Просмотр полной версии : The interrupted sexual certificate or act - is effective

01.09.2004, 19:30
margo (margo@mail.ru) - - ---It is our way. How much or As far as he is effective?

01.09.2004, 19:30
anna (annsmir@online.ru) - - ---Margo if except for this method you do not use others (for example, calendar) and you do not have gynecologic diseases within a year pregnancy necessarily will come or step. Efficiency of a method in the general or common population - 20 beremennostej on 100 women within a year.

Anja To.
01.09.2004, 19:30
margo (margo@mail.ru) - - ---... The calendar method is recognized by the most unrepresentative, how much or as far as I know (have read through in honey. vesnike)..: (at me pregnancy attacked 3 day monthly, three days prior to them.. It was then found out, when I have started to measure temperature, that at me can be two ovulations for a cycle. To me have told or said, what is it norm or rate for at my mother and the aunt-:) And sotsialogicheskie researches that speak the same in occasion of this way of contraception?? How much percent or interests probability to become pregnant?

01.09.2004, 19:30
anna (annsmir@online.ru) - - ---Efficiency of a method in the general or common population - 20 beremennostej on 100 women within a year.] e., 80 % efficiency among all women. For young fertilnyh this digit is much less than women.

01.09.2004, 19:30
ivan (tangens@yandex.ru) - - ---Ekaja statement of a question.... And it is effective for what? For prevention of not planned pregnancy?... For this purpose there are methods of contraception, and *quot; interrupted sexual aO*quot; for a long time it is time to carry to the qualitative characteristic of the sexual certificate or act, but not to measures of contraception. With the same success it is possible to philosophize on a subject *quot; When the sexual certificate or act is less dangerous: on Friday in the evening or Saturday in the morning? *quot; Margo, use CONTRACEPTION!!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
shtyrov (s_shtyrov@mtu-net.ru) - - ---it is obvious, by virtue of small knowledge, a method laparoskopicheskoj sterilizations (though I am am imposed more by other name of this manipulation - creation of the ARTIFICIAL OBSTRUCTION of UTERINE PIPES - *quot; eii?*quot;) does not receive due diffusion. Though for the women who have realized the genesial function (2-3 children, the age is more senior than 35 years), more comprehensible way is difficult for thinking up. If there are questions or opinions - write. P.S. Laparoskopicheskoe creation INMT in our clinic is spent since 1991. Claims was not. Yours faithfully Sergey Vjacheslavovich

Pegov Ilya
01.09.2004, 19:30
(testfile@yandex.ru) - - ---Prompt, please, what contraceptives to us to use better. I have a constant girl, but by virtue of different circumstances we are engaged sex once a month, more often time in two months. Day when we are engaged sex, gets on different stages of its or her cycle. Usually at us occurs or happens four sexual certificates or acts successively, to breaks on disposal of a semen, sometimes eight sexual certificates or acts. Condoms do not like my girl, besides, they are constantly torn also them it is necessary much. testfile@yandex.ru

01.09.2004, 19:30
anna (annsmir@online.ru) - - ---At such irregular sexual life it is the most convenient to use spermitsidy in the form of candles, creams, wads or sponges (differ duration of action). During too time this method will be poorly effective, if the sexual certificate or act will coincide with periovuljatornym the period. If pregnancy is extremely undesirable - talk to your girl about an opportunity of reception of hormonal preparations. You will be reliably protected irrespective of day of a cycle and quantity or amount of sexual certificates or acts.

01.09.2004, 19:30
ekaterina - - ---It would be desirable to learn or find out about contraception for women 34 years are more senior. I do not smoke, not given birth or not travailled, sexual life about two times a week. What will you advise?

01.09.2004, 19:30
anna (annsmir@online.ru) - - ---Ekaterina, for you are comprehensible all existing obratimye methods of contraception (by way of depression of efficiency): nizkodozirovannye hormonal contraceptives (logest, novinet, mersilon), Naval Forces (Mirena), a condom, spermitsidy (farmateks, patenteks oval). However before starting to accept tablets, and before the equipment or installation of a spiral it is necessary to visit or attend the doctor and to pass or take place small inspection.

01.09.2004, 19:30
ekaterina - - ---Thanks for the answer. If I accept some years the COOK (*quot; ?O?o??aO*quot;, *quot; ?O????O?*quot;), whether I can continue to accept them, or in connection with age, it is better to visit or attend again the doctor that he has appointed or nominated something another. Thanks.

