Просмотр полной версии : Disturbance of a cycle and pain after use of 3 phase contraceptive tablets

01.09.2004, 19:30
After an abortion on the big term (6. One year ago) the cycle was very badly restored. Then began to decrease (a menses in increasing frequency). The doctor still after vykidasha has advised to buy or purchase tablets for normalization of a cycle (3 phase). In half a year I was solved. Has bought or purchased *quot; ?O?o??aO*quot; Applied 1. There were pains and the menses has begun in general in 10 days - tablets at all did not come to an end. There was a pain at the sexual certificate or act and unpleasant sensations in general. What inspections should be made? What consequences of application of such tablets and how in general to define or determine what approach or suit (the doctor to me on this question at all has not responded and has told or said, that would buy any).

01.09.2004, 19:30
Make US and address to other doctor.

01.09.2004, 19:30
And something about tablets nevertheless can be learned or found out more in detail......

01.09.2004, 19:30
In nastojashee time are more often applied monophasic nizkodozirovannye and the microdosed out preparations with gestagenami 3-rd generations (femoden, logest, marvelon, mersilon, zhanin and series of others). The specified preparations approach or suit the majority of women, but in some cases selection OK is required. What you still interests?