Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist to understand, please!

Miloserdov A.V.
01.09.2004, 19:30
Today, again, has come from the gynecologist to bewilderments. To me of 28 years, to the son 4.5, 2 abortions (mifegin) without complications and consequences. In 19 years has started to accept Marvelon, on its or his background my constant 30- dnevnyj the cycle was reduced till 23 days, then, after a strong bleeding in the middle of a cycle, I 1.5 years was treated in an endocrinologic or endocrinology dispensary for the put diagnosis *quot; iN??n?N*quot;, then safely bore or took out and has given birth to the son. Here 4 years I try to stop on any contraceptive and I can not, since, having visited or attended 5 gynecologists, has received 5 different opinions in this occasion. I do not wish to put a spiral, since I plan to become pregnant in a year (but earlier too I do not want) and confuses change of duration of a menses in greater or big party or side. Still to me suggested to try or taste Rigevidonum or Femoden, and today to me have told or said *quot; in no event, drink 3 phase is better, from them there are less than consequences and they it is more reliable, i.e. Triziston, Three- or ?O?o??aO*quot; . Thus the doctor has mentioned, that in packings on 25 tablets, and it is closer to my cycle, but, having called in drugstores, I have learned or have found out, that tablets just 21, i.e. I am afraid, that my cycle again will decrease till 23 days! My body height of 168 sm, weight of 57 kg, is a lot of hair on a body. Very much I am afraid (having read through ALL questions-answers on your site) to recover and become similar to the monkey (on hairness). Prompt, please, I need to hand over in addition any analyses more precisely to pick up *quot; under ?Nin*quot; a contraceptive? (though gynecologists approve or confirm, that there is no need). Whether exist OK, consisting of 25-27 tablets? All the same, what it is better to me to start to drink, since I do not wish to do or make more abortions, and the following monthly should come in week, i.e. time for meditations and searches at me - week?

Thanks big in advance for the answer,

01.09.2004, 19:30
In the beginning I would like to learn or find out, where on our site it is written, that from OK it is possible to recover and become similar on *quot; iN?yn?O*quot;? I similar did not see anything.

I very much would not like to be next, 6-th gynecologist with next, 6-th opinion. But let you does not surprise, that my opinion will differ from references which you have resulted or brought.

If you are disturbed with superfluous body height of hair on a body the choice can go between 2- preparations - Diana-35 and ZHaninom. Both these or it OK possess antiandrogenic action, i.e. reduce a level of man's sexual hormones in an organism from which hair grow. All OK possess similar action, but at the specified preparations it is more expressed. The choice between these or it preparations can be made, having handed over the analysis of a blood on a level of androgens - Testosteron-Depotum, nYa-WITH and 17- for 5-7 day of a cycle (before it or this during 3 cycles it is impossible to accept hormonal preparations). If the level of androgens will appear in norm or rate it will be more preferable choice ZHanina (is the new preparation at us) if are raised or increased - Diana-35. Both of these or it a preparation - nizkodozirovannye single-phase, on mass of a body practically do not influence. In packing 21 tablet.

As to mentioned 3-phase OK it is the out-of-date preparations with gestagenami 2-nd generations (all modern - 3-rd), and personally I for a long time recommend them to nobody. Reasonings that *quot; from them there are less than consequences and they ?anN??NN*quot; than are not proved and mismatch the validity. If the doctor does not know, how much tablets in packing OK and why there there are more than 21 tablets it is better to keep from such *quot; ?N?a???Oa*quot; far away...

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Jacob,

Prompt, please, still about mini-.

Many thanks for the answer.

vesta 999
01.09.2004, 19:30
These are the preparations containing only gestageny. Their reliability a little below, than usual OK, they give disturbance of a cycle is much more often and demand very close or attentive reception on time without misses or passings. In your situation they are not shown.