Просмотр полной версии : Fast body height of a myoma?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! To me of 36 years, body height 164, weight of 85 kg. In the anamnesis - hr.tireoidit, in July of this year operation in occasion of kolloid.uzla is spent, the left share is removed, I accept a L-thyroxine of 50 and 200 mg *quot; en?aO??a*quot;.

-you US: 03/10/03. The sizes :54*43*45 - has not withdrawn., position in antifleksio. It is not displaced, contours equal, precise. The myometrium is non-uniform due to inters.uzla 14 mm on a back wall, M-echo of 5 mm, is not expanded. D 33*16, it is not increased, obych.struktury, OS-26*14 it is not increased, usual structure or frame, it is intimal prilezhit to a uterus. In a projection shejki uteruses viz-sja individual anehogennye includings or incorporations (ov.naboti).

-you US from 14/07/04: all same, only 1.9 site mm.

-you from 05/11/04 Sizes :63*46*47 - have not withdrawn US., position in antifleksio. It is not displaced, contours precise, wavy. The myometrium is non-uniform due to interstitsialnosubseroznogo 30 site mm on a back wall, due to gipoehogennyh sites. M-echo of 7 mm, it is not expanded. D 31*18, it is not increased, obych.struktury, OS-31*19 it is not increased, usual structure or frame. In a projection shejki uteruses viz-sja individual anehogennye includings or incorporations (ov.naboti).

Subjectively: the myoma does not disturb, monthly 5-6 days, are not plentiful, almost bezbolezneny. The only thing that guards, it that character monthly has changed since May of this year. In July and in October there was such picture: one week prior to monthly *quot; smears 3 days, monthly the first 2-3 days insignificant krovomazanie begin in time, but.

Advise what to do or make with all it or this? Whether It is considered such body height of a myoma fast? Whether it is possible for me still or even to try to become pregnant?

C for the answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The prospect of pregnancy is quite real, but during pregnancy body height of the site is possible or probable. When plan pregnancy?

01.09.2004, 19:30
The prospect of pregnancy is quite real, but during pregnancy body height of the site is possible or probable. When plan pregnancy?

Thanks you the big that have responded to my question. Considering the age, it would be desirable to plan pregnancy right now. My doctor recommends to remove all over again the site as during pregnancy he can nekrotizirovatsja and then I shall lose all. How much or As far as in your opinion a high probability of such prospect? How can explain in general why in one cases at pregnancy sites regress, and in others - grow? It would not be desirable to be operated, as 3 months ago at me operation on SHCHZH.Mozhet is such tactics of treatment, how a hormonetherapy on which background it is possible to become pregnant?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Today has visited at one doctor.

Have made to me a colposcopy. That research - that new *quot; ??OO??*quot;.

SHejka - it is hypertrophied,


Sliz.obolochka - with sites of an inflammation,

In 1 and 2 zones - endrometrioidnye heterotopias

In 4 zone - fine with a keratinization

The vascular drawing is strengthened

The expanded colposcopy:

Assay about 3 % uks.kislotoj negative

Schiller's assay - painting uniform

Mucous vaginas - without changes

The CONCLUSION: the Endometriosis hypertrophied shejki uteruses, individual ov.nabotti.

Considering deviations or rejections in hormones (handed over for 7 day:

Testosteron-Depotum - 6.5 (*lt; 5)

Progesteronum - 7.9 (fol.faza *lt; 5, ljut.faza - 6-45)

Prolactinum - 7.8 (menst.tsikl - 8.9-27, a menopause - 6.2-13)

Oestradiolum - 0.6 (fol.faza - *lt; 0.5, ljut.faza - 0.2-0.8)

LG - 4.5 (.--0.8-27.1, .9.6-155, ljut 0.7-24.5)

FSG - 10.2 (fol - 2.2-15))

The doctor recommends purpose or appointment djufastona. For 14 day to repeat UZI.Zatem recommends *quot; Oa?iOaOy?n*quot; with a myoma namely to remove site by.

Frankly speaking, at me the status of a panic already begins. Only 3 months after operation on SHCHZH, and again operation? Simply nightmare, in fact I all have transferred or carried already 7 times the general or common narcosis. The doctor, what you will advise?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Elena Jurevna,

The occasion for a panic at you is not present, with shejkoj a situation standard (an endometriosis besides fine independently regresses during pregnancy), and purpose or appointment for with this purpose Djufastnona (a remarkable preparation) is noneffective. The hypertrophy shejki vynashivaniju pregnancy will not prevent a uterus. Where normal thyroid function is more important, considering your previous operation.

