Просмотр полной версии : Hemophilia? Or all ok?.. Variants?

01.09.2004, 19:30
To my son now 10 months; at me 4 at it or him 3 +, at pregnancy analyses did not reveal or tap a rhesus-conflict (pregnancy the first). In 7 months he has fallen with vysotv own body height, there was a greater or big hematoma on a head which did not resolve, and increased constantly or was constantly enlarged owing to slow coagulation of a blood, - in instetute neurosurgery in current of three days took a blood: time svertyvaimosti 4,5 mines, 5 mines, 7 mines; have made in current of the next three days transfusion antigemofilijnoj plasmas 250 ml and for two day all has resolved. After were on consultation at gemotologa: the visible reasons for trouble are not present, a heredity normal, ecchymoses are not present, the blood always after any nyxis stops quickly, now time svert. It is no more 5,01 mines, concurrence most likely is simple, but has just in case appointed or nominated the analysis paid, very dear or expensive reactants, while are not present money. Whether is vobshche necessity it or him to hand over? Can this concurrence what variants are is valid?:confus confused:

Gennadij Bats
01.09.2004, 19:30
To my son now 10 months; at me 4 at it or him 3 +, at pregnancy analyses did not reveal or tap a rhesus-conflict (pregnancy the first). In 7 months he has fallen with vysotv own body height, there was a greater or big hematoma on a head which did not resolve, and increased constantly or was constantly enlarged owing to slow coagulation of a blood, - in instetute neurosurgery in current of three days took a blood: time svertyvaimosti 4,5 mines, 5 mines, 7 mines; have made in current of the next three days transfusion antigemofilijnoj plasmas 250 ml and for two day all has resolved. After were on consultation at gemotologa: the visible reasons for trouble are not present, a heredity normal, ecchymoses are not present, the blood always after any nyxis stops quickly, now time svert. It is no more 5,01 mines, concurrence most likely is simple, but has just in case appointed or nominated the analysis paid, very dear or expensive reactants, while are not present money. Whether is vobshche necessity it or him to hand over? Can this concurrence what variants are is valid?:confus confused:

The rhesus-conflict and hemophilia are not connected. Presence (or absence) one does not cause presence (absence) of another. I think in your case speech of a hemophilia does not go. If there is no opportunity to make the analysis, it is possible to wait, observe, whether there will be any occasions for trouble

01.09.2004, 19:30
If there were problems with the raised or increased staxis or bleeding sickness at someone from your relatives on a man's line (at women the hemophilia is not shown, except for an immune genesis, but they can be the carrier or bearer of a defective gene) or at the father of the child the probability is.

In my opinion, it is necessary to make all over again to the child 2 analyses - ACHTV and PTI. On them it is possible to tell or say roughly, whether there are defects of the coagulative analysis or not (they are accessible and should be not more dear or expensive than on 0,5-1 ue for everyone). Time of coagulation of an integral blood is of little use for this purpose (by the way, what its or his norm or rate in that laboratory where the analysis was done or made). At presence of disturbances in these analyses (only in one or in both) are done or made dop. Is more expensive. Researches if is not present - that is excluded a pathology koag. A hemostasis.

Absence of ecchymoses and posleinektsionnyh hematomas usually svitetelstvuet about normalnosti primary (a OO?i?O./vascular hemostasis) also does not exclude presence of a pathology in koag. A part for which the deep delayed hematomas after blunt traumas are characteristic.