Просмотр полной версии : Problems after cancelling OK

01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon! To me 23 years, abortions and pregnancy was not. In 19 years of the beginning prinimit Mersilon to destination the doctor as a contraceptive. Accepted in current of 2th years then in December, 2003 of year has decided to pass to other method contraceptions (condoms). After a cancelling of a preparation first two cycles were normal (January-February), then the menses was in May, September and December. After December mentruatsii handed over analyses on hormones: Progesteronum, all rest in norm or rate is lowered. By results of US (plural follicles in both ovaries, M-echo no more than 5-6 mm in the second phase of a cycle) the doctor has appointed or nominated reception Djufastona with 12 on 26 d.ts. In current of 3 cycles. A menses on a background of reception Djufastona were regular. Last menses on Djufastone was on May, 30th, then independent on July, 12th, on August, 12th has begun *quot; ?a??n*quot; also has there and then ended. On August, 16th did or made US - the same picture - M-the Echo of 4 mm, plural follicles.... The Doctor speaks to accept Djufaston 3 more cycles, and there we shall look or see... Tell or Say, whether there is in it or this a sense? I so understand the reason of all misfortunes in a low level of Progesteronum, because of it or this there is no ovulation? The principle of treatment is to tell the truth not so clear, in fact Djufaston he does not influence a level of Progesteronum simply it or him replaces or how? And you would advise what method of treatment?


01.09.2004, 19:30
To me 22, too accepted Mersilon. Since 20 years. Also there were no abortions and pregnancy. And now the same problem with a menstrual cycle. (right after transition to condoms - May, then June, and till now anything is not present.) Really all this because of Mersilona? What for then it or him to recommend?!?! Somehow it would not be desirable the same problems..: ((My post previous)

01.09.2004, 19:30
To me 22, too accepted Mersilon. Since 20 years. Also there were no abortions and pregnancy. And now the same problem with a menstrual cycle. (right after transition to condoms - May, then June, and till now anything is not present.) Really all this because of Mersilona? What for then it or him to recommend?!?! Somehow it would not be desirable the same problems..: ((My post previous)

You then do not start to be nervous. As I understand, at many the cycle not at once is restored after cancelling OK. To me when appointed or nominated Mersilon, at all did not take analyses on hormones, and I did not know, what is it it is necessary to do or make:mad: Can problems was for a long time, and Mersilon it or her only has aggravated.... So you at once do not panic, all can still will be adjusted;)

01.09.2004, 19:30
I so understand the reason of all misfortunes in a low level of Progesteronum, because of it or this there is no ovulation?

All problem that there is no ovulation, and thereof a low level of Progesteronum.

To respond you it is complex or difficult, since it is not clear, that such *quot; all rest in ?O?N*quot;. And what hormones were done or made?

01.09.2004, 19:30
To me 22, too accepted Mersilon. Since 20 years. Also there were no abortions and pregnancy. And now the same problem with a menstrual cycle. (right after transition to condoms - May, then June, and till now anything is not present.) Really all this because of Mersilona? What for then it or him to recommend?!?! Somehow it would not be desirable the same problems..: ((My post previous)

After several years of use the COOK the cycle can be restored not at once. If there are no problems with health a cycle is restored till 6 months after a cancelling of a preparation. If at you after survey of the expert have not revealed any deviations or rejections it is possible to wait before half a year.

01.09.2004, 19:30
That is a menses there can be a half a year? And if that's all right, in it or this no trouble? Thanks..

01.09.2004, 19:30
Yes, so. But all the same it is necessary to address to the gynecologist to be convinced, that all is really normal.

01.09.2004, 19:30
All problem that there is no ovulation, and thereof a low level of Progesteronum.

To respond you it is complex or difficult, since it is not clear, that such *quot; all rest in ?O?N*quot;. And what hormones were done or made?

And why there is no ovulation? In what there can be a reason? At me to tell the truth already a head around, where the reason where consequence or investigation nothing is clear: (

Unfortunately in occasion of hormones clear a situation I can not, since in poliklnike have lost my map:mad: And what hormones usually hand over in such situation?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Prolactinum (and repeatedly), TTG, Oestradiolum, LG, FSG, DHEA-S, 17-OH-progesterone, free Testosteron-Depotum. Probably at you SPKJA. Djufaston the business has made - endometry more responds to hormonal stimulation less normally. It, however, and so it was clear. On US thickness endometrija is lowered, that speaks not only about a disadvantage of Progesteronum, but also Oestradiolum...