With the site not so all is simple: during pregnancy all sites of a myoma increase or are enlarged, to guarantee safety of the site and absence disturbance of its or his delivery in *quot; 100 % are not present an opportunity, basically, the probability of it or this is insignificant (myomas at women is more senior 30 - the sea, and hardly they delete any sites under a root all is universal or without exception, planning pregnancy). Operations in occasion of a myomectomy during pregnancy are extremely rare, voobshchem, - exotic. To inform pregnancy at you it is a lot of chances.

On the other hand, the variant when all over again excision of the site, then year through 2 pregnancy has the full right to existence.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Big to you thanks for the detailed answer

01.09.2004, 19:30

It would be desirable to learn or find out opinion of the expert in occasion of the following information from the Internet, concerning or touching methods of treatment of hysteromyomas:

*quot;... Now there are methods of conservative treatment of this disease and what of them to use the expert solves. For treatment of a hysteromyoma we in clinic have mastered a method developed by Institute of gynecology together with Institute of laser therapy (Moscow). With use of the given technique at us 28 women were treated. At all results good.

For example, one of patients before arrival to us addressed in various clinics and hospitals of city and everywhere received the answer: operation is necessary. The woman was frightened with operation, and she orbratilas to us on inspection and treatment. Has passed or has taken place three courses of treatment on 12 sessions with a break between courses in 10 days. For treatment the laser gynecologic with various attachments or nozzles and in the doses recommended by methodical development of scientific Moscow institutes was used. In treatment the special preparation of American firm " Now " also was used. Fibromatous sites at it or her have completely resolved, now the patient is under observation.

We consider or count it as excellent or different result. Usually for three courses of treatment at 87 % of patients fibromatous sites resolve completely.

The positive experience of application of laserotherapy saved up or saved by us in treatment of a fibromyoma of a uterus is effective enough. And quot;

Whether it is valid, such method has the right to be? How much or As far as he, in your opinion, is effective?

Thanks for the answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Elena Jurevna,

Irradiation beams Lazarja not a method of treatment of a myoma in general. And words about efficiency Lazarja shaking or amazing imagination we shall leave on conscience of authors.

There are following variants of conducting:

1. Observation - those to leave all as is

2. A conservative myomectomy in view of your interest in pregnancy

3. Purpose or appointment of analogues GnRG (not too successful variant for you)

4. Embolization of uterine arteries

What personally you wish to have in the long term?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Elena Jurevna,

Irradiation beams Lazarja not a method of treatment of a myoma in general. And words about efficiency Lazarja shaking or amazing imagination we shall leave on conscience of authors.

There are following variants of conducting:

1. Observation - those to leave all as is

2. A conservative myomectomy in view of your interest in pregnancy

3. Purpose or appointment of analogues GnRG (not too successful variant for you)

4. Embolization of uterine arteries

What personally you wish to have in the long term?

Please, explain, please, that you meant under *quot; conservative ???YO??N*quot;?

In occasion of laser therapy - all is clear to me. Simply I, as obyvatel-and quot; ?N?Nn?*quot;, I try to understand, can, there is something new of methods of treatment...

01.09.2004, 19:30
The conservative myomectomy assumes excision of the site of a myoma at conservation of a uterus, i.e. through certain time you quite can think of following pregnancy. Operation standard, is carried out and laparoskopicheskim by access.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Elena Jurevna! To Me your panic is clear and the case from my modest practice you can a little will calm-situation similar, only at the woman the first pregnancy in 32 years and the myomatous site I have revealed now, when pregnancy of 33 weeks-8 of months. The patient has addressed to me \up to of it or this all pregnancy was observed at other doctor \with by complaints to pains above a pubis within 4 months, frequent emictions especially last month. During uzissledovanija it is found out myomatous 6,5-8c on a forward wall above a bladder .-c localizations. As you understand it was a find and now after the similar diagnosis tactics of conducting pregnancy in printsine does not vary except for the general or common regime-protective actions. More difficultly the question costs or stands about a delivery because the pregoing doctor had been spent job in favour of an operative delivery and as all this will be difficult for predicting or forecasting, tk the site is localized on a forward wall of a uterus in the field of the bottom segment of a uterus-it or -this;-thus a place where usually do or make a cut or section during kesarevogo sections. But, I repeat, it already cares akushera, those me, the main fact, that the woman pregnancy almost already bore or took out also all has done without ekssesov.

