaid, mine advice or council for the beginning to hand over you analyses on hormones and to take basal temperature. To the doctor address necessarily. I think, disturbing or alarming signs are. I not the doctor, but for a long time am treated for sterility or barrenness. Therefore I can tell or say, that follows about all this to the good doctor to tell and be surveyed.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Uv. Larissa!

As is known the spoon road by a dinner. Last report datirovano April 2001. Besides it is even more pleasant if the nutrition is prepared by the cook.

Researches recommended by you, the doctor if it is necessary appoints or nominates usually. Besides believe to me, that measurement of basal temperature, it not the best variant for statement of the diagnosis.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! I about two years cannot already become pregnant. After semi-annual attempt I have gone to the doctor. Then to another. Now at me other doctor - the third. I have addressed still and because of an irregular cycle. Analyses at me mass. I wanted vyravnjat a cycle. All that to me was offered by doctors Utrozhestan or Djufaston. In analyses there were deviations or rejections only in 17-.

22.10.01 I have handed over Prolactinum (at me sometimes happen allocation from a breast) - 312 (norm or rate 67-726). 17- too handed over - norm or rate.

The doctor has told or said that after reception of analyses and if they will be in norm or rate *quot; something O?nO?aN?*quot;. She thinks a week. I have entered the name to her on Tuesday, can already that have thought up.

Really that there was a normal cycle at me, to me will have constantly to sit on hormones?

Yours faithfully, Irina.

01.09.2004, 19:30

And the partner at you is?:) and if yes, whether that you checked it or him?

01.09.2004, 19:30
And the partner at me is! At it or him already all by way of, recently proverjali.:)

01.09.2004, 19:30
Whether it is impossible to specify, that means *quot; already all in OnnN*quot;, and on what, actually, checked?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Irina if you wish to receive here the subject answer it is necessary to result or bring results of all analyses with norms or rates of laboratory where they surrendered. What were still carried out researches? Also inform data of basal temperature.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks. The spouse had a urethritis. Analyses handed over recently, a method the PIF - is negative.

My analyses - TSH 1.76 (0.270-4.20); FT4 18.83 (12.00-22.00), FT 3 4.33 (2.80-7.10), TESTO 0.344 (0.020-14.90), PRL 312 (67-726).

The glucose loading - in norm or rate, Fields of vision - visual functions high, deffektov in fields of vision is not present. EEG - in norm or rate, the Endocrinologist - a board. A gland in norm or rate. REG - in norm or rate. US - from internal female genitals it is not revealed. There is a picture of a turkish saddle, the doctor speaks all in norm or rate.

In a smear disputes or spores of mushroom Candida are found out.

Basal temperature biphase. About today's month measured 7 months. It is tired.

Jacob, what else to hand over me analyses that dokapatsja up to the reason.

In advance to you it is grateful. Yours faithfully, Irina.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Considering deviations or rejections in a level 17-, I would recommend to make the analysis on nYa-WITH and 17-, and also FSG and LG on 3 - 7 day of a cycle and Progesteronum in the middle of 2-nd phase (for 6-7 day of rise of basal temperature or about 21-22 day of a cycle at its or his duration of 28 days).

What at you character of disturbances of a menstrual cycle?

It is better to husband to make analyses method PTSR or to make crop.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks, Jacob for the answer.

The spouse necessarily analyses peresdast.

Cycle at me from 30 till 45 days, always painless, allocation 4 days are equal.

I shall necessarily hand over hormones.

Still time of thanks. Yours faithfully Irina.