Просмотр полной версии : The reason of a delay?

01.09.2004, 19:30
I beg you, help or assist the answer!! I any more do not know as to think!:confused: here a situation: Last menses on February, 22nd (a cycle - 28-30 days), not protected sexual certificate or act - on March, 12th, that is 20-th day of a cycle. 2 tablets Ovidona in current of hour, 2 in 12 hours. In two days smearing brown allocation (action Ovidona), duration three days. Basal temperature - 36,8. Today on March, 21st. Basal temperature - 37. Tests show negative result. A lung pokalyvaeni at the left (sometimes very much even it is strong oshchutimoe), in the field of a uterus. Pereodicheski haunch bones, as in the evening hurt at mentsruatsii. Allocation not plentiful, brown. I guess - whether there can be I beremenoj? I Ask you, prompt!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Make US.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Repeat the test for pregnancy.

And here value of US seems to me doubtful, what you there to see want?:confused:

01.09.2004, 19:30
Repeat the test for pregnancy.

And here value of US seems to me doubtful, what you there to see want?:confused:

You know, tests I repeat, all the same negative result. Today I all taki have entered the name on US, I am am disturbed with prickings at the left. They are Sometimes difficult for suffering or bearing: (

Love Krotova
01.09.2004, 19:30
Make US.

I shall follow your advice or council, I descend or go today on US. Can to me will explain even the reason of these strange pains.

Also it is possible to ask to you still a question? Whether postcoital contraception can remove a cycle? Or shift of a cycle all taki the serious reason to worry in my case?

Thanks you in advance:)

01.09.2004, 19:30
Without presence of the fact sheet it is difficult to explain the reasons of pains. The similar answer can be given only after internal survey. Postcoital contraception, really, extends a cycle and can cause disturbances of a cycle.

About the statement of the colleague about doubtful value of US I shall dare to disagree. In arms or hand of the qualified doctor of US - very valuable instrument. And here tests for pregnancy sometimes yield incorrect results, especially, if it is tests of poor quality.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Without presence of the fact sheet it is difficult to explain the reasons of pains. The similar answer can be given only after internal survey. Postcoital contraception, really, extends a cycle and can cause disturbances of a cycle.

About the statement of the colleague about doubtful value of US I shall dare to disagree. In arms or hand of the qualified doctor of US - very valuable instrument. And here tests for pregnancy sometimes yield incorrect results, especially, if it is tests of poor quality.

About tests I certainly completely understand you. I try to buy different, in different drugstores (experience was - tests did not bring). Nevertheless huge to you thanks, now I shall go on US all taki with expectation of that a picture to me will clear. I hope, that the doctor will be kvalitsifitsirovannyj.:) Thanks you!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Without presence of the fact sheet it is difficult to explain the reasons of pains. The similar answer can be given only after internal survey. Postcoital contraception, really, extends a cycle and can cause disturbances of a cycle.

About the statement of the colleague about doubtful value of US I shall dare to disagree. In arms or hand of the qualified doctor of US - very valuable instrument. And here tests for pregnancy sometimes yield incorrect results, especially, if it is tests of poor quality.

Also has absolutely forgotten!! Allow me to disturb you last question:) What probability detection on US of a fetus at small term? From one about three weeks? Or it is practically impossible?

01.09.2004, 19:30
On US it is possible to see a fetal egg approximately in 3 weeks after a fertilization, it approximately 5-6 days of a delay monthly at a 28-day's cycle and at an ovulation in the middle of a cycle. Earlier pregnancy on US is not visible. If earlier diagnostics it is necessary to spend the analysis of a blood on HGCH in dynamics or changes is necessary.

01.09.2004, 19:30
On US it is possible to see a fetal egg approximately in 3 weeks after a fertilization, it approximately 5-6 days of a delay monthly at a 28-day's cycle and at an ovulation in the middle of a cycle. Earlier pregnancy on US is not visible. If earlier diagnostics it is necessary to spend the analysis of a blood on HGCH in dynamics or changes is necessary.

Represent as obizhno nothing has shown US ((At least, the doctor to me so has told or said... Here it is direct that's all right!! And pains are.. Area of a uterus, at the left.

I sobsno, excuse, I wish to set to you, I hope already last question. If extrauterine we have excluded, whether that pains (acute) at the left can (such sensation what is it the ovary) to be an attribute beremenosti? Especially if to consider, that my uterus has feature - is rejected back and to the left. Or can thus otdavatsja a pain of other organs of a basin? (excuse, if I not correctly formulate questions, on diletantski, I hope you me will understand)

01.09.2004, 19:30
I think, that to you is better to descend or go to the gynecologist and to understand a situation on a place.

01.09.2004, 19:30
And monthly yet do not send?

Occurrence of such pains after postcoital contraception (on personal medical experience) is quite possible or probable. Most likely pains will pass or take place after monthly. By the way, on US did not see a cyst at the left?