01.09.2004, 19:30
To respond you it is complex or difficult, since it is not clear, that such *quot; all rest in ?O?N*quot;. And what hormones were done or made? [/QUOTE]

Good afternoon, the doctor! My map, fortunately, was, so here what analysis of hormones (in brackets norm or rate), did or made the analysis on 21 d.ts.:

Prolactinum 484,1 (72-511)

LG 13,61 (1,0-11,4)

FSG 5,06 (1,7-7,7)

Progesteronum 0,500 (1,5-22,6)

Oestradiolum *lt; 5,00 (40,0-261)

Testosteron-Depotum 0,335 (0,06-0,82)

Hydrocortisone 494,7 (171-536)

Degidroepiandrosteron Zinci sulfas 266,0 (70-300)

I simply wish to understand from what in that case it is necessary to begin treatment, there is any algorithm of actions? Thanks

01.09.2004, 19:30
You handed over lshi analyses in other days of a cycle?

01.09.2004, 19:30
You handed over lshi analyses in other days of a cycle?

No. The doctor wished to take the analysis, apparently, for 8 day, but there there were any problems with laboratory, and she has told or said, that is possible on 21, like as the same.

01.09.2004, 19:30
In your analyses there are some disharmonies. I would advise you peresdat hormones, which were recommended by me in other laboratory in any day of a cycle (they at you anovulatory) + this very day to make US the transvaginal gauge. Any preparations yet do not accept.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Good evening! At me such problemma. I in 22 years (now to me 23 years) nachila to accept mersilon as contraceptive tablets. The doctor has registered to me them not having taken any analysis. Any collateral effetrov at me was not. Up to reception OK there were delays but small. As in 14 years there was a chronic adnexitis. But then I it or him have treated also me appendages for a long time not bespokojut. In March, 2005 I have ceased to drink OK (their propyl hardly more year). The first menses byly in time, the second with a delay in 12 days. Further a delay almost for a month. (on August, 12th the beginning and that after injections of Progesteronum). In September again a delay. To wait did not become has gone to the doctor since I plan pregnancy (therefore and has stopped to drink OK). Me have directed to hand over analyses on garmony and have registered to drink Djufaston prior to the beginning of a menses. Analyses are those: Prolactinum 198,64 (25,2-628,5)

TTG 0,84 (0,35-4,94)

3 1,84 90,89-2,44)

4 120,81 (62,6-150,8)

4 Free 15,98 (9,0-19,0)

Oestradiolum 276 (77-1145)

Progesteronum 1,1 (3,82-50,56)

aYa-WITH 12350 (1040-5642)

Having spent on drink it or him 20 days and not having seen result. I have once again addressed to the doctor, on what he to me has increased a dose twice and has told or said to continue to drink yet nachnutsja monthly. But it seemed to me is strange and I have started to search for the information. Would subtract or deduct that for that that have begun monthly it is necessary prikratit reception djufastona. So I also have made for the third day after a cancelling djufastona at me they have begun. As the doctor to me has told or said that I need to drink Djufaston each cycle with 14 for 26 day, since at me very low Progesteronum. I do not know as me to be since to tell the truth any more absolutely I trust this purpose or appointment. Whether Prvilno to me naznachenno to accept this preparation? In fact in anatatsii to it or him;them napisanno that with 15 for 25 day. Also I am not confident that this preporat will result or bring Progesteronum in norm or rate. He in fact replaces it or him. As to me to result or bring in norm or rate Progesteronum, that I had not to drink each cycle tablets. Why such low level? Because of reception OK? Also what such nYa-WITH, than threatens egopereizbytok how it or him to lower?

Zaharova Century
01.09.2004, 19:30
Progesteronum low that apparently you do not have ovulation.

To you the US did or made?

I would advise to make the analysis once again on:

Oestradiolum, Testosteron-Depotum (it is desirable free), nYa?-WITH, a 17--progesterone, Prolactinum, LG, FSG in the morning on an empty stomach, without an exercise stress, sex and stresses during 12, and are better 24 hours up to the analysis.

In an ideal to address to the gynecologist-endocrinologist with the purpose of diagnostics and if necessary well-timed treatment VDKN, SPKJA or exceptions of any diseases. Besides analyses visual survey is important.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The US did or made, unfortunately I near at hand do not have description. But I remember a little that spoke me. Last time (20 day of reception Djufastona) at me was a polycystic left ovary. Enough the big layer endometrija. I remember spoke that a yellow body is not visible and that most likely is necessary laporoskopija. But I very much do not wish to do or make operation.

And why there is no ovulation? What reasons can be? I thought that because of low Progesteronum. From this cycle has started to measure BT