Просмотр полной версии : Preservation by discontinuing of the certificate or act

01.09.2004, 19:30

I want the child, but my partner against and prefers a method of preservation - discontinuing of the certificate or act. Everywhere write, what is it the most unreliable method, but in practice it appears reliable: ((

At me was dvustoronne an inflammation of appendages with education of solderings, treated antibiotics, did or made laser therapy, but whether there are passed or are taken place;are passable pipes have defined or determined, have told or said, that it is necessary to try to conceive. The partner does not want while children, and I already hurry up, me of 25 years if it is necessary to be treated it would be desirable to check up already now.

Here I also think, can be not passed or not taken place;not passable really at me a pipe, if at such unreliable way of preservation as discontinuing of the certificate or act, I shall not become pregnant in any way. Here such problem at me.

Write, please, that you think in this occasion.


01.09.2004, 19:30
25 years are yet that age when it is necessary to hurry up. Inspection for definition of permeability of pipes (GSG or/and laparaskopija) do or make only at the established or installed diagnosis of sterility or barrenness about which it is possible to speak at absence of pregnancy in current of 1 year of a regular sexual life without preservation.