Your site certainly will increase during pregnancy, but also will decrease together with a uterus. And after sorts or labors time will already observe in dynamics or changes body height and td, but it already other subject. So, I think, it is not necessary to go in cycles in the site, try to become pregnant.:p

01.09.2004, 19:30
Big all thanks for attention to my problems.

Would like to share news.

According to the doctor today has visited on other US up-to-date, digital (two weeks ago was on analog) .rezultaty such (21 day of a cycle):

The sizes :79x63x70, volume of 182 sm3, it is increased, contours precise, rough, a myometrium lowered ehogennosti, a structure is diffusive or diffusively-non-uniform due to intramuralnogo the site on a back wall of 20 mm formed lejomioznye adenomioznye 15 sites and 18 mm on a forward wall, alternating endometriodnyh heterotopias on all walls of 8-10 mm. Thickness stenok a lobby of 21 mm, back - 31 mm (N=10-15) non-uniformly utolshcheny. The cavity of the uterus is closed or close, in its or her projection, at a bottom or fundus a site raised or increased ehogennosti 5x3 mm - the center of a hyperplasia. M-echo of 13 mm, it is expanded, expressed, more norms or rates, corresponds or meets to 21 day of a menstrual cycle. SHejka uteruses 38x36 mm with anehogennymi includings or incorporations along the cervical channel d=9-12 mm (v.nabotti).

Ovaries: right it-is visualized 39x28x32 volume 18.2 (N=6-8 sm3), finely-honeycomb structure or frame, gipoehogennymi by includings or incorporations on an external contour d 6-8 mm individual d-14 mm, contours equal, precise.

Left - the sm3 (N=6-8 c3) is large-honeycomb structure or frame with gipoehogennymi includings or incorporations on an external contour d 10-12 mm, contours equal, precise is visualized 45x24x38 volume V=21.4.

The conclusion: an echo-attributes lejomatoza a body of the womb in a combination to an adenomyosis, to a diffusive or diffuse and focal hyperplasia endometrija on a background of the slow metroendometritis, the hypertrophied multifollicular ovaries, on a background of the expressed 2-foreign adnexitis.

The doctor- has expressed the opinion, that, possibly, me it will be appointed or nominated adequate antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory therapy, after it or her - a hormonetherapy. And then - *quot; I would recommend you pregnancy if she enters into yours ?a?U*quot;.

The request to express the opinion in occasion of these results. I, frankly speaking, am amazed or struck *quot; Oa???Oy?*quot; US, a difference between which only 2 weeks.

Thankful in advance.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Just was at the gynecologist. She sees a situation so, that it is necessary to do or make soskob endometrija (that as it was expressed the doctor to understand what is better to appoint or nominate hormonal treatment) .predlagaet directly tomorrow, on 22 D.TS.pod by a local anesthesia. Tell or say, please, this suspicion on onkoprotsess at me?

Also, to me such therapy is appointed or nominated: metrogil 100ml-3 days (dropwisely), naklofen--N20, c. And quot; ia?oN?*quot; N10, c. And quot; Agnus ??N?*quot; N12, *quot; iNOOiN?*quot; N30.

How in your opinion, it is adequate to my situation? Thanks for the answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Today has received the analysis soskoba endometrija. Result: endometrioznyj a polyp. I the doctor now is ill or sick. What tactics of treatment of this disease? Thanks for the answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Elena Jurevna,

Written by you *quot; ?a???N??N*quot; does not give me an opportunity to give or allow what-or advice or council, as as a matter of fact it *quot; ?a???N??N*quot; is not those. The standard conclusion of the morphologist assumes, that the polyp can be glandular, fibrous or -fibrous, in itself there can be (exclusively seldom) centers of atypia, but the polyp cannot be *quot; Y?n?NOO???U?*quot; by definition. Specify, that your doctor understands as this concept.

If a polyp antibacterial therapy is removed, necessary (absolutely unessentially i.v.), further make US in 3 months, the bases for purpose or appointment of any other treatment is not present.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Elena Jurevna,

Written by you *quot; ?a???N??N*quot; does not give me an opportunity to give or allow what-or advice or council, as as a matter of fact it *quot; ?a???N??N*quot; is not those. The standard conclusion of the morphologist assumes, that the polyp can be glandular, fibrous or -fibrous, in itself there can be (exclusively seldom) centers of atypia, but the polyp cannot be *quot; Y?n?NOO???U?*quot; by definition. Specify, that your doctor understands as this concept.

If a polyp antibacterial therapy is removed, necessary (absolutely unessentially i.v.), further make US in 3 months, the bases for purpose or appointment of any other treatment is not present.

