Просмотр полной версии : The help is necessary urgently!

Aksenov Nikolay
01.09.2004, 19:30
Advise, whether it is possible to accept Depot-OoNO with the diagnosis a plural hysteromyoma with tsentropitalnym body height with the expressed proliferation in sites with a hemorrhagic syndrome. Accepted Djufaston 1 cycle for decrease of a profuseness of a bleeding, thus desirable result has not reached or achieved, the bleeding still was plentiful. It was necessary to do or make a repeated currettage, now with pavor I wait for a following menses. Doctors advise to accept hormonal agents, but all different. Advise, what of them are optimum.

Malines Tatyana
01.09.2004, 19:30
And what size of a uterus (according to UZ in sm or in weeks of pregnancy)?

How much days last bleedings? During what time?