01.09.2004, 19:30
anna (annsmir@online.ru) - - ---Ekaterina if all this time you never were at the doctor consultation is extremely necessary - it is necessary to pass or take place small inspection and to be convinced of absence of some by-effects. If your organism well accepts triziston there is no necessity to pass to other preparation.

01.09.2004, 19:30
(hanova@online.ru) - - ---Read both about tablets, and about spirals. At me one question: and where all this luxury can be bought or purchased (to put)?

01.09.2004, 19:30
anna (annsmir@online.ru) - - ---These methods are in a stage of development and wide application yet have not received. I think, that you can get such preparations only somewhere zarubezhom.

01.09.2004, 19:30
(sayeeda_v@hotmail.com) - - ---Hello! To Me 22 years. In the past to year, me have removed a cyst of the left ovary, with sohraneniemjaichnika. As in me have found out a mastopathy. Also have registered a contraceptive to Diana-35. From it or him I so strongly was hurted or was ill;was sick with a breast, what even was sick to dress a bra. Then to me have registered Trikvilar. From it or him in current of 2 weeks I have typed or collected 10 kg., provided that I went in for sports, and at me on 10 tablet nachinaliskrovotechenija. As at a menses up to last tablet + 6 days normalnojmenstruatsii. Then to me have registered Novinet. I drank it or him in current of 6 months. On 4 at me the same bleedings have begun, as well as at Trikvilare. Then mnepredlozhili to make a pause in 1 month and to start to drink Marvelon. But on 12 tablet umenja the same bleedings up to a normal menses + 6 its or her days have again begun. Besides the breast has again started to hurt or be ill;be sick. I wished to put myself mini a spiral dljanerozhavshih women, but to me have told or said. What is it in Russia it is not possible or probable. And a spiral at nasdazhe not really to buy or purchase. But on this site I have found out, that it is possible to buy or purchase a spiral but where it or her to put is not told or said. Please, help or assist me. That to me to do or make, t.k jaustala to poison or persecute the organism with various tablets and I am tired from bleedings. I hope for your help and in advance I thank. Yours faithfully. Saida

01.09.2004, 19:30
(osmi@freemail.ru) - - ---Kind time of day! Prompt please, what probability to become pregnant if the sexual certificate or act was for 23 day of a cycle pridlitelnosti a cycle 30-31 day. By my calculations, it was *quot; safe nN?y*quot;. But now the delay 3 days and I has started to panic on-. What ways of an abortion on early terms, except for abortion are? I heard about any nyxes. I shall be grateful for the answer.

01.09.2004, 19:30
anna (annsmir@online.ru) - - ---to resolve all problems, buy or purchase the test for pregnancy. Medicamental abortion (tablets mifepristona) do or make only in the establishments having on it the license.

01.09.2004, 19:30
(osmi@freemail.ru) - - ---Thanks for the answer. Whether has this method of an abortion any contraindications? The test for pregnancy negative. What will advise to do or make further? To wait?

01.09.2004, 19:30
marianna - - ---Day kind! I thought in occasion of such method of contraception, but it is terrible to be solved. Intelligible answers has not received. What by-effects can a life: completeness, disturbance of a cycle and so forth? To Me 35 years, were 2 pregnancies ended safe sorts or labors (in 1988 and per 1995). To give birth or travail more did not plan.

01.09.2004, 19:30
anna (annsmir@online.ru) - - ---If a delay long the following stage needs to be made US.

01.09.2004, 19:30
(glju@yandex.ru) - - ---Hello. Whether will complicate you to respond to series interesushchih me questions? 1) on the method of the interrupted sexual certificate or act how much is safe? 2) whether safely to be engaged in sex being protected during monthly. (down to the latest critical day) and at the same time, you could not explain how safe days in a cycle .i what efficiency of the given method of contraception are calculated?? 3) advise me, please, what way kontatseptsii to apply better, if with hormonal agents it would not be desirable to resort to a variant at all, and the condom does not suit my partner?? 4) concerning emergency contraception - whether there are not HORMONAL methods of the decision?? 5) than are harmful hormonal agents of contraception - for that who them applies also its or his future posterity? I thank.

01.09.2004, 19:30
(olga_email@mail.ru) - - ---Me of 19 years while we use a condom, but I am going to to start to apply tablets. Prompt, please, what better?