Hello! Excuse, I was mistaken.

The pathomorphologic conclusion: in soskobe - sites of endometrial polyps of functional type, a secretory variant with non-uniformly expressed edema of a stroma.

Now from 5-th day I accept Djufaston.

All is correct? Whether it is necessary to do or make something or something else?

Thanks for the answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Elena Jurevna,

I come back to already told or said - there is no such concept as *quot; endometrial polyps of functional type, a secretory variant with non-uniformly expressed edema ?OO?U*quot; .polip can be glandular, fibrous or -fibrous, in itself there can be (exclusively seldom) centers of atypia and all. Without variants. In that case we shall formulate a question on another: and whether there was a polyp, whether consequence or investigation is quite widespread hyperdiagnostics of a pathology endometrija doctors of US? The diagnosis thus the doctor of O?-diagnostics should (more precisely, is obliged) to be formulated with with a sign on a question.

Djufaston - it is not harmful, a question in other: and it is necessary?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Elena Jurevna,

I come back to already told or said - there is no such concept as *quot; endometrial polyps of functional type, a secretory variant with non-uniformly expressed edema ?OO?U*quot; .polip can be glandular, fibrous or -fibrous, in itself there can be (exclusively seldom) centers of atypia and all. Without variants. In that case we shall formulate a question on another: and whether there was a polyp, whether consequence or investigation is quite widespread hyperdiagnostics of a pathology endometrija doctors of US? The diagnosis thus the doctor of O?-diagnostics should (more precisely, is obliged) to be formulated with with a sign on a question.

Djufaston - it is not harmful, a question in other: and it is necessary?

Hello, the doctor!

Thanks for the answer. At all I do not know what to tell or say. Morfotsentr has sent such answer to my doctor.

In this cycle of a propyl djufaston on 10 - 2 times a day with 5-th for 25 day. For the first time for last, probably, year monthly have begun in time not in 25 days, and for 28 day, and before them at all *quot; ?a?a?*quot;.

Whether it speaks what there is correct dynamics or changes and if yes to what term of treatment usually appoint or nominate this preparation?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Elena Jurevna!

I am not assured absolutely not, that you have a polyp endometrija.

1. So: if a polyp was not, and on the fact no treatment is necessary.

2. If the polyp was, hormonal therapy (any hormonal therapy) after excision of a polyp is not applied. If the doctor thinks of presence of a polyp, following actions are spent: the polyp and the main thing, - its or his leg or pinch (that is that place, whence a polyp grows) leaves, and the US - the control over 3 months (to exclude relapse) and ALL is spent and therapy after a hysteroscopy and RDV!

djufaston and any hormonal preparations for treatment of polyps endometrija are not applied basically.

That is if you are now treated, not that, or not from that!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello, the doctor!

As I already wrote, I accept already two cycles djufaston with 5 for 25 day. In first of these cycles I still accepted suppositories *quot; Meratin e?i?*quot; 10 days. This first cycle has passed or has taken place ideally (monthly 4 days last, without smearing vydeleny) .ja was delighted, as it seemed to me, that I on a correct way (at me in the second phase Progesteronum is a little lowered, and in the first - Oestradiolum is raised or increased and a little-) .vo the second cycle of reception djufastona again monthly have passed or have taken place Testosteron-Depotum abnormally: two days - krovomazanie (insignificant), then is dark or darkly-brown allocation and usual monthly are 3-th and 4-th day, then 5-th and 6-th day - absolutely insignificant light-beige allocation.

With what such picture can be connected? Whether there can be it display of chronic inflammatory process?

Thanks for the answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Elena Jurevna!

, etc. CHebotnikova, etc. Kovil to you have very well responded. Having read through this discussion at me the impression was made that you are extremely lost and concerned. Calm down, actually all those so is bad.

I from its part would advise the following:

1. To stop to search at itself for illnesses or diseases. A myoma of very small sizes and it is essential beremenosti to be reflected on current should not. There is a probability of body height during pregnancy, but also in this case chances to inform pregnancy with a good outcome are very high. If you really wish to become pregnant, the more likely, the better. It is not necessary to waste time.

2. Most likely any polyp endometrija at you have not found out, simply small discrepancy in the description of results. So here again that's all right.

3. I would recommend to stop Djufaston. He does not stop very good preparation, but body height of a myoma, and sometimes and considerably accelerates. And at an endometriosis he is not effective too.

4. I would not recommend to delete such small myoma up to pregnancy. After any myomectomy very much solderings in an abdominal cavity often develop and to postpone pregnancy it is necessary for a while.